What Would Jesus Do essay topics

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  • Author Of Mark Change Matthew's Confident Peter
    1,281 words
    What Happened at the Transfiguration? The Transfiguration, depicted with minor variations in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, is an event in which Jesus' true glory is revealed to the privileged disciples (Peter, James, and John) who were there to witness the event. Our author, Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, O.P., gives us a literary critical perspective on what he believes really happened atop Mt. Tabor in Lower Galilee. As the story in The Synoptic Gospels goes, Jesus ascends to the top of a mountain with Pe...
  • Priests Call Jesus
    1,021 words
    Why was Jesus executed? In answering this question in historical terms, we must first look at the events leading up to his arrest and ultimately, his execution. We know that Jesus performed that symbolic gesture of 'cleansing'; the temple, by overturning the money changers tables, and most believe that this act was symbolic of destruction, not purification. Paula Fredrickson, author of From Jesus to Christ writes: 'Through this disruptive gesture, Jesus symbolically enacted the expending apocaly...
  • Relationships With God And Jesus
    2,341 words
    Luke 1: 26-52 The Annunciation When I read the Annunciation, I didn t understand Mary's reaction. The exact words were Mary was greatly troubled at his words [ Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you ]. She didn t show enough emotion. I mean, an angel appeared to her. If that happened to me, I d have created a me-shaped hole in the wall. I also don t understand why the angel Gabriel didn t punish Mary for questioning him like Zechariah did. Zechariah was silent for nine month...
  • Jesus In The Old Testament
    10,534 words
    The Reliability of the Bible By Jimmy KinnairdI think that every argument that we may have come at us who believe in Christ finds itself, in the end, attacking the reliability of the Bible. Other religions have their books of authority. How do they stack up to the Bible? I just had a conversation with a certain Elder Robinson. He is a Mormon missionary from Idaho Falls, Idaho. I was up in his hometown two years ago doing what he is trying to accomplish here in Oklahoma City. He believes that he ...
  • Movement Throughout The Christian Church
    374 words
    Religious and Social Visions of Malcolm X and Charles Sheldon As with all individuals we all have different thoughts on what the world needs. Some people take a sut el approach in pressing the beliefs, where as others are very aggressive about it. Charles Sheldon a Christian who tried to push a movement throughout the Christian church based on what Christ would do. Individuals in the church and the community viewed Sheldon's movement as a strong and sometimes "impossible" feat. However, it was n...
  • Jesus's Three Days In Hell
    5,744 words
    1. Explain why your god's only son had to die so we can go to magic happy land when we croak. 2. Did everyone who died before Jesus died go to Hell? Justify your answer. 3. If a Catholic, justify the Inquisition and other persecutions of " heretics' throughout the centuries, concentrating on why thePelagianists, the Priscillianists, and the Manichaeans were persecuted; if a Protestant, justify the witch trials and the way that Protestants constantly hunted down native Americans until there were ...
  • Perfect Human A Man Without Sin
    1,303 words
    Luke chapter 2 brings to our attention of a birth that would forever change our world as it was known so many years ago. 'Do not be afraid! Listen carefully, for I proclaim to you good news that brings great joy to all the people: Today your Savior is born in the city of David. He is Christ the Lord". (Luke 2: 10-11) Jesus born in a barn that would exempt him from being born such as a 'king' would be. His family wasn't so much as well off and under the circumstances of his birth you would have n...
  • Clovis Troops
    696 words
    The Frankish Kingdom was seen as a great military power in the time of Clovis. Early medieval Europe was primarily under the control of the Roman Empire. Syagrius, the king of the Romans and his son Aegidius were living in the city of Soissons when Clovis decided to show off his military excellence. Clovis marched against Syagrius and eventually defeated him by disposing of his army and forcing him to flee the area. Syagrius fled to the kingdom of Aralic. In another show of his power, Clovis sca...
  • Scientology And Black Magic
    1,109 words
    So, can you say anything good about Scientologists? Well, they are snazzy dressers. Oh and Tom Cruise is one! And the person who started scientology also wrote that sci-fi classic 'Battlefield Earth'. What a great movie... : -| OK let me go on the offensive now... Scientology is rather young. Beginning in 1953, during a coincidentally timed slump in Layfaette Ronald Hubbard's book sales. Originally a few 'help centers's p rung up, taking the places of bookstores where for a nominal fee and the p...
  • Most Remarkable Prophecies Concerning The Promised Messiah
    3,305 words
    INTRODUCTION Luke sums up the mission of Jesus Christ in one quote, "For the Son ofM an came to seek and to save what was lost". By studying Messianic prophecy one is able to see in particular what Christ's purposes were - just how indeed He sought and saved that which was lost. By comparing these details to the record of His life as found in the four gospels, one gets a clear idea of Jesus' mission, and what the response to this should be. ISAIAH'S SERVANT SONG Undoubtedly, one of the most rema...
  • Only Image On The Shroud Of Turin
    4,305 words
    The Shroud of Turin has caused much controversy in the latter part of this century, most of it dealing with its authenticity. It is held by many that this is indeed the burial shroud of Jesus Christ, and the image found on the shroud was burned in-for lack of a better word-during the resurrection. This subject has appeared throughout numerous forms of media, ranging from television specials on networks such as Discovery and The Learning Channel, to magazines, newspapers, books and even the Inter...
  • Question Of Was Jesus A Liar
    536 words
    I have found this book, thus far, to be quite the intriguing piece of literature. Lewis is both wittily intelligent and yet at the same time comfortingly down-to-earth. He presents his thoughts and ideas very clearly and succinctly. Also his analogical way of describing just about every point he makes is also helpful in understanding the book. C.S. Lewis raises some very interesting queries as to the legitimacy of Jesus teaching and the great following he amassed during his three year ministry. ...
  • Jesus Christ And Martin Luther King Jr
    2,427 words
    Throughout history our society has chose to recognize and remember certain individuals that have had a dramatic influence on our lives. Some of these individuals were of an evil nature, such as Hitler, but I would like to believe that the majority of the people we remember were the ones that had a positive influence on history, such as Jesus Christ and Martin Luther King Jr. I would like to reflect on the men who served a higher power that they called abba, father, or as we would recognize today...
  • Image On The Shroud
    2,664 words
    The Shroud of Turin is either the most awesome and instructive relic of Jesus Christ in existence. or it is one of the most ingenious, most unbelievably clever, products of the human mind and hand on record; there is no middle ground. (John Walsh, The Shroud, 1963) The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bares the image of a crucified man; a man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. Is it really the cloth that wrapped his crucified body, or is it simply a medieval forger...
  • Change In Your Life
    385 words
    What if for one day, Jesus were to become you? What if for one day, he wakes up in your bed, walks in your shoes, lives in your house, and goes about your usual day? There is one exception however, everything in your life must maintain the same, and nothing can change. Your heart is his; the heart of Christ leads your life. This means that his priorities would take control of your actions. The question you should really ask yourself is, "would people notice a change in your life for that one day...
  • John's Version 1 Of Jesus
    2,451 words
    Analysis Of The Story Of The Adulterous Analysis Of The Story Of The Adulterous Woman Stoned Obituary An Analysis of The Story of the Adulterous Woman Look which of you that never sin wrought, But is of life cleaner than she, Cast at her stones and spare her not, Clean out of sin if that ye be. (N-Town: Woman Taken In Adultery: Medieval Drama; Bevington, David; Houghton Mifflin, 1975) Who among us has never sinned? And, in our place as fellow victims of our own all too human nature, have we any ...

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