Use Of Colour essay topics

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  • Peaceful Village In A Sense Of Harmony
    507 words
    Artist: Vincent Van Gogh Name of Piece: Rain at AuversDescription - Verbal From the piece of artwork "Rain at the Auvers". I can see roofs of houses that are tucked into a valley, trees hiding the town, black birds, clouds upon the horizon, hills, vegetation, a dark stormy sky and rain. The artistic style is brush stroke? Aesthetic is the function or purpose of the work. The subject genre is still life. The image is impressionism. Oil and Crayon Watercolour paint was used with a variety of diffe...
  • Analysis Of Shampoo Advertising
    791 words
    Everywhere you go advertising is all around us. Whether it is in town with billboards and banners, or at home via the media with T.V. or radio. Advertising is important to study as it tells us about how the mind reacts to pictures, colours and words and how the right mix of these tools can subconsciously force us into buying products which we would usually not consider buying. One example of this would be to buy a particular food because of advertising suggesting that you could lose weight, show...
  • Colours Throughout The Painting
    961 words
    The Artwork. ' Madam Matisse' is a rather famous portrait of Matisse's wife, and is a great example of a fauvist artwork, using many bold, bright and contrasting colours throughout the painting. This painting was created using oil and tempura on canvas; tempera being a glutinous water-soluble material such as egg yolk, which is added to painting medium. The paint has been applied in bold, thick and vigorous brushstrokes, in several layers, along with added texture. The green line in the centre o...
  • My Picture In Water Colour Pencils
    1,198 words
    Art book evaluation (Year 10) This year we have been studying natural forms, this has involved using many new and different materials and techniques. Firstly we started by looking at art by Georgia O'keef e who mainly painted abstract flowers this was a new style for me as I have never tried drawing in abstract style before, after this we did two paintings in acrylics one of shells and one piece of corn and around the edge of the paintings I then collage d in the background. This was a new way o...
  • Six Mile Lake In The Painting
    925 words
    On November 4, 1998, I visited The McMichael Canadian Art Collection on Islington Avenue, in Klein burg, Ontario where I saw the temporary art exhibit In the Wilds: Canoeing and Canadian Art. The McMichael Gallery is also home to a permanent collection of works by Tom Thompson, The Group of Seven, First Nation Inuit and other Canadian contemporary artists. Some of the artists exhibiting at the in the Wilds display there were David Milne, C.W. Jeffery's, Alexander Musgrove, Charles Comfort, L.L. ...
  • Very Simple Colour
    1,047 words
    The vibrancy and distinction of colours can be often used to represent certain aspects about people. In the novel The Great Gatsby they are used to describe the personalities of Myrtle and Daisy as well as Gatsby's. With certain colours they wear they are able to express their identity, and it can also have an affect on their behaviour. Jay Gatsby exploits colours to show of his wealth. Through colours people are also distinguished to which social class they belong to. F. Scott. Fitzgerald uses ...
  • Blue And White Gradient Background
    526 words
    Evaluation of Advert My advert uses a woman's moisturizer and places it along side a man. This is challenging the representation of men because in a normal advert it would of featured a women because it it's aimed at women. I started by placing a blue and white gradient background. This is plain and minimalist ic but at the same time adding some colour to the advert whereas plain white would have appeared bland. I used blue because it is a very cool colour and is linked with cold colours and ice...
  • Design For Use
    5,858 words
    O The distinction between 'Craft' and 'Design' can be at times problematic explain what you understand these terms to mean, and illustrate their application in relationship to the work of one practitioner. The definition for craft is, the making of decorative or functional objects, generally by hand. Hand and power tools may be used, however, in making some craft items. The term crafts also refers to the objects made. The function of crafts is generally concerned with crafts as creative hobbies,...
  • Francescas Resurrection And Rraps Christ
    1,081 words
    Resurrection & Christ. Extended Written Response. For many centuries, artists throughout the world have aimed to capture and portray a particular theme or subject in accordance to their religious beliefs, personal influences, and mood, or based entirely upon societal influences. The figure of Christ and the manner in which he has been depicted has varied immensely over the years, which is highly indicative of changing social attitudes. Piero della Francescas Resurrection of 1463, and Julie Rraps...
  • Impressionists Colour Choice
    2,218 words
    They (the impressionists) have tried to render the walk, the movement, the tremor, the intermingling of passersby and the vibration of air inundated with light, and just as in the case of the rainbow colouring's of the solar rays, they have been able to capture the soft ambiance of a grey day. Indeed the impressionists did focus on the ability to capture an event and much attention was given to the way in which the light constituted the scene. So much so that this investigation into painting lig...
  • Post Impressionist Artists
    649 words
    Post Impressionism Art critics first used the term post-impressionistic in 1911 to loosely describe the work of a few artists whose paintings reflect Impressionistic principles, but were created after the movement had lost favour in the late seventeenth century (around 1885). Significant artists whose works have been defined in this category include Paul C zanne (1839-1906), Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) and Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). Post-Impressionists, these few in particular, pushed Impression...
  • Kahlo And Van Goug
    673 words
    A comparative analysis of the styles and techniques of self portraits by Vincent Van Goug and Freda Kahlo. The Bleeding Heart by Kaholo is a painting of anguish and unhappiness. This self-portrait reflects a strong aspect of her own self-identity Wearing native dress to assert her cultural identity she is flanked on each side by monkey's with a jungle background that further references her native Indian heritage. A necklace of thorns is worn around her neck, its thorns pricking her skin and maki...
  • Fashion In The Magazine And A Model
    1,212 words
    Evaluative Report The aims of my production piece were to create a magazine front cover and contents page to suit a specific genre, which was teen girls, using the layout, mise en scene and design to attract my target audience. The purpose of the production piece was to improve the quality of the pre-production piece and take it a step further towards completion. My front cover uses bright but calming blue to symbolises tranquillity but then uses a very bright purple to catch the eyes of the rea...
  • Matisse
    455 words
    Cross and Signac were experimenting with juxtaposing small strokes (often dots or "points") of pure pigment to create the strongest possible visual vibration of intense colour. Matisse adopted their technique and modified it repeatedly, using broader strokes. By 1905 he had produced some of the boldest colour images ever created, including Green Stripe (Madame Matisse) (1905, States Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen), a striking picture of his wife. The title refers to a broad stroke of brilliant gre...
  • Use Of Pictures And Colours
    292 words
    The movie Dogtown and the z-boys is an action flick aimed at people from the age of 15 to 25. The aspects of this film's advertising media combines a very limited colour range and style to tell us more of what the movie is about as well as use of vector lines, font / styles, colour and pictures and the arrangement of these. The main title is displayed boldly in the middle of the page in rough edged letters to grab our attention and to make a statement of what Dogtown is really like which is also...
  • Population Afrikaner Person Of European
    318 words
    NAMES THAT DIVIDE in the modern Society of South Africa The following will give you a short overview of apartheid-wise subdivision of the South African population and its current usage. Whites - Refers to anyone of European descent and is quite okay to use. However, the apartheid engendered "non-white" which meant that everyone else in the entire country is a total "no-no". Black - When used as a political term as in "black liberation movement", it applies to Africans, Indians and Coloured peopl...
  • Ad To Life And The Colours
    274 words
    1. The most important things that make a successful ad is that u need to make it stand out using the bright and attractive colours such as red and orange etc. also you may also need to use eye catchy slogans which appeal to the ad. Also you may want to add pictures that will make your add stick out from the page. The most important one is that you should try to take as much of the page as possible. 2. I made my ad as interesting and as horror like as I could. I used dark colours to show that my ...
  • Copper Powder Into The Concrete Mix
    268 words
    The method for dying concrete to produce blended colours, such as blue and green. The colour is produced by mixing metal powders into concrete and other concrete based mixes. the powdered is then chemically processed to produce the colour. For example, can be dyed blue dyeing adding copper powder into the concrete mix and processing it with a catalyzer (salt). The created through a chemical reaction spreads and stays firmly in the concrete mix. Other metal powders can be used such as, iron and n...
  • Modigliani's Sitter On The Other Hand
    804 words
    A Comparison Between The Works Of Amedeo Comparison Between The Works Of Amedeo Modigliani And Jacques Villon Italian-born Cubist painter, Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) and the French, Jacques Villon (1875-1963), both painted vibrant and expressive portraits during the early twentieth-century. In this case, the chosen portraits are Modigliani's "Portrait of Mrs. Hastings', 1915 and Villon's "Mme. Fulgence', 1936. Both of these compositions are portraits. Nothing is of more importance than the si...

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