Bush Administration essay topics

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  • Bush Administration
    812 words
    Bush Won't Regulate Carbon Dioxide Updated 7: 30 PM ET March 13, 2001 By SCOTT LIND LAW, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - Backing off a campaign pledge, President Bush told Congress Tuesday he will not regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. The decision, outlined in a letter sent to a Republican senator, came after furious lobbying from the coal industry. It was a blow to conservationists who see curbing emissions of such "greenhouse gases" as key to reducing global warmin...
  • Bush Administration Deletes
    855 words
    Bush Administration Deletes Women's Issues Information from Government Websites The Bush Administration has quietly deleted and altered information on women's issues from government agency websites, a research group has found. A report from the National Council for Research on Women (NCRW), released in mid-April, says the deletion of information on subjects including pay equity and childcare was "apparently [done] in pursuit of a political agenda". At least 25 publications were removed from the ...
  • Bush's Latin America Team
    1,428 words
    George W. Bush's decision to make his first overseas trip to Mexico, in mid-February, has generated a great deal of speculation about what this could possibly mean for changes in U.S. policy toward Latin America over the next four years. It is clear that Mexico is vastly more familiar and comfortable for Bush than any other foreign country. In light of the questions raised about the former Texas governor's foreign policy experience and competence during the campaign, it is hardly surprising that...
  • Bush Administration
    1,442 words
    George Bush is not content with the United States being the top dog. His snarling at one international accord after another besmirches the United States and makes the world a more dangerous place. When Bush nixed at the ABM treaty, the comprehensive test ban treaty, the biological weapons protocol, and the small-arms convention, he sent an unmistakable signal that the United States doesn't care about arms control. This will only encourage other nations to bolster their own arsenals, and the arms...
  • Contempt The Bush Administration
    590 words
    What is not compelling is Bush's history of enunciating similarly bold initiatives only to abandon them when political sacrifice is required. It was not so long ago, for example, that the president unveiled his "road map" to peace for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying he was going to put his prestige and authority on the line and use his powers of persuasion to bring about a cessation to the violence. Given Bush's obsequiousness toward Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, most knowledgeab...
  • United Defense O George H.W. Bush
    1,113 words
    The Claims for the War in Iraq Iraq has Chemical and Biological Weapons o Bush Administration o 26,000 liters of anthrax-enough to kill several million people o 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin o 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agents o Almost 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents o Mobile weapons labs "Winnebagos of death" - Colin Powell in speech to the UN o William Rivers Pitt o No weapons have been found; it is impossible to hide one million pounds of nerve agents. o...
  • Bush's Justifications And Mine For The War
    889 words
    The United States of America, the world's only superpower, and Iraq, 7000 miles away, half the size of Texas, with forces significantly weaker. Yes Iraq most likely possesses some sort of weapons of mass destruction but is war really necessary? For a man who claims that war is a last option, Mr. Bush is quite persistent in his efforts, claiming that his goal is to disarm the enemy and restore peace and safety to his country and the world. Dear Ms. Brom ely and fellow classmates, in the next few ...
  • Reagan Administration U.S. Soviet Relations
    2,425 words
    Events, Policies and Actions Which Help / Hindered U. S-Soviet Relations during the Administrations of: Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George Bush American Government Cycle Parker Dr. Charles P. Willie March 7, 2004 Events, Policies and Actions between the United States and the USSR during the Carter, Regan and Bush Sr. Administrations The relationship between superpowers has always been complex. There is the natural inclination to achieve dominance on the world stage, while trying to keep a st...

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