Confederate Flag essay topics

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  • Southern Whites Point Of View
    392 words
    The confederate flag... what does it stand for Thats what Americans need to address. We need to know what we are dealing with because we as a people are quite divided. From a southern whites point of view this flag could be a symbol of, like the lady in the article said, their heritage. To someone like her this flag could stand for a nostalgia of a way things were, an essence if you will. To other southerners the flag could represent a statement of strong political individuality or leadership (s...
  • Confederate Flag
    819 words
    The issue of the Confederate flag has created one of our countries age long debates. It stems from its presence during the Civil War; where it represented the Confederate states, all of which supported slavery. According to many the Civil war was fought in order to end slavery in the United States, so accordingly, to those the flag represents a past of slavery that they would much rather forget. In opposition to those who feel this way about the Confederate flag, others see it as just a symbol o...
  • Their Beliefs Under The Confederate Battle Flag
    570 words
    Living in this diversified country, the one thing that everyone has in common is the fact that we all live under the American Flag. It symbolizes that this is the land of the free and represents a part of this country's history just as the Confederate Flag does. In 1962, the Confederate Flag was raised at the Statehouse in South Carolina to commemorate the Civil War's centennial. Since then, it has been flying above its Capitol causing controversy along the way. Some people see this flag as a sy...
  • Public Display Of A Confederate Flag
    1,000 words
    The Confederate flag that now flies atop the statehouse of South Carolina has been a controversial issue for over 30 years. Raised in 1962 to commemorate the Civil Wars 100th anniversary, it is the only Confederate flag to wave atop any state capitol in the country, and its presence has stirred quite a commotion. Last March, a group that wants the South to secede from the United States staged a Confederate flag-waving rally in Montgomery, Alabama. Hundreds of people signed petitions, demanding t...
  • Graves Of Many Children
    759 words
    The Sleepy Side of Guyton An aging cemetery is a place of finality, death, and ending of life to many people. To some people a cemetery is a place to get away from the distractions and noise of everyday life. It is a place to go and reflect on past and present events. Though the inhabitants cannot audibly speak from the silent graves, many heard stories arise. Entering the Guyton Cemetery, one finds a well-traced path. This path has obviously been walked upon many times. Many car tracks, bicycle...
  • Use Of Hate Flags And Symbols
    993 words
    Racism can be represented in many forms. Flags are on of them. Flags can be used to represent something. Many flags mean different things such as freedom, democracy and respect for something such as a country. However, some flags can been seen as something bad or something that they disprove of, but to another person it can be something they believe in. What am talking about is racism and how it can be shown in flags. The Confederate flag is a very controversial flag. Some people see it as a fla...
  • People The Confederate Flag
    308 words
    Stars and Bars, heritage or hatred I believe banning the confederate flag is a violation of freedom of speech. People have the right to have their own beliefs. I understand both sides on this, but for some people the confederate flag stands for a part of their heritage. Some wear the flag promoting being born and raised in the south, not because the south had slavery. There is no real explanation for wanting to ban the flag except school officials bring their own beliefs into the decision. How c...

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