Combined Force Of French And Indians example essay topic
This Albany Congress succeeded in neither. While the Albany Congress representatives deliberated, Governor Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia sent a small military force westward to counter the French moves. Virginia claimed ownership of Ohio, and Governor Dinwiddie hoped to prevent the French from founding their permanent post there. However, the militia group was too late, for the French were already constructing Fort Duquesne at the strategic point where the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers meet.
George Washington was twenty-two and commanded the Virginian militia who attacked a French detachment and eventually surrendered after a day-long battle during which more than one-third of his men were killed or wounded. Washington had made a huge mistake that would eventually set of a war that would encompass nearly the entire world". America, mayest well rejoice, the Children of New England may be glad and triumph" (Doc. E).
Led by William Pitt, a civilian official that was placed in charge of the war effort in 1757, Britain pursued a military strategy that was lacking in the years prior. In July 1758, British forces recaptured the fortress at Louisburg, cutting off the major French supply route. In a spectacular attack in 1759, General James Wolfe's soldiers defeated the French on the Plains of Abraham and took Quebec. A year later the British captured Montreal, which was the last French stronghold on the continent, which ended the American phase of the war.
In the Treaty of Paris, France ceded its major North American holdings to Britain. Thus the British ultimately gained control of the continents fur trade after the French relinquished Louisiana to Spain for partial compensation for its ally's losses. The English seacoast colonies would no longer need to worry about the threat of their existence posed by France's extensive North American territories. {See Map (Doc. A) } However, with the sweets come the sour. The great victory over France had an irreversible impact on North America.
An uprising lead by Pontiac, a war chief from the Ottawa village, showed Great Britain that the vast territory recently acquired from France was not easy to govern. With no experience managing such a huge area, London officials issued the Proclamation of 1763 in October which stated that the headwaters of rivers flowing into the Atlantic from the Appalachian Mountains would be the temporary western boundary for colonial settlement. Intended to prevent clashes by forbidding colonists to move onto Indian lands it quickly became an unenforceable policy that was doomed to failure. Other issues such as economic problems and political challenges arose rapidly after the Seven Year War". ... the revenue arising is very small and inconsiderable... and is not sufficient" (Doc F). The hard-won victory in the French and Indian War cost the British millions of pounds and created an enormous war debt.
England's burden of debt nearly doubled since 1754, from 73 million pounds to 137 million pounds. After considering their hardships, England felt it only right that the American colonists should pay their fair share of the debt for the "Empire" since they benefited so greatly from the wartime expenditures. Through acts such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act, American colonists were forced to pay high prices to the government. These acts were imposed on an economy already in the midst of depression. Not only with a depleted treasury, Britain's government was floundering and the ideological relationship with the American colonists was suffering. "The Times are Dreadful Doleful Dismal Dolorous and Dollar-Less" (Doc.
H). Accustomed to a central government that wielded central authority over them, the Real Whigs were what the American colonists wanted. The Real Whigs were a group of British writers whose theories were based on the belief that a good government was one that largely left them alone. The Whigs warned the people to guard against the government's attempts to encroach on their liberty and seize their property. Rulers would try to corrupt and oppress the people and only the elected representatives could preserve their precious yet fragile liberty. Britain's attempt to tighten the reigns of the government and to raise revenues from the colonies in the 1760's and early 1770's convinced many Americans that the Real Whigs' reasoning applied to their current circumstances.
The colonists believed that the excessive and unjust taxation could destroy their freedom. Though willing to contend for their rights, the colonists did not seek independence. They rather wanted some measure of self-government. Throughout the course of the French and Indian War and its aftermath, England and the American colonists had a tough time in their economy and government.
With a depleting treasury, high taxation plans, and a floundering government the American and British colonists had many conflicts with each other. However, these two independent and strongly reliable countries came through their problems in time and overcome the hardships they faced.