Tariff On Imports From The Prc example essay topic

650 words
The U.S. Government put a tariff on imports from the PRC because the U.S. Government must shoe that they will nit help the government of another nation that violates its citizens basic rights to life. The U.S. must prove that it will not help the government of another nation that will not let its people vote, the U.S. must also prove that it will not trade with any nation that threatens a nation that is friendly with us. The U.S. Government must show that they will not help a nation that violates a citizens basic rights to life. This is important because in the PRC some of the abandoned baby girls in orphanages have been found in "Dying Rooms".

It is also important because in rural areas of the PRC, women are sold by their fathers and some women have ther tendons cut so they can't run away from the man that bought them. So, because baby girls are treated so poorly and even killed and women are being sold as property, the U.S. Government should put a tariff on Chia's products. Another reason is the U.S. Government must show that they will not help the government of another nation if it does not allow its people to vote. This is important because the PRC does not allow its people to vote. This is important because the PRC is a dictatorship controlled by a communist party. It is also important because the army of the PRC shot students who were peacefully protesting in Tiananmen Square.

So, because the PRC is a dictatorship and shot students that peacefully protested in Tiana men Square the U. 's. Government should put a tariff on Chinese products. Finally, the U.S. Government must prove that it will not trade with any nation that threatens a nation that is friendly with us. This is important because from time to time the PRC threatens Taiwan. Taiwan has a democracy modeled after its friend, the United States. It is also important because Tawain is a major trading partner of the U.S...

So, because the PR threatens Tawain and Tawain is a major trading partner of the U.S., the U.S. should put a tariff on Chinese products. Critics of this postion argue that we the U.S. must not use a tariff on Chinese products. They say this because the PRC has a population of 1,200,000,000 potential consumers. Furthermore, they point out that it is important because the more American made products that are sold will result in more dividends to American stockholders.

So, because China has over 1 billon potential customers and it will result in higher dividends for American stockholders the U.S. Government should not put a tariff on chinese products. However, if you agree with my critics postion, then you must accept the negative consequences of that postion. If you do not put tariffs on the Chinese, this will result in the followining problems: Baby girls will continue to be drowned, women will be sold, beat, and raped. These are much worse than the negative consequence of my postion, wich is there is a possibility of war. Futher more, my postion sets the positive example that the U.S. Government will not be allowed to treat its people so poorly. But, my critics postion sets a negative example.

The negative example is this: That the U.S. government is ok with the discrimination that is going on in China. So, the negatives of my critics postion are unacceptable. In conclusion, the u. S. Government must not put a protective tariff on some imports from China because the U.S. Government must show that the U.S. Government will not help the government of a nation that violates its citizens basic right to life..