Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban example essay topic

385 words
The book I read was "Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban" the author is J.K. Rowling. This book is the third book, of the four book series. "Harry Potter" is based on Witchcraft and Wizardry. "The Prisoner of Azkaban". Harry Potter is thirteen years old, and is in his third year of Hogwarts School. In this book Sirius Black, (lord Voldemort's assistance) escapes from the most secured prison.

Now because he escaped Harry needs to take extra precautions. When Harry was younger, Sirius killed his parents. Because Hogwarts is at risk of Sirius coming, a thing called a Dementors protects the school. The Dementors, (whenever around Harry) make Harry bring back memories of when his parents were killed. So this is a distraction to Harry and doesn't help him. The school finally finds Sirius and he is taken back to Azkaban.

Hogwarts School is the best wizardry school around. It is for student about 10-17. The year is present 2000-2001. The Setting doesn't only center in Hogwarts, it takes place in towns like: Hogs meade, Dio gon Allie and a regular city of the present day.

Character vs. Character. When Harry has to become dazed out by the Dementors. Character vs. Community. When Hagrid (the arts of animals teacher) gets blamed for hurting a boy by an animal. He loses the trial held and the animal is put to death. J.K. Rowling used similes and personification through out the book an example "it was scolding up you " re back, like the hot water in the kettle was.

It belongs to the fiction genre, because it is about wizardry and there is no such thing as black magic. The author also made the book up and Fiction stands for made up. I think the book was a middle notch book. Like all books it had it's up and downs.

A really good quality of the book was, it had me interested and I wanted to keep reading. It also was scary and I think that scary stuff is interesting. Overall the book was a really good book. I would recommend it to a lot of people.