Use Of Marijuana essay topics

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  • Prohibition Of Marijuana
    704 words
    Ben Holi cky Marijuana is a drug that has been used for thousands of years. Marijuana was used in ancient China, as far back as 5000 B.C. The In cans and Mayans used marijuana in religious ceremonies. Marijuana also has roots in this country. The Indians of the plains used marijuana in their peace pipes as a sign of friendship and peace. After prohibition there was a sharp rise in the use of this drug in America, but after prohibition was repealed the use went down. In the 1920's and 30's the us...
  • More Marijuana Use For The Male Child
    2,378 words
    Introduction The purpose of this study is to ascertain the affects of drug-abusing fathers on the drug usage of their young adolescent children. A special targeted population were chosen for this study; they are the children of drug-abusing fathers who are HIV-positive or at risk for becoming HIV-positive. The major factors used to determine the dependent measure of adolescent marijuana use include certain drug abusing father attributes (i. e., illegal drug use, HIV status, and methods of coping...
  • Marijuana Use
    1,132 words
    Davis 7 Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is the name for the drug that comes from the leaves and flowers of the Indian hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. It is a tobacco-like substance produced by drying the leaves and flowery top of the cannabis plant. Marijuana is usually smoked as a cigarette called a joint or in a pipe or bong. Recently, it has appeared in cigars called blunts which are longer. This drug is a mild hallucinogen, meaning that it distorts sensory perceptions. The intoxicating part of t...
  • Opponents To Medical Marijuana
    1,294 words
    By: jim E-mail: Recently doctors have prescribed marijuana, and "the Clinton administration threatened to prosecute doctors who prescribe marijuana", (Gonnerman 40). Doctors are prescribing marijuana for its medical benefits. The Clinton administration on the other hand is outlawing marijuana because it has not been approved by the FDA. Since doctors feel marijuana has medical benefits it should be clinically tested so they can prescribe it for their patients. Marijuana can be used for many medi...
  • Positive And Negative Effects Of Marijuana
    705 words
    Marijuana has many positive and negative effects on the body. Marijuana Myths have been harmful to society by attracting people to the drug. Myths about the marijuana not being harmful have caused people to use the dug without the effects on the body. Myths are generated by popular culture to give people false ideas about the drug (National Drug Conference 8-9). Marijuana can be historically linked to many countries. Marijuana was used for both religious and medical purposes. The Chinese used it...
  • Regular Marijuana Use Causes Cancer
    1,259 words
    Marijuana is a drug that divides people. Some people claim it as the wonder drug of the '90's, capable of relieving the symptoms of many serious illnesses. Others curse the day the cannabis plant was ever discovered. From pain relief to stimulating the appetites of patients on chemotherapy, marijuana seems to have plenty going for it as a medicine. The legalization of marijuana is a large controversy in many parts of the world today, but the obvious negative effects that the drug induces has kep...
  • Frequent Use Of Marijuana
    388 words
    The intended use of marijuana was as a drug for pain relief, to stop nausea, vomiting and a loss of appetite. It is the most commonly used illicit drug in the U.S. It is a dry brown and green mixture of flowers, seeds, steams and leaves of the cannabis plant. The mixture is smoked or mixed in baked goods and eaten to achieve a high feeling. The active chemical is THC (the psychoactive ingredient) which causes the high feeling user's experience. This feeling persist in the body for up to three ho...
  • Marijuana Use
    371 words
    Marijuana is a mixture of leaves, stems, and flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant Cannabis, it can be smoked or eaten. Marijuana use was used in the 1800's as an energy booster. Marijuana is an illegal drug, though it is legal in some countries. Marijuana should be legalized for adults use because they can make the wise choice as to when they had enough. As for legalizing marijuana and the message it sends to kids, I believe that kids always want to do things that are illegal and once it beco...
  • Helpfulness For Marijuana To A Parkinsons Patient
    974 words
    Marijuana: A new medicine In society today, there are many serious diseases that plague nations all across the world. Diseases like Glaucoma, Epilepsy, Parkinsons disease, and migraine headaches. What do all of these serious illnesses have in common Every one of theses sicknesses can be cured or helped by the use of Marijuana. Throughout this paper I will discuss the positive aspects of Marijuana and the negative aspects. This issue has been raising a lot of eyebrows ever since scientific eviden...
  • Use Marijuana Turn To The Drug
    1,856 words
    Take Two Puffs and Call Me in the Morning For decades the marijuana prohibition has been violating individual's rights, but scientific research has proven that marijuana has therapeutic uses and is harmless compared to other drugs. Therefore, marijuana should not be considered a dangerous drug and should be legalized. The prohibition of marijuana did not end with crime; nonetheless, it is responsible for the imprisonment of thousands of its users. The government's campaign against marijuana has ...
  • Attacks On The Use Of Marijuana
    289 words
    Since the 1920's, supporters of marijuana prohibition exaggerated the drugs dangers. Many of the "reefer madness' tales that were used to generate support for early anti-marijuana laws continued to appear in government and media reports today. Marijuana was made illegal in 1837 which was only 178 years ago. During the 1970's it seemed as if scientific inquires was beginning to influence government policies on marijuana. After reviewing evidence by scholars and official commissions, criminal pena...
  • Legal And Marijuana
    975 words
    The Question we must ask ourselves is Why is a drug that has so many beneficial uses illegal? Is it because it leads to Harder drugs, the health problems, the addictive ness, the short-term memory impairment, the auto accents or is it simply because politicians. We have grown up learning that marijuana is a terrible drug, and that using it gives us brain damage, kill all of our brain cells, and makes us lose our memory. The fact is though, that marijuana does not effect us in any of the ways lis...
  • Marijuana's Effects On The User
    1,067 words
    Marijuana Marijuana arrests in the united states doubled between 1991 and 1995. In 1995, more than one-half-million people were arrested for marijuana offenses. Eighty-six percent of them were arrested for marijuana possession. Tens of thousands of people are now in prison for marijuana offenses. An even greater number are punished with probation, fines, and civil sanctions, including having their property seized, their driver's licenses revoked, and their employment terminated. Despite these ci...
  • Using Marijuana For Medicinal Use
    985 words
    A majority of Americans have been exposed to or heard of marijuana. Marijuana is a common drug among all age groups of Americans. It was once legal and still popular. The US government and citizens have now raised the question if this party drug that is know to relax the body and mind should be legalized in the United States ("What are the Pro's and Con's of Marijuana Use" par. 1). Marijuana is derived from the dried leaves of a hemp plant called cannabis sativa. Already legal for medicinal use ...
  • Drugs Marijuana
    600 words
    Legalization of Marijuana The legalization of marijuana is a very debatable subject, some people think it is bad and should be illegal, and some people think it is good in some ways if used properly. It should be legal because it has few negative effects, it serves other purposes than getting people stoned, and it is better than other drugs. Many advocates say " Marijuana is a common drug used by many people". (Sandra) A lot of people think marijuana has numerous amounts of negative effects on t...
  • Use Of Marijuana A Person
    522 words
    What are the medical uses of marijuana Doctors have found a number of medical uses of marijuana. It has been used to stop convulsions, relax muscles, and treat glaucoma. Marijuana even has been used to stop nausea caused by cancer chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Is Marijuana physcally addictive Marijuana is not phsically addictive. What are the symptoms of withdrawal from marijuana Because marijuana is not physically addictive, there are no sicknesses that occur. The only withdrawal is th...
  • Marijuana's New Use As A Drug
    2,280 words
    Donovan Kessler Anderson 11-29-00 Term Paper A huge amount of Americans are currently being arrested and sentenced for defying an unjustly created law. These Americans suffer from overly harsh penalties and may even be sentenced to death just for relaxing in ways similar to how many Americans drink a beer to relax. The current excuse from government officials for keeping marijuana illegal is that it leads to the use of harder drugs, which is a lie. Something needs to be done to protect otherwise...
  • Heavy Marijuana Use
    720 words
    MARIJUANA Marijuana is the third most valuable cash crop in the U.S. Many people harvest it in Mexico. A few years ago money was made excessively from the importation of this drug. The money made was about 15 billion dollars. Most people think that Marijuana, Mary Jane, is addictive. Researchers now say that Marijuana is not addictive, and it soothes and relaxes the body. Marijuana's scientific name is Cannabis Sativa. It is one of the oldest mind altering drugs used. Hashish is the brown resin ...
  • Country's History Against The Use Of Marijuana
    490 words
    Known as the gateway drug marijuana has caused much debate about its medical use and harmfulness. Known as early as 3,000 B. C, marijuana was used as a folk medicine by the inhabitants of central Asia and was also used by the Native Americans for peace pipes. Even though marijuana was known as early as 3,000 B. C its wide spread use did not begin until between 1960 and 1970. Marijuana became, after alcohol, the second most popular drug used. Marijuana has not been proven physically addicting and...
  • Used Marijuana
    466 words
    Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug among adolescents in the United States. It favors to be the first illegal drug teenagers use. The average age of first time marijuana users are 12 years old. Currently, one in ten teens ages 12-17 are current users of marijuana. Nearly a quarter of eighth graders reported that they had already tried it. Use of marijuana can vary from experimentation to abuse to chronic use. Teenagers began using marijuana for numerous of reasons. Some because they w...

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