Effects Of Marijuana essay topics

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  • Psychological Effects Of Cannabis Use
    1,550 words
    e Health Effects of Marijuana on Humans Tim Murphy Introduction Marijuana has been used as a drug since the beginning of time, yet there are still many mysteries about its health effects on humans. Marijuana, or cannabis sativa, is a preparation of the crushed flowers and buds of female hemp plant. The existence of the plant has been reported as early as 1500-1200 BC. in China, and cannabis has been described as an analgesic as early as 200 AD. Since then, an overwhelming number of studies have ...
  • Medical Use Of Marijuana
    1,382 words
    Medical Marijuana Marijuana prohibition applies to everyone, including the sick and dying. Of all the negative consequences of prohibition, none is as tragic as the denial of medical marijuana to the tens of thousands of seriously ill patients who could benefit from its therapeutic use. It is clear from available studies and rapidly accumulating anecdotal evidence that marijuana is therapeutic in the treatment of a number of serious ailments and is less toxic and costly than many conventional me...
  • Marijuana With Some Other Kinds Of Drugs
    3,058 words
    Marijuana Controversy: America is the land of the free and the foundation of democracy. This countries foundation is based on the fact that an individual can enjoy freedom from oppression and the minority's opinions can be heard along with the majority's. Our government is designed to be fair and open minded, to be a servant to the people it governs. Unfortunately once an opinion is placed into the collective mind of society, it is a struggle to alter that opinion through argument and informatio...
  • Long Term Damages Due To Marijuana
    2,175 words
    MARIJUANA'S SHORT AND LONG TERM EFFECTS ON THE BRAIN Millions are abusing marijuana every day. In fact, 1 out of 7 high school students smoke marijuana more than once a day. Marijuana is taken very lightly and is the most highly used illegal drug. For this reason, society should know its short and long term effects on the brain. Marijuana can effect these two areas emotionally or physically. Also in some cases physical damages causes the emotional response. Although most public information on dr...
  • Drug In Marijuana
    950 words
    Cannabis Sativa (marijuana) has been thought to be an illegal and very harmful drug for many years. But as you read this report you will learn that marijuana has been around for many years (most years legal) and isn't as harmful as some people may think. Marijuana has been used for many things in the past, including medicine, hemp rope, crude cloth and enjoyment. Now it is mainly used asa narcotic. Marijuana is an illegal weed that grows up to eighteen feet tall with little or no cultivation. Th...
  • Medical Usage Of Marijuana
    858 words
    Pass The Weed The cries of conservatives across America has grown to a riotous roar. The problem is that the long-standing and unjust prohibition of the psychoactive drug marijuana has been lifted by voters in Arizona and California. Under the new law, doctors can prescribe marijuana to those patients who can possibly benefit from the drug's medicinal purposes. Used for alleviating pain and suffering, the drug can provide needed relief for many people. However, to the concerned, it appears that ...
  • History And Effects Of Marijuana
    566 words
    History and Effects of Marijuana Marijuana is the common name for the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. Hemp grows in tropical and in warm temperate climates. Dried up grounded leaves and stems have been known for a long period of time to be used as a drug. Through out many different regions in the world and for centuries has been used. Other uses as in medical to relieve symptoms of illness. Throughout its long history, parts of the plant have been smoked, chewed, eaten, and even brewed for it effect...
  • Marijuana And Hemp
    1,245 words
    Marijuana and other "pleasure" drug are outlawed completely under Federal Statues, banned by virtually every state as well... It is not likely that excessive use of marijuana does fog the brain and causes other harm, as its enemies claim... But this isn't crucial point being interpreted. The key point is that if you accept the Libertarian promise that your life is your own and not the state's, the government doesn't have any business telling you what you can and can not do. With the exception of...
  • Moral Use Of Marijuana
    1,996 words
    MARIJUANA SHOULD REMAIN AN ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE Marijuana has become a more and more acceptable drug over the past few years despite its many side effects, not only on the user, but also on society as a whole. Due to these side effects on society and the marijuana user, it would be in the best interest of everyone that marijuana remains an illegal substance. On one side of the issue you have marijuana users saying that it is their choice on whether or not they should be allowed to smoke marijuana. ...
  • Use Of Marijuana
    441 words
    Marijuana is it harmless Some doctors have said that it is David Pow elson, M.D., formerly chief of psychiatry, Cowell Hospital, University of California, Berkeley, at one time advocated legalizing the use of marijuana. Later, after more evidence was available, be wrote: "I now believe that marijuana is the most dangerous drug we must contend with: 1. Its early use is beguiling. The user is given an illusion of feeling good; he cannot sense the deterioration of his mental and physiological proce...
  • Potential Medical Use Of Marijuana
    1,194 words
    Should Cannabis Sativa, also known as marijuana, be legalized in the United States of America Many people think the answer to this question is yes, although others think it should stay illegal. There are many points on both sides of this controversial issue. There are many groups are on both sides of the line that have strong feelings about what they stand for. The dominant fear about marijuana in the 20th century has been that its effects were somehow similar to the dangerously addictive effect...

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