Heavy Marijuana Use example essay topic
Researchers now say that Marijuana is not addictive, and it soothes and relaxes the body. Marijuana's scientific name is Cannabis Sativa. It is one of the oldest mind altering drugs used. Hashish is the brown resin extracted from the tops of high quality plants. It is 5 or 6 times stronger than Marijuana. Coffee shops in Amsterdam use Marijuana leaves on their signs to symbolize that it is for sale inside.
Marijuana affects your physical and mental abilities. Since it is a mind altering drug, it is like you are floating. Alcohol and Marijuana don t mix. If you smoke Marijuana and then drink excessively you will more than likely go into a coma or may even die. Most marijuana smokers purchase it o the street so they don t know where it came from or how strong it is.
Most teenagers who use marijuana show rebellion and hate everything. Once they do it a few times they just can t stop smoking marijuana. To stop using marijuana most teens have to go to a drug treatment center. Some teens that smoke pot may drink.
After they have done pot they will try new drugs. ISD, PCP, and hashish. Most marijuana is smoked in a bong, or wrapped in cigarette paper. In Columbia a pound of dope costs $25 and in America a pound can cost up to $2,500.1 out of every 9 high school seniors said they have driven high at least 3 times a week. Surveys done by National Institute on Drug Abuse say that 60% to 80% of marijuana users drive high. Many college students mix smoking marijuana and drinking hard liquors like whiskey, wine, and vodka.
More than 90% surveyed by the National Institution on Drug Abuse said they drove automobiles. A 1989 survey said tha 9% of fatal car collisions were linked directly to marijuana. Those numbers are small compared to 40% of fatal car accidents were linked directly to driving drunk. The symptoms of marijuana use are basically just like being drunk. Exaggerated laughter and loss of all coordination they had before. Some types of marijuana intoxication's trained supervisors and even doctors can t explain.
Most people who use marijuana are students or people in gangs. Some gang members lace marijuana with something's that make them stronger or faster. Type two intoxication leaves coordination alone but it affects memory, judgement, decision making, and other abilities needed to perform work safely. Type two intoxication affects motivation a lot. It is particularly severe with heavy or frequent dosages of illegal drugs.
Marijuana grows in warm climates. When smoked it produces a high where the smoker becomes relaxed and giggly. Marijuana is most commonly sold as grass or Cannabis. Marijuana affects the brain. The THC affects the nerve cells where memory is formed.
This makes it hard to think of what you have done. It also makes it hard to think. Long term marijuana users show lack of motivation called A motivational Syndrome. They do not care about what is happening in their lives. They don t want to work regularly. They show signs of fatigue and don t care about how they look.
Most do badly in school and scientists are still studying this problem. Marijuana has almost the same things as cigarettes but usually in more concentrated. Five joints has the same effect on the lungs as a pack of cigarettes. This contributes to head and neck cancer in some people. Heavy marijuana use can affect the hormones in both males and female. That affects sexual characteristics and reproductive function.
Smoking marijuana in heavy dosages may delay the onset of puberty in young men. Marijuana also reduces the sperm count in men.