Beauty And The Beast essay topics

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  • Self Sacrifice As A Virtue
    1,015 words
    The message that fairy tales send readers about female virtues has been debated time and time again. Some people, like Karen Rowe, believe that fairy tales exhibit "passivity, dependency, and self sacrifice". While many fairy stories embody self-sacrifice, passivity and dependency are two virtues not widely portrayed in fairy tales. Self-sacrifice can be found throughout fairy tales. The tale of Donkeyskin has a young girl who gives up her rich life to be able to leave her incestuous father. She...
  • Belle From The Beast
    1,090 words
    Play Review analysis Beauty and the Beats Beauty and the Beast was an amazing musical, many say it was much better than the movie. Just like the movie. It starts off in a faraway land, with the Young Prince who lived in a shining castled. The prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind. An old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the Prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. The ol...
  • Original Beauty And The Beast
    578 words
    Beauty is written by Robin McKinley in 1993 which is a retelling of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. Beauty is about a girl named Honour who moves from the city into the country with her family with her horse Great Heart and the rest of her family. One day, Beauty's father comes home and tells her about how he had tried to pick one of the Beast's at the Beast's palace. Since the Beast had caught him, the father's punishment was to either offer him himself, or one of his daughters in return f...
  • Beauty And The Beast
    2,127 words
    Beauty and the Beauty in the Beast Once upon a time... The classic opener for any fairy tale, which is no different in the case of Beauty and the Beast. Fairy tales were meant to teach our children life lessons that society, at the time, deems important to learn. They teach us the difference between right and wrong, black and white, good and bad, light and dark, and beauty and ugly. There are many different variations and names to Beauty and the Beast. This famous fable has been passed down and ...
  • Similar To The Beast In Cocteau's Film
    1,052 words
    From Cupid & Psyche to Cocteau's film and finally to Disney's portrayal of this classic theme, not much has changed in the idea of Beauty and the Beast. All versions of this story have stressed the importance of being good and have even d welled on the importance of looking behind appearance to see a person's true nature. In order to convey his ideas and themes, Cocteau uses the beast as a lurking figure whose lack of appearance on the screen ultimately has a great effect on the viewer. The Beas...
  • Films Beauty And The Beast And E.T.
    712 words
    Have you ever heard something go thump in the night? Do you believe in monsters? In the movies 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'E.T. ', the monster like characters the captured the hearts of viewers of all ages. They both involve two characters that are trusted into lifestyles that they are not used to. The beast and E. T were both unique creatures, had close relationships with humans, and were great works of fiction. In both stories, 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'E.T. ', the main characters are unique...
  • Beauty And The Beast
    1,539 words
    Beauty and the Beast is probably one of the most well known fairy tales that the Grimms' reproduced. In it's original form it was a long, drawn out story that was catered to adults. The Grimms' changed the story to be more understood by children and made it short and to the point. Unlike many of the other fairy tales that they reproduced, Beauty and the Beast contains many subtle symbols in its purest form. It shows a girl and how she transfers to a woman; it also shows that beauty is in the eye...
  • Musical Beauty And The Beast
    580 words
    Review of "Beauty and the Beast" Theatre Performance Once upon a time, a young Prince lived in a shining castle. One cold night an old beggar woman arrived, offering him a single rose in return for shelter from the cold. Repulsed by her ugliness, he turned her away. Suddenly, she transformed into a beautiful enchantress and to punish the Prince, she turned him into a hideous beast. Then she gave him a magic mirror and an enchanted rose, telling him it would bloom until his twenty-first year. To ...
  • Beauty And The Beast
    1,765 words
    Is there really such a thing as a feminist fairy tale? Fairy tales are ancient stories that entertain the masses and teach morals to children. They are considered oral traditions that are passed down through the centuries as a tool to teach children how to act and think. In today's society some of those moral messages are being questioned. Beauty and the Beast is an age old fairy tale that is not about the passive female role. Like most fairy tales of that time it is partially rooted in the nega...
  • Version Of Beauty And The Beast
    2,129 words
    If you ask any American child if they have heard of the story of Beauty and The Beast, ninety-nine percent of them will have very good memory of the tale. Beauty and The Beast has been a part of our culture for many years as are many fairytales. It is read or told to our children not just for entertainment but for the moral lessons it gives to us. What most people don't realize is that there is more to this story than just it's moral values. There are a lot of different ways to analyze Beauty an...
  • Beauty And The Beast
    1,223 words
    Beauty and the Beast-by d. n. In history fairy tales have been geared to adults and not children. For this reason, many of our history's fairy tales have lost their original perspectives. During the seventeenth century, fairy tales were changed so that children could understand them. Many of the stories contained educational or moral values which adults believed were good for their children to learn. Beauty and the Beast is probably one of the most famous fairy tales that was ever created. There...
  • Beauty And The Beast
    900 words
    ? Beauty and the Beast?? Beauty and the Beast? is a short story written by Marie Le Prince de Beaumont. She was a French woman, who lived in London when this story was published. The main characters in this story are Beauty, her father the merchant and the Beast. Beauty was the youngest daughter of the merchant. She was called? Beauty? because she was so beautiful, but throughout the story, she also illustrates inner beauty as well. The Beast is described as a horrendous, terrifying, beastly cre...
  • Role Of Beauty's Father
    312 words
    Megan Hull Jerry Coats English 1301 16 October 00 Madame Le Prince De Beaumont wrote, ? A merchant was extremely rich, and since he was a sensible man, he spared no expense upon their education, but gave them all kinds of tutors.? The father cares about his daughters, but he too still has to have his own life. What is the role of the father? In Madame Le Prince De Beaumont's version of Beauty and the Beast, the role of the father is to prepare his daughters for the future, and eventually he had ...

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