Bacteria essay topics

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  • Characteristics Of Coliform Bacteria
    3,045 words
    Coliform bacteria are good indicator organisms for the presence of pathogenic bacteria due to their real tionship with these pathogenic bacteria, their relative ease of determination by simple methods, and by their occurrence in large quantities in human feces. The MPN method used in this experiment is one of the prescribed techniques for the determination of these coliform bacteria from the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater as prescribed by the EPA. It consists of thr...
  • Four Types Of Bacteria Cells
    1,474 words
    Bacteria Bacteria are one celled organisms that are found almost everywhere. Bacteria live in soil, air, water and food. They also live in and on plants and animals. Bacteria can be found on our bodies in places such as our noses, mouths and intestines. Most bacteria measure from 0.3 to 2.0 microns in diameter. This means that bacteria can only be seen through a powerful microscope. Bacteriology is the study of bacteria. Some kinds of bacteria are helpful. Other kinds of bacteria can cause serio...
  • Tiny Micro Organisms Known As Bacteria
    801 words
    Useful bacteria What association usually comes to mind when we think about bacteria Most likely at the mention of bacteria, we think of germs and of disease and of how we need to sterilize to keep them from harming us. Most of us, however, tend to ignore the fact that although humans do their best each day to cook and sterilize away the tiny micro-organisms known as bacteria, there are literally thousands and thousands that surround and affect our lives uniquely every day. Were it not for these ...
  • Lb's Resistance To The Ampicillin
    811 words
    Title: Colony Transformation Lab Purpose: To study the behavior of Escherichia coli once it has been introduced to a foreign gene. Hypothesis: If the ampicillin resistant DNA is introduced into the E. coli bacteria, through the uptake of this DNA the bacteria will receive the resistant gene that will permit the bacteria to grow freely in the presence of ampicillin. Experimental Design: By observing the E. coli bacteria one can study how it reacts when a foreign gene such as the ampicillin resist...
  • Bacterial Photosynthesis One Type Of Photosynthetic Bacteria
    657 words
    Describe the structure and life processes of bacteria. Bacterial cells, like plant cells, are surrounded by a cell wall. However, bacterial cell walls are made up of polysaccharide chains linked to amino acids, while plant cell walls are made up of cellulose, which contains no amino acids. Many bacteria secrete a slimy capsule around the outside of the cell wall. The capsule provides additional protection for the cell. Many of the bacteria that cause diseases in animals are surrounded by a capsu...
  • Most Common Form Of Bacteria
    1,371 words
    The Effects of Antibiotics on Bacterial Growth Biology II 1996 Bacteria are the most common and ancient microorganisms on earth. Most bacteria are microscopic, measuring 1 micron in length. However, colonies of bacteria grown in a laboratory petri dish can be seen with the unaided eye. There are many divisions and classifications of bacteria that assist in identifying them. The first two types of bacteria are. Both groups have common ancestors dating to more than 3 billion years ago. Archaebacte...
  • Temperature For The Growth Of E Coli
    2,369 words
    The Effects of Various Factors on the Growth Rate of E. coli Introduction: There are times in our lives (as human beings) when people do not feel well. A doctor might diagnose them with a disease or an infection. There are also times when people do not feel clean. This could be a person's feeling after exercising, sweating, or maybe he / she had not taken a shower in a couple days. In any of the preceding scenarios, bacteria most likely played a major role in initiating a person's feeling of ill...
  • Gram Stain
    801 words
    Abstract The main objective of this lab was to identify different bacteria by simple, negative, and gram staining. To view each bacteria cell, the bacteria was transferred aseptically to a slide, and they were then viewed by using oil immersion, by a light microscope. From this lab, it was determined that E. coli and B. megaterium are gram negative and B. subtilis and S. Marcesans are gram positive. Introduction The purpose of this lab was to view the different characteristics of bacteria by app...
  • One Bakery
    385 words
    The article regarding salmonella poisoning mentions that nearly 200 innocent customers of a local bakery suffered from this infectious disease. It is said that the bakery owner and staff had unsanitary conditions in which they worked in. What exactly infected these people was the cannoli filling which was poorly handled. This particular filling which is contributed to making Black Forest Cake had been contaminated with salmonella bacteria. The cause of how this bacteria came into effect could be...
  • Anthrax Bacterium
    250 words
    Anthrax is a bacterium that was first founded in 1876. The anthrax bacteria can survive in the soil for decades. When this bacterium gets into the air, the sunlight can easily kill the bacteria. Recently terrorists and criminals got their hands on this bacterium. The most risk for this bacterium is for animals. This bacterium looks like baby powder. It is white and powdery. When come in contact with this powdery substance you should wash your hands and leave the room. Washing your hands can keep...
  • Bacteria Cells
    1,400 words
    – Oldest, Bacteria Outline Bacteria – Oldest, structurally simplest, most abundant forms of life – Only organism with prokaryotic cellular organization – The only members of the kingdom Monera (4800 different kinds) – Characteristics change depending on growth conditions – Maintenance of life depends on them – play vital role of productivity and as de composers – Capable of fixing atmospheric N for use by other organisms – Used in production ...

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