Christian Century essay topics

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  • Christian Story J.R.R. Tolkien
    1,609 words
    What can explain the fact that millions of Americans -- grown-up Americans -- have flocked to see a movie version of what its own author called a fairy tale? The Return of the King remains at the top spot in box office sales, and this third and final entry in The Lord of the Rings trilogy deserves top billing. Behind the movie's success stands the enduring popularity of author J.R.R. Tolkien and his fantasy world of Middle-earth. Those who consider themselves too sophisticated for these fairy ta...
  • Most Influential Books Of The Eighteenth Century
    2,377 words
    The radical change in European society from an almost completely religious civilization in the early sixteenth century into a basically secular civilization by the end of the eighteenth century was a very long process which did not directly begin in the early sixteenth century. The initial sign of sparks that would ignite the flame first appeared during the thirteenth century. While proven visibly that in the beginning of the thirteenth century the Catholic church played a dominant role in socie...
  • Pope In Rome As The Church's Head
    8,071 words
    "Europe was a Christian creation, not only in essence but in minute detail" The above statement can perhaps best sum up the relationship between Christianity and Europe throughout the ages. Christianity has been the strongest single influence in the history of Europe. Regardless of the century, no discussion would be complete without reference being made, at least in small part, to the Church. It is true that in recent centuries this influence has declined significantly, but nevertheless one cou...
  • Used Christian Subject Matter And Roman Style
    770 words
    Early Christian and Byzantine art started after Jesus death in the first century ranging and ending to the fourth century AD. The art produced during this period was secretive because Christianity was not a formal religion but as a cult; the Romans and rest of Europe persecuted Christians so the artist disguised their work with symbols and hints of Christian aspects. Christianity was the first cult to not involve rituals of sacrifice of animals and refused to worship an Emperor causing the Roman...
  • Anglo Saxon Burial Techniques
    671 words
    Anglo-Saxon Burial Techniques: Early Anglo-Saxon burials are traditionally based on cremation on a pyre, with the deposition of corpses in the ground in a pottery container. The Anglo-Saxons were experts at cremations, with their pyres being at least as efficient as today's pyres, reaching temperatures of up to 9000 C. Cremation burials were never found with weapons - it is possible, of course, that these were a part of the cremation, but melted in the flames, but many are found with miniature w...
  • Ez Being Translations Of Greek Christian
    499 words
    There are almost as many languages as there are peoples in Ethiopia, about 80 in all. The languages come from a variety of families - Semitic, Hamitic, Nilotic and Osmotic. Amharic, spoken in the country's heartland, is Ethiopia's official language, but Tigrinya, spoken in the north, and Orominya, spoken in the south, have semi-official status. The Oromo's are the largest ethnic group in the country, and are made up of a muddle of Christians, Muslims and traditional animists. Amharic and Tigriny...
  • Christians As The Viking Age
    2,565 words
    Vikings The vikings were a very influential force in ancient history. The vikings are seen as excellent navigators and warriors but despite this great accomplishment they were incapable of founding a strong state outside of their homeland, Scandinavia. Most would think that any culture that had such complementary strengths would be able to form a strong state but this was not the case for the vikings because of many different factors. Those factors being the centralized monarchies in Scandinavia...
  • Fundamentalism And Its Influence On Evangelicalism
    1,103 words
    American Religious Movements: Fundamentalism and Its' Influence on Evangelicalism American fundamentalism and American evangelicalism seem to go hand in hand. Evangelicalism and fundamentalism both stress life based on the bible, repentance, and a personal relationship with God. No one would deny the massive influence that fundamentalism had on evangelicalism or the similarities between the two. Although some historians would suggest that evangelicalism was experiential and sectarian while funda...
  • Military Resources
    941 words
    From late 3rd century main concern securitas reiplubcicae security of state defence territory, population and fabric from internal and external attack concern for distribution of resources needed to support military effort. Persia: lack of resources both financial, skilled manpower, middle fourth century vulnerability northern frontier Diocletian ic notion of securitas differentiate territory integral to Roman state and territory that was not. Governments 4th and 5th centuries priorities, exp. J...
  • Kingdom Of Aksum
    781 words
    The Ancient African Civilization Aksum One of the most powerful urban kingdoms of ancient African civilization was Aksum (also spelled Axum), which reigned from 1st to 7th century AD. Aksum was located near the red sea, allowing for prosperous trade. This kingdom was a sub-Saharan society of Africa that flourished in the centuries before and after the time of Christ. It made revolutionary changes in trade, religion and architecture during its prime. The kingdom of Aksum was a mix of Kushitic spe...

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