Depressive Illness essay topics

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  • Sexual Abuse And Her Manic Depressive Illness
    1,743 words
    Patton 1 Josh Patton Mrs. Theresa R. Coco College Prep English 12 8 March, 2000 "Virginia Woolf - A Life of Struggle and Affliction" The literary critic Queenie Leavis, who had been born into the British lower middle class and reared three children while writing and editing and teaching, thought Virginia Woolf a preposterous representative of real women's lives: "There is no reason to suppose Mrs. Woolf would know which end of the cradle to stir". Yet no one was more aware of the price of unworl...
  • Diagnosis And Treatment Of Bipolar Illness
    2,726 words
    Miguel Amador Abnormal Psychology Professor Cleveland April 13, 2004 Bipolar Illness Bipolar illness, also called manic depression, is misdiagnosed on the average of two out of three times; unfortunately it is an illness that kills one in four afflicted persons. Major psychiatric disorders such as bipolar illness make up half of the leading causes of disease related disability in the United States (web). Bipolar illness is a major psychological disorder characterized by episodes of mania, depres...
  • Depressed People
    1,275 words
    Taking the Pill: Depression and Social Stigma Depression is widespread in today's society and is called 'the common cold of mental health problems. ' But despite its prevalence, people are wary about the use of a pill in order to chase the blues away. Some even liken anti-depressants to Soma as depicted in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Soma is the perfect pleasure drug that provides a mindless, inauthentic happiness, which makes people comfortable with their lack of freedom. Depression is oft...
  • Nicole's Behavior During A Severe Episode
    604 words
    Bipolar Disorder, also known as Manic Depression, involves episodes of mania and depression, with periods of stability. Manic episodes are characterized by elevated energy levels, restlessness, feeling of nothing can go wrong, and high self-confidence; while depressive episodes are the exact opposite: low energy, sluggish, sadness, and feeling of hopelessness. Occasionally, people suffering from Bipolar Disorder can suffer more severe symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized ...
  • Mentally Ill Teen Kip Kinkel
    894 words
    "Mental illness: The Cause of Violence"The first thing that hit me was I could smell blood. And looked, and quiet, but saw a lot of kids down, a lot of wounds, blood spurting out of legs ("The Killer")". This is what Don Stone, a football coach at Thurston High School, said as he approached the Cafeteria. Kip Kinkel, a fifteen-year-old student at the high school, had just murdered four people two students and wounded twenty-five, and both his parents. This big incident had happened in a small qu...
  • Onset Of A Depressive Disorder
    307 words
    Some types of depression run in families, suggesting that a biological vulnerability can be inherited. This seems to be the case with bipolar disorder. Studies of families in which members of each generation develop bipolar disorder found that those with the illness have a somewhat different genetic makeup than those who do not get ill. However, the reverse is not true: Not everybody with the genetic makeup that causes vulnerability to bipolar disorder will have the illness. Apparently additiona...
  • Rest Cure
    1,235 words
    The Yellow Wallpaper: In the 19th century, mental illness was an uncommon issue to be discussed. The public would treat the illness only by avoiding the matter and forcing the sick to feel helpless. At that time, the medical profession had not yet distinguished between diseases of the mind and diseases of the brain. Neurologists such as Dr. Silas Mitchell treated the problems that would now be treated by psychiatrists, such as depression. The most accepted cure was Mitchell's "Rest Cure", which ...
  • People With Severe Depressive Episodes
    3,307 words
    DepressionEverybody's mood varies according to events in the world around them. People are happy when they achieve something or saddened when they fail a test or lose something. When they are sad, some people say they are 'depressed', but the clinical depressions that are seen by doctors differ from the low mood broughton by everyday setbacks. Psychiatrists see a range of more severe mood disturbances and so find it easier to distinguish these from the normal variations of mood seen in the commu...
  • Cause Of Mental Illness
    1,311 words
    "It's All in Your Head" What is mental health? Mental health is a part of well being that deals with the mind, the chemistry of the brain, and how one views situations that he / she may encounter. In other words, it affects anything that has to do with "thinking" about anything that one needs to do, and any emotion that is felt. In this essay, the background of mental health, different mental illnesses, and current treatments that are used to help people with these illnesses will be discussed. A...
  • Effects Of Depression John
    739 words
    Effects Of Depression John had a decision to make and he had to make it now, he had to decide if he would go to see his doctor or if he should just ignore the symptoms. Many people would say if John needed to go to the doctors because he was sick, than he should just go because that is what you would do if you where sick. What you don't know about Johns symptoms is that he is depressed. There are many reasons why a person can get depressed, however this subject is not talked about in public very...
  • Social Cynicism The Narrator Desires
    834 words
    This story is set during the late 1800's. It is a bold representation of a woman's psychotic reaction after the birth of her child. Postpartum depression is still common today; a mild form of depression generally referred to as Baby Blues. This form of postpartum illness is usually temporary, but the more severe psychosis as experienced in the story by the main character is rare today because of the recognition and treatment currently available. The narrator intensely presents the symptoms of po...
  • Symptoms Of Depression Among Alcoholic Men
    1,203 words
    Mindy Wudarsky July 5, 2000 The Physical Self Causes of Higher Depression Rates among Women Depression is an illness that plagues millions of Americans. The depressed person is not only emotionally unwell; he or she also often becomes physically unwell as a result of the depression. The Department of Health and Human Services lists among the symptoms of depression decreased energy, overeating or eating too little, insomnia or oversleeping and chronic aches or other symptoms not associated with a...
  • Mental Illness Of Depression
    1,505 words
    In today's day and age many different types of disorders affect people. Many of them people are born with, such as Down Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis. While some people get from their environment or activities they participate in, such as a sexually active person can acquire a sexually transmitted infection. But others occur for unknown reasons and they can just appear and attack the person, one of the most prevalent of these is Depression. When one mentions the mental illness of depression, o...
  • Manic Depressive Illness Manic Depressive Illness
    540 words
    Manic Depressive Illness Manic-Depressive illness is one of the two major types of depressive illnesses, also known as mood disorders, because they primarily affect a person's mood. The basic two types of manic-depressives are unipolar and bipolar. Bipolar is a much more sever case in which moods can change drastically faster. Going from a perfect high to the lowest that one can go, even to the point of suicide. These illnesses can come from genetics, biochemical (chemical imbalance), and enviro...

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