Global Perspective The Drug Wars Between Nations example essay topic

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Our Global Behavior and Acceptance When considering what our future society will consider as evil, such as we view slavery today, we must look to the past to estimate the future. The past two hundred years have led to enormous changes in the way we treat our fellow man. The next two hundred years, I believe, will lead to much more legislation and concern for the global impact of nation states and their practices. The human race has come to a point where we need to take careful concern for all issues. The bar will be raised so to speak concerning global injustices. I have laid out a few current events that will be considered global injustices in the future.

With globalization becoming more and more of a necessity in this world, the future would naturally weed out isolationist countries. It seems that a nation state could not survive without some economic interaction with the rest of the world. Furthermore it would be advantageous to take advantage of outside offerings. There is always a need and a resource within a nation.

The trick is to tap into the resource and aid in the need. Not to just dominate a market and leave the problems to the people of the market one dominates. Of course it is not written, but should there not be common courtesy in global affairs? This globalization will also eventually lead to the apparent obligation to aid in the success of humans across the globe, rather than an individual group of humans (ie. states, governments, etc.) When this apparent process Page 2 becomes evident in society, people naturally will consider crimes against humanity as more and more unacceptable.

Director General of The World Trade Organization, Mike Moore, said at the last World Economic Forum, that, "It's not politically correct to say, but the big economies have needs too. And frankly... if the big economies get the sniffles, the rest of us get pneumonia". This leads to the acknowledgment and realization of the domino effect, and how important it is to consider the implications of what we do. In the future, common society will consider isolationism and lack of willingness to aide others as evil. Humans will accept the notion that we are all related, and that all of what we do affects each other directly. A secondary thought looks at current issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The main thing besides the fact that these holy wars are wrong, is that they are obsolete. They serve no apparent purpose that have been informed of. There are reasons to the conflict, but these reasons do not in any way justify the bloodshed that continues. These wars continue today when there are much more important issues at hand. It seems absurd to think that as much as we take pride in our accomplishments, we still can't shake another mans hand. "The previous millennium was dominated by God.

The Reformation, the Crusades, music, the arts, were all according to God... This century is dominated by increasing technology-biotechnology. (Michael. Dertouzos, Director of MIT lab of Computer Science) That quote seems to tell me that if a lot of these third world countries don't jump on board the global view, they will be left far behind. Generations of people would be lost in this process of globalization. These groups of people would of course still Page 3 exist, but it would seem like sitting in a classroom learning how to improve an economy but the class was taught in a completely foreign language.

Ist here any way for an economy that is generations behind to catch up? Is it evil to leave them behind? No doubt the role of God is important, and in my mind the most important. However, does it change the price of a hamburger? No. That is why separation of church and state is so ingenious.

Let government handle the problems around us, while our religions handle the problems within us. What then of disease? Is it evil for humans to ignore AIDS in Africa? Is it a crime against humanity to let this get out of hand? Could it be that this crime, if one can call that presently, is inherent? And what does one call an unpreventable crime?

Surely we learned from plagues in the past, and what we have learned was simple. We must work together, to devise a solution. This is yet another reason why isolationism is so barbaric. Without access to the proper information and drugs disease cannot be halted. If a country was to isolate themselves and ignore the reality of the world around them they will surely be forgotten. In random conversations between family and friends, one can reach an understanding of what will be considered to be evil in the future.

Some peers have told me that wasting the governments money on the drug war is evil. This is an issue with domestic and global implications. Drug lords and families generate incomes beyond that of the country itself. How can government compete?

Many social responses to this is that this war cannot be won. Wasting global concern and efforts for this war is surly a lose situation. Where there is a demand, there is a market. The less of a product the higher the demand. If a country bans the use of a drug they raise Page 4 the demand, in turn paying the incomes of drug lords. This issue has a place in every aspect of economics and relations between nations.

From the domestic dealing with the flow of drugs in a town to the international dealing with massive amounts of money and drugs between nations, we are learning that this is a very important aspect of global analysis. This leads me to conclude that from a global perspective the drug wars between nations is unacceptable because these are wars without results. Senseless killing and wrongful imprisonment are evident. Can one blame a farmer in a third world country for growing the only thing that makes anyone a decent income in that country? I say it is wrong to incriminate that man, and I believe the world of the future will agree with me. So many issues and practices that we tolerate today will not be tolerated in the future.

To ignore our fellow man on a global level will be viewed as wrong. To allow senseless bloodshed will be considered wrong, and there will be a global effort to increase prosperity across the globe. Nations will act as one. Perhaps most importantly nations will think before they act, which will in turn avoid many global injustices. As for, ignorance will soon be looked at as an injustice rather than an excuse to not help one another..