Juliet And The Nurse example essay topic

771 words
William Shakespeare is a well-known writer. His most famous play is Romeo and Juliet, which is a story about two young "star crossed lovers" doomed to death by fate. This play was written about four hundred years ago. In this play, there are a wide variety of characters some that play important roles in the plot development. There is a different and unique personality for each and every one of the characters. One character that plays a decisive role is the Nurse, Juliet's nanny.

In the play, the Nurse reveals her personality through her dialogue and the way that she reacts to circumstances. The Nurse is a character that as a human being makes mistakes but as well she is a good person that cares. The Nurse is Juliet's nanny and loyal friend. Even Juliet's mother, Lady Capulet, knows that Juliet and the Nurse are good friends and that they know each other for a long time. Lady Capulet says, "This is the matter - Nurse, give leave awhile; We must talk in secret. Nurse, come back again.

I have re memb " red me; thou's hear our counsel. Thou knowest my daughter's of a pretty age". Juliet relies on her in several circumstances. The Nurse shows us that she is helpful and that one can rely on her. In the scene in which Romeo tells the Nurse that he will marry Juliet (Act II Scene 4) the Nurse states, "Good heart, and I' faith I will tell her as much. Lord, Lord she will be a joyful woman.

Now God in heaven bless thee! Hark you, sir". By this it is obvious that the Nurse is happy as long as Juliet is and she is always seeking the best for Juliet. The Nurse is always there for Juliet and she doesn't consider taking care of Juliet as a job, for she enjoys spending time with her and just being her friend. The Nurse is Juliet's friend, and as her friend she protects her a lot.

She helps Juliet get out of trouble. In Act Scene 5 Romeo and Juliet are in Juliet's chamber, the Nurse knocks the door and says, "Your lady mother is coming to your chamber. The day is broke; be wary, look about". After hearing this Romeo leaves and Lady Capulet enters the chamber without knowing whatsoever that Romeo was there.

The Nurse also protects her from all the bad things that can happen to her, for she cares for Juliet a lot. In Act Scene 5 Juliet refuses to marry County Paris. In this scene, Juliet's father is screaming at Juliet and wants to hurt her but the Nurse stands in the way and says, "God in heaven bless her! You are to blame, my lord, to rate her so". She proves that not only can she be trusted but that she can also be a very protective person.

The Nurse, however, reacts differently at the end of the play. She acts according to the circumstances and not to how she really feels. This creates a sense that the Nurse is a hypocrite, for she says something but then changes her mind. After Juliet's father left the chamber, the Nurse states, "Romeo is banished; and all the world nothing That he dares ne " er come back to challenge you, Or if he do, it needs must be by stealth.

Then, since the case so stands as now it doth, I think it best you married with the county". County Paris is rich and is willing to take good care of Juliet, so that's why the Nurse takes this decision. Juliet feels betrayed and just stares at the Nurse because she feels like she has been stabbed in the back. The betrayal in this scene shows that although she is seeking the best for Juliet, she is also being disloyal to Juliet. The Nurse may not seem to be an important character but she is. The Nurse has a big influence in the play.

She keeps Romeo and Juliet's marriage a secret, which is very important since Romeo is the enemy of Juliet's family. She also helps throughout the play because without her Romeo and Juliet would not have gotten married. The Nurse can be a very loyal friend and also be very protective; but she should stay loyal to her friends..