Earth's Atmosphere essay topics

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  • Planet Except Earth
    2,066 words
    The Solar System By " Delete this text and type your name here". May 16, 2002 Introduction As far as we know, there are nine planets locked in orbit around the Sun. Only one, our own Earth, supports life. But there are countless other suns throughout countless galaxies scattered across the expanse of the universe. We still don't know if life exists on another planet in some other galaxy. Mercury Named for the wing-footed messenger of the Roman gods, Mercury races around its orbit at a dizzying s...
  • Greenhouse Effect The Earth
    1,079 words
    Greenhouse Effect The Greenhouse Effect is a term for the role the atmosphere plays in warming the earth's surface. Infrared rays are trapped by the earth's atmosphere, keeping the earth warm and habitable. Acting as a pane of glass, methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and CFCs trap the heat in. As infrared radiation travels through the atmosphere, much of it is absorbed by atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor. These gases then re-emit infrared ra...
  • Snowball Earth Hypothesis
    1,325 words
    State of research on the 'Snowball Earth Hypothesis " The 'Snowball Earth Hypothesis' also known as the " Varan gia glaciation' is a hypothesis presented in 2001 by Geologist Paul Hoffman. (Wikipedia, 2002) The hypothesis purposes that 540 million years ago during the Neoproterozoic, a meter thick of ice covered the oceans and glaciers the continents for 100 million years. Albedo; when ice and snow reflect solar radiation into space, in absents of greenhouse gases, which don't exist within the a...
  • Important Part Of The Atmosphere
    1,225 words
    Horace and the Atmosphere Hey there! I dont know whos reading this, but have I got a story to tell you! My name is Horace and Im a 5 billion-year-old rock. Now wait a minute! I know what youre thinking, What a boring life. What does a rock know about anything But dont walk away yet. An old rock can know more than you think and I happen to have a pretty cool story to tell you. Its all about the atmosphere. You know, that big mass of gases and air pressure extending over 100 kilometers above your ...
  • Most Abundant Gases Of The Earth's Crust
    559 words
    Chapter 22 page 5981. What is the commonly accepted age of Earth? a) 4.6 Billion years 2. Which of the following was not a source of heat for the early Earth? a) hydrothermal energy 3. What are small asteroids called? a) meteoroids 4. What is the process by which a planet becomes internally zoned when heavy materials toward its center and lighter materials accumulate near its surface? a) Diffentiation 5. Where is most of the North American Precambrian shield exposed at the surface? a) Canada 6. ...
  • Upper Levels Of The Earth Aeurtms Atmosphere
    376 words
    Human induced climate change resulting from an enhanced greenhouse effect is probably the greatest environmental threat facing the world today. Specifically, the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide may be classified as the primary culprit. As a result of greenhouse gases entering the upper levels of the earth^aEURTMs atmosphere, it diminishes or breaks down the earths^aEURTM Ozone layer. With this loss of this protective blanket, harmful radioactive rays from the sun enter the de...
  • Earth's Atmospheric Gasses In Their Proportion
    2,611 words
    The Gaia Hypothesis The Gaia Hypothesis is a hypothesis that was developed by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis in the late 1970's. James Lovelock is a British scientist, an atmospheric chemist, and also an inventor with an education in human physiology. Lynn Margulis was a microbiologist during the 1970's at Boston University. She also originated the theory of the eukaryotic cell arising as a result of endo symbiotic cell capture. This theory is the one that gave her the credibility to advance t...
  • Snowball Earth And Cambrian Explosion Events
    991 words
    Evolution of land animals THE LARGEST genetic study ever performed to learn when land plants and fungi first appeared on the Earth has revealed a plausible biological cause for two major climate events: the Snowball Earth eras, when ice periodically covered the globe, and the era called the Cambrian Explosion, which produced the first fossils of almost all major categories of animals living today. According to the authors of the study, Science, plants paved the way for the evolution of land anim...
  • Sir Walter Ramsey And Morris W Travers
    495 words
    The Noble Gases The Noble Gases are the far right elements on the periodic table. On the earth they are scarce so we don^1 t see much of them. They are do not react well with anything. In fact until around the 50^1's they hadn^1 t found anything that they would react with any of the gases. But then someone found out that Fluorine one the of most reactive elements could form compounds with Xenon. Later they found that it could react with most of the other nobles. Helium is one of the more scarce ...
  • Comet Hyakutake And Comet Hale Bopp
    509 words
    ExtrasMeteorsA brilliant meteor, called a fireball, may weigh many kilograms, but even a meteor weighing less than a gram can produce a beautiful trail. Some of these visitors from space are large enough to survive (at least partially) their trip through the atmosphere and impact the ground as meteorites. Fireballs are sometimes followed by trails of light that persist for up to 30 minutes; some, called bolides, explode with a loud thunderous sound. Meteoroids The term meteor comes from the Gree...
  • Methane Gas In Uranus's Atmosphere
    446 words
    Because Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun, not only is it cold, but it's barely visible too. During the night the only way you can see it is through binoculars or telescope; sometimes on a clear night it's visible to the naked eye. Even from the planet it is dark. Only 15 moons are able to be seen, the rest is too dark to tell. Uranus was discovered with a telescope, by William Herschel. Uranus reaches a maximum brightness of magnitude 5.5 and can be seen by the naked eye as a faint point of...
  • Very Large Meteorite
    600 words
    Imagine that while youre on a peaceful Sunday afternoon stroll with your family, a large dark gray ball comes out of nowhere, just missing the head of your small child, shakes the earth, and produces a large crater in the ground a few feet ahead of you. This ball wasnt from the young boys playing baseball across the street, and it wasnt an acorn from the tree overhead. This ashen ball was a meteorite falling from the sky. A meteorite is a particle from space, large enough to enter the earths atm...
  • Green House Effect In The Earths Atmosphere
    1,810 words
    The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect For the past ten thousand years the earths climate has been extremely good and beneficial to mankind. Today however, major changes are taking place. Humans beings are changing the face of the entire planet by destroying the rain forests and pumping our pollutants into the air and water. Some of these gases are very toxic and they are destroying our ozone layers which allows life to exist on earth These things are changing the make-up of the earths biosphere and its...
  • Water To The Atmosphere
    746 words
    Definition of the Environment The environment consists of four overlapping components, which play a vital role in sustaining life on Earth. The four components are the Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Biosphere each works hand in hand with each other, without one of these components this would upset the delicate balance of the environment. The atmosphere is a mixture of transparent and odorless gases, which is surrounding the earth in a layer, which is held in place by the Earth gravitat...
  • Long Periods Of A Warm Global Climate
    778 words
    Humans have adjusted agricultural and other activities to the current climatic configuration of the Earth. Climatic conditions, however, change with time, as, for example, from the apparent warm, humid global conditions of the Carboniferous Period to the widespread continental glaciations of the Pleistocene Epoch. Using fossils and other geologic evidence (e. g., Erosional landforms, shoreline features, and glacial deposits), paleo climatologists have demonstrated that the periodic occurrence of...
  • II Solar Flares
    405 words
    INTRO I. Solar flares are violent eruptions of gases that release ultra-violet radiation, x-rays and gammy rays. It's an enormous explosion of hydrogen and helium above the sun surface. A. It's a sudden rapid and intense variation in brightness that happens every eleven years B. They usually last an average of 20 minutes and are a remarkable phenomenon. C. Imagine gigantic blobs of materials held together by powerful magnetic forces. All of a sudden they launch into earth's magnetosphere. D. The...
  • Galileo Jupiter
    1,963 words
    We have all looked up at the sky, at one time or another. Wondering, why are we here, how did we come to exist to live on our planet Earth. We have studies our oceans, and dug deep into the Earth. The desire to discover other planets, study their atmospheres and geology are the dreams that spark a desire to look deep into are solar system and galaxy. In the past decades we have accomplished many successful space missions. With today's highly advanced technology, we have the opportunity to furthe...
  • Impacts Upon The Earth
    630 words
    Despite the geological appearance of Earth, it has been hit many times by asteroids. Most of these impacts occurred while the Earth was still forming. A major asteroid impact about 65 million years ago is said to have killed off the dinosaurs and most of the other life-forms living in that period. This impact was in the Yucatan Peninsula, about 200 miles west of Cancun. The asteroid was about 10 km in size, with the energy equivalent of more than 100 million megatons or 5 billion Hiroshima atomi...
  • Atmosphere Of The Earth
    1,469 words
    The earth is a living planet where many complex systems run perfectly without stopping at all. When compared to other planets, it is evident that in all its aspects the earth is specially designed for human life. Built on delicate balances, life prevails in every spot of this planet, from the atmosphere to the depths of the earth. Exploring only a few of the millions of these delicate balances would be sufficient to show that the world we live in is specially designed for us. One of the most imp...
  • Greenhouse Effect In The Earth's Atmosphere
    1,859 words
    For the past ten thousand years the earth's climate has been extremely beneficial to mankind. However, nowadays major changes are taking place. Humans beings are changing the face of the entire planet by destroying the rain forests and pumping our pollutants into the air and water. Some of these gases are very toxic and they are destroying our ozone layer which allows life to exist on earth. These things are changing the make-up of the earth's biosphere and its heat balance in a very negative wa...

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