Use Of Pictures And Colours example essay topic

292 words
The movie Dogtown and the z-boys is an action flick aimed at people from the age of 15 to 25. The aspects of this film's advertising media combines a very limited colour range and style to tell us more of what the movie is about as well as use of vector lines, font / styles, colour and pictures and the arrangement of these. The main title is displayed boldly in the middle of the page in rough edged letters to grab our attention and to make a statement of what Dogtown is really like which is also displayed in the colour use. This also breaks up the page and gives us an ordered view of the advertisement and therefore creates our vector line. The colours used are dim browns and black set off against the white making a statement on the life of the z-boys and Dogtown. This colour range is also part of the pictures and the display of action used in the film.

It shows us life isn't easy in Dogtown and is prone to be run by local gangs with a competitiveness in their personality. This town is displayed to be very "full-out" and serious. The lines and angles of the pictures display the competitiveness and determination. It displays full-out stunts and what the competitiveness of the guys lead to and the serious situation.

The combined aspects of this advertisement has motivated the comment displayed on the ad "to say its infectious" making this advertisement popular to the viewers and audience to the film. The use of pictures and colours has set of the presentation of the film and it seems appropriate for such age group as set.