Danny And Reuven essay topics

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  • Danny's Situation
    352 words
    'Do you see what I see?' When the novel "The Chosen" is read, the reader sees the story from out of Reuven's eyes (or in one case 'eye'); but if that same book was read from Danny's perspective then it would become a whole new story; for that is what life is. One person lives the story of their own life while their best friend, though he lives through the same events, lives his own defined story. In The Chosen there are many times when Reuven just cannot understand why Danny has to or can't do s...
  • Reuven And Danny
    968 words
    TWO BOYS, ONE AMERICAN DREAM Baseball is a rugged sport, uniquely American. Two Jewish boys meet during one of the most hotly contested baseball games of the high school season, in New York City during World War II. The teams' rivalry-one team are Hassidim, the other orthodox-fuels intense acrimony between them until a freak accident during the game sends one to the hospital with an injury that nearly costs him an eye. The near loss of the boy's eye creates a bond between the boys which develops...
  • Danny And Reuven
    577 words
    The Chosen By: Chaim PotokThe novel The Chosen is a story of two Jewish boys who become friends and go through lots of hard times together. The book starts out at a baseball game, one boy on one team and one boy on the other team. The game quickly turns more into a war rather than a game. Reuven was pitching when Danny came up to bat, Reuven threw the ball and Danny hit the ball straight back at him. The ball hit Reuven in the eye, shattered his glasses, and got a piece of glass in his eye. Reuv...
  • Danny's Father
    459 words
    The Chosen: Chaim Potok's Look Into Human Nature A bad thing is only truly bad if you fail to make good of it. The Chosen by Chaim Potok is a to the human ability to learn, grow and prosper from adversity. The story is filled with examples of situations in which something that may seem bad at the time, later reaps great rewards. In the initial portion of The Chosen one of the main characters, ReuvenMalter, is struck in the eye by a baseball hit by the other main character, Danny Saunders. Surger...
  • Danny Through Reuven
    732 words
    The Chosen, by Chaim Poto k, is a moving story of two brilliant friends who belonged to different Jewish sects. Reuven, who tells the story, was the obedient loving son of David Matter, or Abba. Abba was a high school teacher in a yeshiva, or Jewish parochial school, which taught more English than other sects. Danny was the son chosen to succeed his father, a Rabbi of an orthodox hasidic sect that had kept old customs for six generations. There was contention, jealousy, and unspoken admiration f...
  • David Malter And Reb Saunders
    980 words
    Chaim Poto k uses historic events to help shape the plot of The Chosen and create conflicts and challenges for the characters to overcome. Specifically, the Holocaust and the Zionist movement create a feeling of aversion between the Malters and the Saunders by setting the Malters' reform Jewish, Zionist beliefs against those of the Hasidic, anti-Zionist Saunders. In the end of The Chosen, after the strength of Reuven and Danny's friendship has been thoroughly tested, their bond emerges just as h...
  • Relationship Between Reuven And Danny
    807 words
    In The Chosen, Potok describes the Jewish culture during the period of World War I. Beginning with the affluence of Polish Jews before the war, Potok established a circle of relationships. In the book, there are three main relationships. The first one is father-son, between Danny and his father, Reb Saunders and between Reuven and his father, David Malters. The relationship between Reuven and Danny is the second main relationship in The Chosen. The third main relationship is Hasidism verses Zion...
  • Danny Visits Reuven In The Hospital
    526 words
    The Chosen, by Chaim Potok, is a book about friendship between two boys from vastly different religious Jewish backgrounds. Their initial distrust and hatred for each other because of their differing backgrounds gives way, and develops into a deep friendship. Danny Saunders is brought up in a Chasidic environment. His father is the Rabbi of his synagogue and sect, and is well respected as a great Tzadik and a Talmud Scholar. His ancestors for the past five generations had been very honorable and...
  • Mr Malters And Reb Saunders
    765 words
    The Chosen, by Chaim Po tek, is a novel written about two Jewish boys growing up in Brookyln. Though they lived only five blocks from each other, Danny and Reuven lived very different lives, primarily because of the influence of their fathers. Reb Saunders and Mr. Malters approached raising a child, their Jewish faith, and the world in general from two very different perspectives. Despite the profound differences, both men tried very hard to do what was right for their sons. As fathers, Reb Saun...
  • Danny And Reuvens Friendship
    3,676 words
    The Chosen Reading Journal Chapter One 1. Remember why and for whom we play. (p. 16) This passage shows the rabbi of Reuvens rival team telling his players to focus and concentrate on the importance of the baseball game they are about to play. They are playing for the glory of their God and not to just have fun. To these young teenage boys their religion has importance in all aspects of their life even their after school recreational activities. 2. The first pitch was low, and Danny Saunders ign...
  • Entire Night With Danny And His Father
    978 words
    The Chosen: Discussion of Title Throughout our lives, we are given choices to make. Whether these choices involve the people we will spend our time with, how much effort we will put into our work, or even the places we ll choose to go, they are for the most part up to each individual. In The Chosen by Chaim Poto k, these kinds of choices are not up to each person, but rather up to the father of a very strict family of Jews. After Reuven Matter returned home from the hospital, Danny came to visit...
  • Danny And Reuven's Friendship
    1,159 words
    The Chosen, By Chaim PotokFriendshipWhile many obstacles get in the way of friendship, true friendship still lives, even in silence. In the book, The Chosen, By Chaim Poto k, two boys, Reuven Malter and Danny Saunders, who are very religiously different and both raised in completely opposite ways, develops a deep friendship. Their friendship opens up their worldview to many other different viewpoints in life. The friendship between these two boys is one with great religious significance, startin...
  • Reuven Malter And Danny Saunders
    927 words
    The Chosen. Plot Summary The Chosen by Chaim Potok is set in the 1940's neighborhood of Brooklyn in Williamsburg. Two boys who live a few blocks from each other but in totally different environments forge a unique relationship. Reuven Malter, the son of an Orthodox Jewish scholar, and Danny Saunders, the brilliant son of a great Hasidic rabbi, meet for the first time in a baseball game between their two Jewish parochial schools. Reuven is hit in the eye with a ball hit by Danny and is kept in be...
  • Danny Saunders
    779 words
    One of the most emotional scenes from Chaim Poto ks The Chosen is when Reuven goes with Danny Saunders to talk to his father. Danny has a great mind and wants to use it to study psychology, not become a Hasidic tzaddik. The two go into Reb Saunders study to explain to him what is going to happen, and before Danny can bring it up, his father does. Reb Saunders explains to the two friends that he already known that Reuven is going to go for his's micha and Danny, who is in line to become the next ...
  • Danny Saunders
    782 words
    Malter's Development in The Chosen One of the most emotional scenes from Chaim Potok's The Chosen is when Reuven goes with Danny Saunders to talk to his father. Danny has a great mind and wants to use it to study psychology, not become a Hasidictzaddik. The two go into Reb Saunders's tudy to explain to him what is going to happen, and before Danny can bring it up, his father does. Reb Saunders explains to the two friends that he already known that Reuven is going to go for his and Danny, who is ...
  • Potok's Novel
    2,197 words
    Authors use writing as a form of disseminating their knowledge and experiences to the world. Chaim Potok is a master of this, and has shown it in each of his eight amazing novels. In his novels, Potok often made the idea of challenging conformity a central issue for the characters. Danny's decision to become a Psychologist in The Chosen is a single example of this issue with conformity. From the diametric opposition of Danny and Reuven's characters, Potok shows how delicate the balance of the wo...
  • Reuven's Left Eye
    1,440 words
    Jeremy Leavitt Chaim Potok uses symbolism in The Chosen many different ways. One thing thats symbolic in his book is the reference to the right and left sides of things. Throughout the book this is used to show what the characters are like. First Potok illustrates the point when Reuven's left eye is cut during the baseball game. It is used again at the hospital. Danny and his father also illustrate the right and left hand symbolism. When Danny hit the ball at Reuven, it hit him in the left eye. ...
  • Danny And Reuven's Friendship As Danny
    925 words
    Friends or Enemies Through the course of the novel it is shown that it is not just a story but the author is focusing on the importance of relationships as the issues in the society he is living in come to surface. Chaim Potok's The Chosen is an analysis of Society and the Individual. Through this analysis, Potok focuses on the key theme of the importance of relationships. During a time when the world was uneasy, Potok wrote The Chosen as a means of trying to understand what was happening in soc...

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