Dali's Paintings essay topics

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  • Kafka's And Dali's Work
    1,150 words
    Comparison of Kafka's 'Metamorphosis' and Dali's 'The Metamorphosis of Narcissus " The painting that I chose to compare to the novel Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka, was painted in 1937 by Salvatore Dali. Dali is an established Surrealist painter, who, like Kafka, explored his own psyche and dreams in his work. Dali invented a process, called the 'paranoiac critical method', which is used in this painting, to assist his creative process. As Dali described it, his aim in painting was 'to materializ...
  • Most Famous Surrealist Paintings
    2,591 words
    In 1924 a French poet and critic Andre Breton published "The Surrealist Manifesto", which lead as a starter to the surrealist movement. Nicolas Pioch, a famous art historian, maintains that "the surrealist movement represented a reaction against what its members saw as the destruction wrought by the rationalism that had guided European culture and politics in the past and that had culminated in the horrors of World War I. Surrealism was a means of reuniting conscious and unconscious realms of ex...
  • Exhibit Of Dali's Own Surrealist Paintings
    428 words
    Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904. He was a leader in the new movement of art in the early 20th century called Surrealism. In 1921 Dali studied at the San Fernando Acadamy of Fine Arts in Madrid. Here he was able to associate and learn from such Spanish modernists as Federico Garcia Lorca, and Luis Bundel. He also was influenced by Italian futurists and the metaphysical paintings of Giorgio de Chirico. In his early works, however, Dali gave credit to his own Catalan sense of fantasy and his...
  • Ken Wilber Discussion Of Art
    1,043 words
    From the real to the surreal, Salvador Dali embodied it all. Once he was satisfied with his abilities to mimic what he saw in the world, he began to play with objects and space. He comprehended, perfected and finally transcended realism and his work became much more than paint on canvas. In a forward that trans personal psychologist Ken Wilber did for Alex Grey's book Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art of Alex Grey, he stresses that 'all of us possess the eye of flesh, the eye of mind and the eye...
  • Of The Themes In Dali's Work
    472 words
    Salvador Dali Dali's work is permeated by events that shaped his life even before his birth in 1904 in Figueras, Spain. His name, Salvador, had first been given to a brother who died a few years earlier at a young age. Perhaps because of that death, his parents lavished upon him an excessive love that fostered his egocentric and flamboyant personality. Furthermore, he saw himself as the phantom of his dead brother, early on becoming familiar with the obsessive idea of death, one of the themes th...
  • All Dali In One Painting
    1,383 words
    Salvador Dali, was born Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dali i Domenech at 8: 45 a. m., Monday, 11 May 1904, in the small town, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, of Figueres, Spain, approximately sixteen miles from the French border in the principality of Catalonia. His parents supported his talent and built him his first studio, while he was still a child, in their summer home. Dali went on to attend the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid, Spain, was married to Gala Eduard in 1934 and died on ...
  • Salvador Dali Unlike Many Famous Artists
    1,276 words
    Genius or madman Salvador Dali has been referred to as both throughout the course of his seventy-eight-year career. One who has seen any of his artwork will uncertainly question the sanity of Salvador Dali. Dali is best known for his surrealist works and many consider him the most brilliant Surrealist of his time. But to understand the enigma that is Salvador Dali, one must take a look back into his childhood, his family, and his inspirations. Salvador Dali was born in Figueras, Spain to father ...
  • Salvador Dali
    735 words
    (1904-1989) Salvador Dali was born into a middle-class family on May 11th, 1904 in Figures Spain. In 1921 he entered the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid where he made friends with Federico Garcia Lorca, Luis Bunuel, and Eugenio Montes. He pursued his personal in tersest in Cubism and Futurism. In June of 1923 Dali was suspended from the Academy for having indicated the students to rebel against the authorities of the school. He was let back in October of 1925, and a year later Dali w...
  • 1934 Salvador Dali Painted A Picture
    1,206 words
    Salvador Dali Salvador Dali was born on May 11th, 1904, at 8: 45 AM at 20 Montreal in Figures, Spain. His Mother loved birds. You may see some of them in his paintings. Nine months before Salvador was born, his brother, Salvador died. Salvador parents named him after his brother. This confused Salvador. He always thought he was his brother, Salvador. But he knew he was himself. Three years later his sister, Ana was born. He always wanted to get attention. Once he kicked his sister on the head re...
  • Painting Dali
    1,477 words
    Let us see how the Hallucinogenic Toreador came about. Dali had doubtless talent, which was drawn apo un systematic confusion. For many, trying to make sense of this painting was distinctly unhelpful. Dali made the dates and titles of his work as he had the tales he told about his life. Studies of this painting never came complete. The tones of light in the painting are perfectly placed on each object to show form and three dimensions of light, and contour. Females are lined up facing different ...
  • 1940 Dali And Gala
    570 words
    Salvador Dali, the talented surrealist painter was born May 11, 1904 in Figueras, Spain. He was the second of three children in his family. His parents believed him to be the reincarnation of his older brother who had died just nine months before Salvador was born. Dali said later in life that he often felt like he and his dead brother were one when he painted. His parents were very indulgent through out his childhood, Dali often dressed up and pretended to be an emperor and rule his family. Eve...
  • Permanent Collection Of Museum Of Modern Arts
    375 words
    Dali is an outstanding figure in art history, therefore I am greatly affected by numerous critiques of his works. It was hard to throw away read material and to look at his work with a 'fresh eye'. There are a few reasons why I chose "Crucifixion". It is in permanent collection of Museum of Modern Arts (which, by the way, is almost free) and it's not as popularized as The Persistence of Memory (1931), which is located in the Museum of Modern Art, and I think is the only other work by Dali in per...
  • Dali's Own Life
    1,201 words
    Slava dor Felipe Jacinto Dali I Domenech was born on May 11, 1904 in the small farming town of Figures in the Catalonian region of Spain. It was here in the foothills of the Pyrenees where Dali spent his youth, that many of the ideas, inspirations, and images repeated in his paintings have their roots. As a young boy Dali attended the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid. At the academy Dali studied many different painting styles and became quite proficient at them. Many of his earlier wo...
  • Hispanic Artist Salvador Dali
    980 words
    Salvador Dali: Influences Perhaps one of the world's greatest artists is the hispanic artist Salvador Dali. He won many awards and became very successful in his work as an artist. Mr. Dali even has his own art museum right here in St. Petersburg. During his childhood and thereafter, during the Depression, Salvador Dali's artwork and personality were influenced by many different people and entities. Dali's personal life exhibited to his contemporaries and those who enjoyed his works after his lif...
  • Paint On Canvas
    462 words
    From the real to the surreal, Salvador Dali embodied it all. Once he was satisfied with his abilities to mimic what he saw in the world, he began to play with objects and space. He comprehended, perfected, and finally transcended realism, and his works became much more than paint on canvas. At the youthful age of fourteen, his charcoal drawings patterned techniques that Claude Monet is so renown for using. Dali was capable of portraying Monet's stylistic texture in a texture-less medium. By the ...
  • Perfect Examples Of Dali's Surrealistic Period
    710 words
    " I do not take drugs... I am drugs. This statement was made by the great Spanish painter and member of the surrealist movement Salvador Dali. Dali referred to his works as "hand-painted dream photographs", and claimed that his imagery often came directly from his own dreams. Although there is no documented evidence that he did experiment with hallucinogenic drugs, his paintings reflect a sort of false reality, showing commonplace objects in strange forms. Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904,...
  • Dali's Memories Of Spain
    1,331 words
    Living in Dreams, the Story of El Salvador Dali El Salvador Dali was a painter of dreams, making them vibrantly real and true to life. Dali's art will forever be the epitome of surrealist painting. He even said himself, "Le Surrealism e c'est moi!" (Surrealism it's me!) (Bogehold, 182). Dali's career was filled with insanities, love and most of all art. His style was new to the world. His imagination exuberant. From a small art school in Spain all the way to exhibitions all over the world, he ha...
  • Dali's Paintings
    1,788 words
    Through his art, filled with deviant and thought-provoking abstract images, Salvador Dali has made his mark in the world as being one of the most famous Surrealists. Surrealism is a 20th century movement dealing with the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery. (Mishka 2001) His art is popular with modern society as well as art enthusiasts. His paintings explore the connection between fantasy and reality, stemming from the subconscious mind. Salvador Felipe Jacinto...
  • Gala Salvador Dali
    901 words
    Salvador Dali is a brilliant painter and draftsman. More commonly, he was known as a leading Surrealist, probing the irrational and subconscious in his paintings. His style, whether cubist, abstract, realistic, paranoiac-critical, or stereoscopic, was always completely his own. His versatility, just like that of the artists of the Renaissance, manifests itself in several fields where he is helped by artisans whose language he speaks and whom he pushes to the extreme limits of their techniques. H...
  • My Favorite Period In Dali's Art Work
    540 words
    Visiting the Salvador Dali museum was quite the experience. Although I have been there be for, I got a chance to take my time and really look at each period of Dali's work. Dali is said to have four periods of his art work, which are his early, transitional, surreal, and his classic periods. Even though my favorite is his surreal period I am going to give you a little sample what art work form each. The work in Dali's early period was done when he was a teenager. His work during this period show...

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