Will Of The Nation essay topics

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  • Discussion Of The Constitution's Ratification Process
    533 words
    Government by the People, For the People The new constitution, thought to bring to power a centralized form of Government, actually establishes a Democratic Republic. In "Federalist #39, Madison's main objective is to explain to the skeptics of the constitution that it truly calls for a democratic form of government, and not for a strict National one. He does this by showing his readers two key points; Discussion of the setup and ratification process for this new constitution, as well as how the...
  • Euro Prices Next To The National Currency
    2,378 words
    To most people in the United States hearing the word Euro brings about blank stares. Ask this same question in England or another European country and it means bringing Europe together under one common currency. The Euro can be defined as the common monetary system by which the participating members of the European Community will trade. Eleven countries Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Finland and Italy will comprise the European Economic ...
  • One Superpower With Several Other Great Powers
    1,002 words
    New World Orders In fifty years will all the countries on earth finally be at peace with one another Will we have found a solution to conflicts we as a country face today The answers to these questions are unclear to be sure. Although peace is what most countries would agree to be most beneficial, it is hard to imagine a world in which there no longer exists reasons for nations to fight amongst themselves. After having read The New Geopolitics-2050 of the July 31st The Economist, I understand a ...
  • Most Powerful Country In The World
    547 words
    What military force we will see in the next millennium will not be conventional. Conventional military force, Defined as: the movement of mass armies across frontiers. Im not saying that this wont happen but the likelihood of two states, especially major powers fighting each other will be very small. What we will be witnessed to is more a strategic warfare, Limited wars. My first point is that Nationalism and Religion will still be the main reason states and people go to war. These causes are st...
  • Nations Of The World
    403 words
    THE ATLANTIC CHARTER AUGUST 14.1941 The President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, representing His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, being met together, deem it right to make known certain common principles in the national policies of their respective countries on which they base their hopes for a better future for the world. First, their countries seek no aggrandizement, territorial or other; Second, they desire to see no territorial changes that...
  • Free Nations
    775 words
    Jasmin WoolfolkI stand before you as the distinguished delegate of the USA to purpose and present to you the views of my country on the future direction of peace for the world, and for all democratic nations. As contained in my statement of fourteen points I come to participate on debate for the future of the world and its peace and security. I. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed a...
  • Prevention Area The Office Of Homeland Security
    1,396 words
    Just as our parents and grandparents remember where they were and what they were doing when President John F. Kennedy was shot, so will it be with this generation when asked the same questions pertaining to September 11, 2001. This horrific event will be a scar on the body of our wonderful nation until the end of time. Parents lost children, children lost parents, spouses lost their heart mates - so much anguish and emotional devastation demands that something be done to prevent tragedy like thi...
  • National Deficit
    561 words
    As one of the top ten concerns in this years presidential election, the national deficit has been given some attention by both presidential candidates. But the candidates can only make promises to the public on this issue, stating that they will cut the national deficit in half, by 2009. Since both George W. Bush and John Kerry have the same goal, the examination begins on how each of them plan to achieve it. When President Clinton took office, he reduced the national debt by 10% in his last fiv...
  • African Americans In Birmingham
    462 words
    Josh Burnett 1-30-02 Professor TruttyFoundations Today is an important day for myself, as well as all African Americans still fighting for our basic human rights that were spelled out in the Constitution almost two hundred years ago. We no longer want to be known as uneducated or secondary citizens. It is time that we are recognized as an equal race of people, and not simply just as "niggers". The oppressor will never free the oppressed; it is up to the oppressed to free themselves. Therefore, t...
  • United Nations First Peacekeeping Mission
    2,237 words
    The United Nations: 1940's-1950's, Present, and Future Jeff PatchAPUSH / APLANGMr. Newman / Mrs. Roll December 1, 2000 The United Nations: 1940's-1950's, Present, and Future Thesis: The role of the United Nations has changed from being primarily an international peacekeeping force to primarily a humanitarian organization. I. History II. 1940's and 1950's: International Peacekeeping A. Creation of the United Nations B. Peacekeeping Missions. Present Day: Humanitarian Efforts A. Transition B. Miss...
  • United Nations Security Council
    917 words
    How to fix your average United Nations. The United Nations doesnt work. As a whole it was a good idea after World War II, but it has failed as a whole. While it is still a good idea, it needs to go under huge reform in order to get changed. In order to get any power in the world, the United Nations needs to be granted real power over the people of the world, from dismantling the governments of the world. One world government under the United Nations or some form of universally combined governmen...
  • Globalization And The World Trade Organization
    474 words
    As the world economic forum took place last week in Davos, Switzerland, globalization and the World Trade Organization are two of the hottest topics in the news. The theme of this year's World Economic Forum business summit was "bridging the divides", but the meeting showed that divisions over globalization remain as wide as ever. Globalization became a very sensitive moral issue. Most industrialized nations in the world want to make the world a single consumer market where there will be a free ...
  • Tariff On Imports From The Prc
    650 words
    The U.S. Government put a tariff on imports from the PRC because the U.S. Government must shoe that they will nit help the government of another nation that violates its citizens basic rights to life. The U.S. must prove that it will not help the government of another nation that will not let its people vote, the U.S. must also prove that it will not trade with any nation that threatens a nation that is friendly with us. The U.S. Government must show that they will not help a nation that violate...
  • European Network Policy
    279 words
    By adopting the policies of the EU, individuals and business entities of the postulant nations will also be able to enjoy the benefits offered under the European Network Policy. The Policy seeks to improve transport infrastructures, boosting trading competitiveness. A successful example of such support is Ireland, whose road networks were dramatically improved under the terms of the policy. The area now receives unprecedented attention from companies wishing to invest in it's thriving economy i....
  • America's Future
    328 words
    My commitment to Americas future Americas future is what we will make of it, it is how we will shape it, and how we will transform it. Americas future is bright, bold and colorful ready for anything. We will be the next to come into this nation and we will change it. We will hold a president, we will be the voice of the nation, we will be the back-bone of the nation. To provide for it, to defend it and too love it. We will have an influence on what our nation does. I plan to be there every step ...
  • Nation
    307 words
    Disaster in Bangladesh It seems that our country is in dire straits now following this unimaginable disaster. All roads have been flooded, the water supply is tainted, and food is becoming scarce. To help ease the suffering it is up to us, the government to try to enlist help for the relief efforts. Seeing as our nation lacks adequate funds to solve this problem by ourselves, we need to appeal to our neighbors and the major world powers. This flood is a disaster of gigantic proportions and how w...
  • India Of The Future India
    481 words
    India of the future India is a country of vast resources. The future India of my dreams will be self sufficient in every single way possible. It will be a peace loving country. But at the same time it will not allow itself to be taken advantage of. It will be a permanent member of the UN Security Council due to the need for an unbiased member, which is not linked with any superpower. It will be able to manufacture its own missiles completely (not with any intention of using them except for extre...
  • Proud And United Nation
    332 words
    September eleventh, 2001 was a nightmare. September twelfth was a rude awakening to reality. Even now, there has not been a day that has gone by where someone hasn't stopped whatever they were doing and thought deeply about the nation's situation. It's simply amazing that a nation can endure such horror. Certainly no one, single, solitary person could withstand something of this extreme. And how could any other nation possibly hold together after an attack like this? It seems like a miracle, but...
  • National Id Cards
    289 words
    "Why Fear National ID Cards" is an argument written by lawyer, columnist, and Harvard Law School professor Alan M. Dershowitz. Dershowitz discusses the benefits of having National ID card in the United States. Dershowitz believes that National ID cards will help U.S. citizens in more ways than one if they are willing to give up a miniature portion of their privacy. He uses an example with people who go through toll booths on a daily basis. Instead of hassling and rumbling through purses, pockets...
  • Advantage Of Our Nation's Welfare System
    1,281 words
    Yesterday's slogan fight the system has been replaced by today's take advantage of the system. Many a supermarket employee can vouch that an alarming problem is the growth of individuals who take advantage of our nation's welfare system. Today the ability to breed has become a form of employment. However, these employees do not receive the customary currency for their jobs. The government employs these people and their payment is access to beer, cigarettes, and anything else other than food at t...

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