Violent Crimes essay topics

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  • Younger And Younger Committing Crimes
    497 words
    Crime What is crime? Crime is an act committed in violation of law for which punishment is imposed upon conviction. It also can be unlawful activity, a serious offense, especially in violation of morality. Crime effects anyone, and everyone. People that commit crimes are of all gender, color, ethnicity etc. Crime effects all towns, cities, states, and countries; even though many places are significantly different in matters of crime that takes place there. Take for example: Johnstown, Pennsylvan...
  • Handgun Law On The Crime Rate
    1,935 words
    Executive Summary Loosen restrictions on handguns There is currently much debate surrounding the issue of gun control. Much of this debate is centered around the nondiscretionary concealed-handgun laws, also known as "conceal and carry" laws, that have become increasingly popular. Proponents of concealed handgun laws state that the laws lower the rate of violent crime, while detractors claim that raising the number of guns in society can only raise the crime rate. The question of whether or not ...
  • Juveniles Be Transferred To Adult Courts Children
    2,707 words
    Should Juveniles Be Transferred To Adult Courts Children have been described as our future, our greatest resource, and our hope for a better tomorrow. For many Americans, though, children invoke fear. They represent violence, a segment of society lacking in self-control and devoid of ethics and morals, and the failure of the family to instill traditional values, chief among them being the value of human life and respect for others. Fear of crime, especially random violence and new wave of "super...
  • 1995 Crime Index Rate
    1,013 words
    Crime In the United States Introduction: Our report is on Crime in the United States. Crime is a major problem all over the world, but we are focusing on the crime problem right here in our own country. We have listed some different statistics, problems, and solutions. FBI Crime Statistics: Final 1995 crime statistics showed that 13.9 million Crime Index offenses were reported to law enforcement across the Nation. The 1995 total represents a rate of 5,278 offenses for every 100,000 United States...
  • Genetics Cause Crime
    945 words
    Can Genetics Cause Crime? Introduction to Criminal Justice System Dr. Mike Carli e Are genetic factors more likely to make one person perform violent acts? Many doctors and researchers in the field of genetics have searched for a answer to this question. During 1989-93 one such researcher named Dr. Sullivan found some interesting points about genetics and crime. Sullivan while working for the Bush administration's secretary of health and human services during 1989-1993 was appalled by the epidem...
  • Appearance Of Violent Crime In Society
    2,975 words
    The Rise of Violent Crime In Canada Gavin R. Heme on Violent crime in Canada is on the rise in Canada as well as the types of violent crimes being committed against the public. It has been on the rise for many, many years. I believe and intend to prove in the following essay that it is societies responsibility for the rise of violent crime with their unwillingness and inability to effectively deal with the current trend in our society. In the last few years, a slight dip in violent crime has bee...
  • Boomers Reach Their Adolescences Crime Prone Years
    2,110 words
    The Echo Boom and Its Anticipated Effects on Youth Violence "The definition of crime is culturally subjective. So is society's response to the persons who commit crimes. Crime is an act that is believed to be socially harmful by a group that has power to enforce its beliefs and that provides negative sanctions to be applied to persons who commit these acts". (Wolfgang, 1978) With the advent of each new generation, scholars, historians and politicians revel with startling new insights as to what ...
  • Violent Crime Every 6 Minutes
    792 words
    CrimeA crime is defined as 'an act committed in violation of a law forbidding it and for which a variety of punishments may be imposed. ' Crimes a reclassified into two basic groups; 'mala in se' which are crimes that are evil in themselves, and 'mala ' which are crimes that are only crimes because society at the time deems them wrong. In these days crime is more easy perceived by society. Surveys of public opinion in the United States show that more and more people believe that crime is increas...
  • Negative Media And Abusive Parents
    1,033 words
    Growing Up In the Hood Is it a coincidence that highly urbanized areas are full of crime and always statistically higher than small towns and rural areas? A child that is being brought up in a metropolitan area that is full of violent crimes is flooded in a sense and has nothing to do but to breath in some of the negative influences that go on around him. Therefore, I believe that the most influential scene in a child's life is the neighborhood that he grows up in. Parents cannot constantly watc...
  • Juveniles To Conservative Criminal Court
    1,818 words
    Children have been described as our future, our greatest resource, and our hope for a better tomorrow. For many Americans, though, children invoke fear. They represent violence, a segment of society lacking in self-control and devoid of ethics and morals, and the failure of the family to instill traditional values, top among them being the value of human life and respect for others. Fear of crime, especially random violence perpetrated by young Americans, is among the nation's greatest concerns....
  • Crime Against Students
    670 words
    Aspects of City Life - Crime. Different angles can be taken with regards to crime in the city, and further to this, the main topic can be broken down into smaller areas. I have conducted two types of research; Primary - Interviews etc. Secondary - Named Sources. The question of crime and how it affects a city is perhaps best put to those people that have either lived in a city all their lives (thus knowing what the crime is like in the area), or to those that have moved to a city from a town or ...
  • Violent Crime Rates In America
    1,783 words
    As shots ring out at schools across America, one cannot help but assume that America is more violent now than it has been in the past. Has America really become more violent Violence has always been present in the world, and in America, but it seems that in the twentieth century American violence has taken on a new form. Crime has become an epidemic that affects every age group, every ethnic group, and every person in a different way, but in each case, the effect is detrimental. In many ways, th...
  • Type Of White Collar Crime
    611 words
    White-collar crime is a term that is usually applied to crimes associated with business that do not involve violence or bodily injury to another person. Examples of so-called white-collar crime are those crimes generally associated with lending institutions that involve bank fraud, such as making false statements to obtain a loan, filing false reports or returns with government agencies, embezzlement, using the mail or wire communications to defraud, and paying or accepting bribes. The best and ...
  • Amount Of Violent Crime
    800 words
    How often have we heard the statement Two wrongs dont make a right Yet, is this saying ever really applied to our lives When do we ever turn the other cheek As far as history is concerned, the human race has never felt the sting of a hand consecutively on both sides. Evidence to this can be found anywhere. Soldiers kill the enemy to win the war. Athletes become violent in order to obtain a trophy. And, in the judicial system, the ultimate crime of murder is dealt with the ultimate punishment of ...
  • High Violent Crime Rate
    760 words
    According to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, more than 119 million violent crimes, not including homicide, were committed within the last twenty years in the United States. At this rate, five percent of households in the United States will be a victim of a violent crime by the end of 2003. There are many causes of why these violent acts were performed and will be performed. The most common causes of violence in our society are the media, social environment, and genetics. The fir...
  • Violent Juvenile Crime
    447 words
    Juvenile justice is an area of criminal law applied to people not old enough to be held responsible for criminal acts. In most states, the age set for criminals is at 18 years. Juvenile law is mainly governed by state law and most states have enacted a juvenile code. Most adolescents do not fear law because, they know they can get away with any thing. Laws should be tougher on juveniles, punishing them for the crime committed and giving them a life-long record. The main goal of the juvenile just...
  • More Violent Personality
    983 words
    Violence is behaving in an aggressive or abusive manner towards people or objects. Violence generally occurs as a physical response to the emotion of anger or frustration. Another common reason for violence is to gain something from the violent act. However many violent crimes occur for no gainful reason, these crimes seem to have no purpose other than to act in an aggressive manner. Violent crimes include physical abuse, verbal abuse and the making of violent threats It appears as some individu...
  • Recidivism Rate For Violent Offenders
    890 words
    When people in mainstream America think of violence they also think of poverty, homelessness, defiance and the unfortunate poor. Often times these societal ills go hand in hand with acts of violence. Fortunately for violent offenders there are counseling programs provided and often times mandatory before release from prison. Terry Gorski indicated that because the recidivism rate is around 41% for violent offenders the need for counseling during incarceration and up to two years after incarcerat...
  • Fear Of Crime Relationship
    2,138 words
    MEDIA AND FEAR OF CRIME The mass media constantly surrounds us, frequently informs us and just as well misinforms us and mainstreams us into a common reality (Gerbner, 1976). With newspapers and magazines, the mass media entered our homes. With radios and television, the mass media became accessible from cradle to grave. With VCRs, cable, and satellite access, the sheer volume of programming available at any one time exploded. The real world increase in the occurrence of stranger crimes and mass...
  • Violent Crime Punishable By The Death Penalty
    878 words
    Imagine a loved one was tortured and brutally murdered. Imagine them screaming out for help and no one coming for them. Imagine, their last moments on Earth as the most horrific and terrible anyone has ever known. What should the punishment be for the murderer? After seriously weighing my initial feelings that capital punishment is murder against what I would feel if this happened in my family, I still believe that taking another life is wrong. There is no action that can ever justify the murder...

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