Juliet's Nurse essay topics

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  • Figures In Romeo And Juliet's Lives
    719 words
    The play, Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, is a story of two star- crossed lovers. Their love generated conflicts which they never imagined would lead to tragedy. These two young people did nothing wrong except fall in love. However, they had figures in their lives that caused their relationship to be disastrous. Without these influences in their lives, they could have possibly lived happily, but that was not the case. The three main influences that persuaded destruction included...
  • Relationship Between The Nurse And Juliet
    1,793 words
    The Nurse is Capulets servant, and she is a very good servant as she tries her hardest to please the Capulets and Juliet at the same time. She is also a very important character in the play and in the Capulets lives. Through out the play The Nurse is Juliet's confidant. The Nurse is a crucial character who strongly influences Juliet's thoughts and actions. The main reason why the Capulet employed her was to breast feed Juliet. The Nurse was perfect for the job because she had just lost her littl...
  • Romeo And Juliet
    304 words
    There are many characters in Romeo and Juliet and there is one in particular that I kinder than the rest the Nurse. The Nurse is a kind older lady that is always there for Juliet when she needs her. She will go along with whatever Juliet wants to do and she will complement it and make the best out of it like when she says "well, you have made a simple choice, you know not how to choose a man: Romeo? /no, not he; though his face be better than any man's... ". (II, V, 38-40). The Nurse is very nic...
  • Nurse And Juliet
    1,998 words
    The women in Much Ado About Nothing and Romeo and Juliet subscribe to Simone de Beauvoir's 'counter universe'; . These characters have different behaviors and personalities based on the company they are keeping. When they are not in the presence of men, they appear to be much more liberated and expressive. In Act I, Scene I of Romeo and Juliet, a tragedy, the Capulets and the Montague's are in the streets of Verona preparing for a brawl. The two matriarchs of the opposing families arrive. Lady C...
  • Lady Capulet About Juliet's Feelings Toward Romeo
    1,825 words
    In Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet the characters Nurse and Friar Laurence are to blame for Romeo and Juliet's Problems. The way Friar Laurence encouraged Romeo and Juliet to get Married, The way the Nurse is contradictory in her views of Romeo and Paris, When Friar Laurence secretly married them, the way the Nurse is secretive about the affair and does not tell the Capulet's or the Montague's, when Laurence gave Juliet the sleeping potion, the way Laurence believed he was doing the right th...
  • Meetings Between Romeo And Juliet
    1,778 words
    The Nurse is a very important character in the play of Romeo and Juliet. As her title suggests, she is a Nurse for the Capulet family. She is also a surrogate mother to Juliet. She acts as a go between for Romeo and Juliet and facilitates the tragedy, which means she informs people of the news and keeps the story going. She provides entertainment by making jokes and bawdy comments. She also relieves the tragedy with her humour. The Nurses job is to care for Juliet and to act like a surrogate mot...
  • Good And Bad To Juliet Regarding Romeo
    1,274 words
    The Downfall of Juliet "For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo". (5.3. 315-316) Though many critics would argue that the woe is due only to the theme of fate, but many other factors significantly contributed to this tragedy. The theme of love does not exist only between the play's namesakes, but it extends to the love that many other characters share for this couple. Often, personal flaws interfere with love, and ultimately cause the downfall of another person. Suc...
  • Romeo And Juliet
    520 words
    Romeo and Juliet is a very famous tale of two young lovers who encounter tragedy from their love. Their enemy families would have condemned their marriage, yet their feelings for each other were so strong that they still for married, even if it meant they had to do so in secret. The fact that they " re young adds to the overall tragedy of the story. Shakespeare shows their youth in many ways, and their youth is important for the play. Romeo and Juliet are very impetuous, a real sign of their you...
  • Play Romeo And Juliet
    712 words
    In the play Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare reveals a complex character, Juliet, who has a multifaceted personality. Even so, the essence of Juliet's identify is her youth. Her inexperience gives her a lovable freshness. This is first demonstrated in the famous balcony scene when she is talking to herself. Her question, "What's in a name" suggests a very childlike quality. It's her way of paraphrasing the question, "Why" Children often ask this question without even thinking about it. As the scene...
  • Romeo And Juliet
    915 words
    Young Love At the age of 13, without having the experience of a previous relationship where there was both emotional and physical intimacy, can a girl know that she has found the right one, and that she should marry him The answer to this question is no. Juliet was a fool, rushing into a marriage and dying for Romeo, a teenager she had barely met for a week. Romeo, equally as foolish as Juliet, makes the same mistake as Juliet by rushing into a relationship without enough life experience and dee...
  • Juliet's Nurse
    674 words
    After reading Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet, I have decided to do my detailed analysis on Juliet's nurse. I chose Juliet's nurse simply because she reminded me of my beloved great-grandma Dominguez whom, to this day, I miss dearly. Like my great-grandma Dominguez, Juliet's nurse showed profound compassion and understanding for children. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate her compassion and understanding for children during three of her speeches in the play Romeo and Juliet. The first ...
  • Clear Romeo's Affections For Juliet
    374 words
    We are first introduced to Juliet during the party scene, our initial impressions lead us to believe that she is young and attractive. Already we are shown that Juliet is a romantic as she refuses her mothers proposal of marriage to Paris and explains that she will only be willing to marry for love. Juliet attracts a large amount of positive attention and seems to hold a certain aura about her, this is often reflected in the language she uses. Her words are often graceful and frequently playful ...
  • Friar Lawrence And Juliet's Nurse
    675 words
    In the famous play, Romeo and Juliet", A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life". Through out the play of Romeo and Juliet, these two young lovers are very much impacted in making their decisions by two people, the Friar Lawrence and Juliet's nurse. In this play, Romeo and Juliet have a love, which is completely forbidden. Their families, the Montague's and Caplets, are fierce rivals, who are relentlessly fighting. The hate of the two families grew into the entire city of Verona where the d...
  • Nurse's Care For Juliet
    949 words
    Romeo and Juliet - The Nurse In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet the minor but important character of The Nurse can often be viewed by the readers as ridiculous. However, more often than not we find ourselves sympathizing with her in spite of this flaw in her character. Our first impression of the Nurse comes when she is speaking with Juliet and Juliet's Mother, Lady Capulet. From this scene we can clearly see many important sides of the Nurses' character. Immediately we notice that when she is gi...
  • Pair Like Romeo And Juliet
    617 words
    The character of Mercutio is a charismatic and charming one. He is the most articulate character in the play and the movie, and he is a brilliant wordsmith. On the way to the Capulet ball Romeo says of Mercutio: 'You have dancing shoes with nimble soles' (A-1, S-4, L-13-14). The significance is that Mercutio is literally a dancer, and a flamboyant fun-lover, as we notice in the movie at the Capulet party, and metaphorically a dancer in his skillful use of words. Mercutio is a character that like...
  • Juliet And The Nurse
    771 words
    William Shakespeare is a well-known writer. His most famous play is Romeo and Juliet, which is a story about two young "star crossed lovers" doomed to death by fate. This play was written about four hundred years ago. In this play, there are a wide variety of characters some that play important roles in the plot development. There is a different and unique personality for each and every one of the characters. One character that plays a decisive role is the Nurse, Juliet's nanny. In the play, the...
  • Death Of Romeo And Juliet
    673 words
    There have been many arguments during the past on whose fault it really was that caused the tragic death of the two young lovers Romeo and Juliet, in the William Shakespeare play. There have been many suspected people in this tragic story of Romeo and Juliet on who caused these two young lovers death or was it just their destiny. Had it not been for the compliance of both the nurse and the Friar, Romeo and Juliet would not have died. The Friar who is a Holy man with a wonderful and thoughtful pe...

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