Harry Potter essay topics

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  • Book The Science Of Harry Potter
    829 words
    The critically acclaimed science journalist Roger Highfield wrote the book The Science of Harry Potter to attempt to delve into the scientific aspects that exist in phenomenon of the Harry Potter world. Included in the book are interviews with some of the world's best scientists to try and identify the explanations behind the many adventures that take place throughout the numerous Harry Potter series. Highfield explores the fascinating links between magic and science through these experiments, o...
  • Events In The Book And Harry Potter
    1,444 words
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"A giant of a man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair" (pg 46). The previous passage is a wonderful and tasteful description of the first introduction of Hagrid from J.K. Rowling's novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This book gives intimate detail and overwhelming amounts of vivid de...
  • Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban
    385 words
    The book I read was "Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban" the author is J.K. Rowling. This book is the third book, of the four book series. "Harry Potter" is based on Witchcraft and Wizardry. "The Prisoner of Azkaban". Harry Potter is thirteen years old, and is in his third year of Hogwarts School. In this book Sirius Black, (lord Voldemort's assistance) escapes from the most secured prison. Now because he escaped Harry needs to take extra precautions. When Harry was younger, Sirius killed ...
  • Next Four Sequels To Harry Potter
    2,068 words
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is the third book in the trilogy of J.K. Rowlings other Harry Potter books, though she is coming out with four more books in the coming years. Just to quickly run through the two previous books; Harry Potter is a wizard, whos parents were killed by the worst dark wizard ever known. The reason why Harry Potter is still around, is because Lord Voldemort failed to kill Harry. His spell hit Harry, but then backfired on Voldemort taking all of his powers with...
  • Every Harry Potter Book
    606 words
    I. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban II.J.K. Rowling. A. fiction IV. Plot A. Setting- a prestigious school for witchcraft by the name of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 1. The setting is important to the story because the school and its secret passages play an invariably large role in this story. 2. Id say the author is mostly concerned with presenting exciting action and evoking a certain mood. Throughout the story there is never a time when you arent in suspense. Theres alway...
  • Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone
    759 words
    Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone The book I read was called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. The author of this book was a woman by the name of J.K. Rowling. This book has two settings, in the beginning, when Harry is living with his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia; he is at # 4 privet drive. After he is sent off to Hogwarts, the setting is at the gigantic school for wizards and witches. The main character in the book I read was Harry Potter. He is rather skinny, has dark brown hair and ...
  • Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
    487 words
    Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets is a book about a young wizard named Harry, in his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry had just turned 12 and was living with his Aunt and Uncle because his parents had been killed by a very powerful dark wizard (in the first book), Lord Voldemort, when he was a baby. Lord Voldemort had tried but failed to kill Harry, for when he stroked him in the head with a killing curse, ...
  • Voldemort To Harry Potter The Boy
    398 words
    The Hero Quest Pattern in Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter The authors of the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter each use the hero quest pattern as a scheduled backdrop of action. The two protagonists, Frodo Baggins and Harry Potter have very similar beginnings. They are introduced as normal boys who find out that they are going to undertake something very great. The two protagonists however, are not alone in their quests. They both have very similar mentors in Gandalf and Dumbledore respectiv...
  • Harry's Other Best Friend From Hogwarts
    858 words
    The Characters in Chapter One "Owl Post" of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" by J.K. Rowling In class, we listened to the first chapter of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban". This is indeed an extremely interesting chapter since it contains all the basic information you have to get to understand the "Potter Universe". It gives quite detailed information about most of the important characters. The chapter starts with very important information about Harry. It says:" Harry Potter...
  • Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone
    328 words
    Book report Harry Potter In this book report I will talk about a book that is very popular: Harry Potter. There are four books, the author is supposed to write two more books. Today, I will talk about the first book: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. Harry Potter is a boy of 11 years old. His parents were killed when he was a baby and he was confided to his uncle and is family: The Dursley. He lived there for approximately 10 years, his bedroom was under the stairs. It looked more like a cl...
  • Harry Potter Books
    864 words
    Name of book: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Type of book: Fiction (Fantasy) Why did you choose this book: I chose Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince because I have read the past 5 Harry Potter books. I waited 2 years for this book to come out, I could not wait to know what happened next in the series as I purchased the book right when it was released. Setting: The Harry Potter books take place in England and an imaginary wizard ing word (Hogwarts, Diag on Alley etc) Main Character #...
  • 5th Harry Potter Book
    815 words
    Over the course of this summer I read four books. The books I read were Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J K Rowling, The Giver by Lois Lowry, Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix, and Number the Stars by Lois Lowry again. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J K Rowling was the first book I read this summer and I really liked it. I decided to read the 5th Harry Potter book because I had it and I never really got a chance to read it. The book begins were it had left y...
  • Recent Banning Of Harry Potter Books
    1,556 words
    Harry Potter: Good or Evil Throughout adolescents, a child is taught to use his or her imagination. A child is read stories of a talking cat or a silly old bear while still young and nave. The child is read such stories to encourage use of his or her creativity. The ideas of such characters are for pure amusement and are obviously fictional. Unfortunately, today there are issues of censorship that stifle a person's creativity. The most recent book being criticized by censors is J.K. Rowling's Ha...
  • Harry Defeats Lord Voldemort A Third Time
    1,084 words
    Harry Potter The Time The Story Takes Place and Setting This story takes place at the present time. It takes place over the course of one year. It all starts at a small town outside London, then moves to an enchanted castle, located in a the middle of Britain. The castle is very large and would take hours to describe in detail. It has secret passages, doors that can move, and suits of armour that can get up and walk around. It has four large towers, and a dungeon in which Potions class is held f...
  • Related Harry Potter Subjects
    269 words
    I will be doing my final project on the subject of should Harry Potter books be ban from schools. That being school required reading lists and also the school libraries. I will be taking the stand of 'no', this series of books should in no way be ban from schools. I will be conducting field interviews via a camcorder. My subjects will be people from all walks off life: children, young adults, and adults. I will be going everywhere from the heart of these institutions where I can reach the studen...
  • Harry Potter Film Review
    349 words
    Spells are being cast, wizards and witches live all around us, schools are infested with ghosts, trolls, and three-headed dogs, and owls are behaving very strangely. That is only a sample of the world of Harry Potter. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone the movie was a great success! The film interpreted a well joined story line relating to the world wide success novel. Magical effects enhanced the film's enjoyment, this movie will surly be Number One this summer. This movie is enchanting a...
  • Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
    776 words
    'Chamber of secrets' is finally here: Our precocious Hogwarts wizards are bursting with confidence, but the new film has more monsters and mayhem than magic CHRIS COLUMBUS'S "HARRY Potter and the sorcerer's Stone" may have made many hundreds of millions of dollars, but only kids seemed to be genuinely enthusiastic about it. (A lot kids, to be sure.) Grown-ups, who were equally bewitched by J.K. Rowling's book, felt let down by the movie: it followed the letter of the tale but missed the spirit, ...
  • Harry Potter Novels J.K. Rowling
    792 words
    I was restless, desperately waiting for the school bell to strike so that I can return to my hostel and jump into the bed with my favourite Harry Potter book. Finally the bell gave its call at one o'clock and soon I was lost in the enchanting world of Harry Potter. Such is the magic of a Harry Potter book! J.K. Rowling, who is an American author, writes the series of Harry Potter books. There are a total of five beautifully written books in the series: o Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone ...
  • Harry Potter Books
    588 words
    The Harry Potter phenomenon has taken the world by storm. The magical and mystery aspects of the serious has left many spell bounded but others outraged. The five book series has caused a protest among many Christian schools and religious organizations. The idea of making wizardry and witchcraft appealing to a young audience and promoting witchcraft as normal has sparked conflict between religious organizations and Scholastic, which publishes books for school markets. The five book series will n...
  • Baby Harry Potter
    863 words
    The character Harry potter, as portrayed in the book "Harry potter and the philosopher's stone" is a perfect example of the value of the quest in literature. As the novel progresses from beginning to end, it is evident to the reader that there is a significant change in Harry. In the beginning of the novel, he is a shy, reserved boy with many inhibitions who doest know where he fits in anywhere. By the end of the novel, Harry is more confident and feels a sense of great accomplishment. He can fi...

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