Effects Of The Drug essay topics

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  • Drug Dealers And Gang Members
    444 words
    Swinsick 1 DRUG ABUSE The term drug abuse is most often referred to as the use of a drug that causes physical or mental harm to the user or impairs the bodies functions (Drug Abuse 279). The information in this paper will help inform the reader on the sale, effects, and types of illegal drugs. Drugs, crime, and children play a huge part on today's society. The drug enforcement is getting longer, so the drug dealers and gang members are not willing to do their own dirty work. Adolescents are trea...
  • Hallucinations As A Side Effect
    458 words
    Hallucinations Hallucinations are defined as a perception of and external object when no object is really present. There are many reasons why people have hallucinations. Some reasons for hallucinations are prescribed drugs (SSRI), illegal drugs (LSD), and sleeping disorders (Narcolepsy). Some causes of hallucinations are from taking drugs, both prescribed and illegal. Both produce the same effect. The hallucinations from these have been described as d'ej'a vu or hearing or seeing thing that aren...
  • Drug Abuse And Addiction
    1,296 words
    In order to fully understand this question it is important to define exactly what is meant by the key terms used; the Oxford English Popular English Dictionary (P arragon, Oxford 1995) defines 'abuse as; 'To make bad or wrong use of; to maltreat, and it defines 'addiction as the condition of doing or using something as a habit or compulsively (esp. of drug taking, with adverse effects on ceasing) devotion to an interest. During this essay I hope to show how drugs alter the way the brain works, a...
  • Similar Drug By The Name Of Creatine
    1,166 words
    ... e testosterone, it comes to no surprise to why it mostly affects the reproductive system. For example, most male side effects include shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, impotence, baldness, pain in urinating, development of breasts or enlarged prostate (Anabolic Steroids, A Brief History, 2). While males experience more of a feminizing affect, females will usually experience a more affects such as growth of facial air, changes in the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris...
  • Tolerance For A Certain Drug
    425 words
    Drug Dependence In order for a chemical to be considered a drug it must have the capacity to affect how the body works -- to be biologically active. No substance that has the power to do this is completely safe, and drugs are approved only after they demonstrate that they are relatively safe when used as directed, and when the benefits outweigh their risks. Thus, some very dangerous drugs are approved because they are necessary to treat serious illness. Digitalis, which causes the heart muscle t...
  • Powerfully Addictive Drug Of Abuse
    2,179 words
    Is the Government Morally Justified in Declaring Some Drugs Illegal? There are all kinds of drugs. Whether or not the drug is illegal or not depends on what drug we " re talking about. It is important to look at both the bad effects and long-term effects, such as addiction, when determining legality. Certain drugs, such as prescription drugs like Ritalin, are illegal to the people who abuse them. They are designed for people who need the drug and can be dangerous if taken without seeing a doctor...
  • Antidepressant Drugs
    722 words
    Drug abuse is a widespread problem that makes individual drug users the prime victims. But drugs also affect all of us, wherever we live and whatever we do. Drug abuse can cause serious physical and mental deterioration. The problem can tear apart the family structure and make it hard for learning. Difficulties on the job due to drug abuse make it hard for employers to run their businesses. Stealing form employers or from individuals to get money from for drugs causes pain and economic loss to t...
  • Problems Of Teenage Drug Use
    1,732 words
    Effects of Drugs on Adolescents Drug use is the increasing problem among teenagers in colleges today. Most drug use begins in the preteen and teenage years, these years most crucial in the maturation process. During these years adolescents are faced with difficult tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, assenting independence, learning to cope with authority and searching for goals that would give their lives meaning. Drugs are readily, adolescents are curious an...
  • Drug Thalidomide
    1,898 words
    # Since the mid to late 1950's, Thalidomide has been a controversial drug. Since its introduction it has seen its highs and its lows. From devastating birth defects, to a treatment for some life threatening cancers, Thalidomide could be considered the J eckel and Hyde of the pharmaceutical world. The question that the pharmaceutical world is asking itself now is weather the risk of the possible devastating birth defects that can happen is worth the possible life saving benefits that could be gai...
  • Known About The Effects Of Lsd
    437 words
    Lysergic Acid Diethlamide (LSD) LSD or acid is a commonly used drug of teens. LSD is a hallucinogenic drug which effects the nervous system. The drug is ingested in many different ways, absorbed through the skin, taken orally or absorbed through the eye or ear. This drug was originally developed by the government of the United States as a treatment for psychological conditions such as alcoholism and drug addiction. In Canada, where experimentation is not heavily restricted, LSD has been used to ...
  • Safety And Effectiveness Of Otc Drug Products
    1,181 words
    David Edwards Abnormal Psychology FDA Evaluation of Medication Introduction The main center within the FDA for the evaluation of medication is known as the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. The center evaluates all drugs before they are sold. It currently evaluates more than 10,000 drugs that are on the market to ensure that highest standards of those drugs. They also monitor media broadcasts to make sure that messages portrayed are truthful to consumers. Lastly, they provide health care ...
  • Drug Ecstasy
    687 words
    Ecstasy Chemically, ecstasy is known as methylene-dioxymethamphetamine or MDMA. It falls between two major categories of drugs, hallucinogens and amphetamines. Ecstasy usually comes in the form of a small tablet. In 1914, MDMA was first used as a prescription drug to reduce appetite. However it wasnt until 1981 when American youths first started using it as a recreational drug. It was completely legal in the US until 1985 when it was added to the banned list. It was about the same time that the ...
  • Physical Effects Of The Drug
    1,132 words
    ECSTASY Finally, one single dose of a simple small pill to end all of your worries and make you happy as if all were right in the world. This is the common perception most get when they are under the hypnotic trance of what is called Exstacy. Exstacy is a pill, a drug, above any other of its kind, specially formulated to encourage the user psychologically, everything is good, and love is in the air, no worries, no sorrow, that everything is perfect because the feeling is perfect. Physically, how...
  • Drug Ecstasy
    552 words
    1 September 2000 The Lure of Ecstasy According to the Time Magazine article ecstasy is a serious drug in America. Karen a high school student from Texas experiments with the drug before school. In Grand Rapids, Michigan takes the drug so her and husband can talk about there problems. So what is this drug ecstasy and where did it come from Well according to Time it is actually MDMA. The patient was issued in 1914 to the E. Merch Company. The chemists though they could develop the drug into a ther...
  • Most Common Drug
    876 words
    Stimulants and Their Effects: In this day and age, drugs are being prescribed without hesitation. In fact, many of these drugs are being prescribed for children with various disorders. One of these disorders is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). An estimated five to ten percent of children are diagnosed with this syndrome (Hill 17). One of the methods to treat this disorder is to use stimulants, specifically Ritalin. This method is controversial because it has many side effe...
  • Effectiveness Of Antidepressant Drugs
    666 words
    In Issue 13 of Taking Sides, the controversial question Have Antidepressant Drugs Proven to be Effective is analyzed. Psychiatrist Peter D. Kramer argues in this issue that antidepressant drugs "can transform depressed patients into happy people with almost no side effects" (p. 212). On the contrary, professors of psychology Seymour Fisher and Roger P. Greenberg "claim that the studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of antidepressants are seriously flawed" (p. 212). Kramer's agreement with t...
  • Common Physical Effects The Drug
    837 words
    Did you know that nearly 5 percent of 10th and 12th graders and about 2 percent of 8th graders have reported to have used MDMA in the past year Isn t that scary to hear A study given to students at Stanford University showed that 40% of the students have used MDMA. These facts are astonishing. Many people don t realize what high levels this popular drug is being used in. MDMA is also known as Ecstasy, E, X, XTC, and many other street terms as well. MDMA is a semi-synthetic chemical compound. It ...
  • Drugs Like Weed
    371 words
    I did my project on (PCP) also known as Phencyclidine, Phencyclidine Hydrochloride, Phenyl Cyclo hexyl Piperidine, Sernylan. This is the scientific name as well as the generic names. There are also street names like Angel dust, dust,'s herm, super weed, killer weed, PCP, elephant, embalming fluid, hog, PCE, rocket fuel, TCP. This drug falls under the hallucinogen category. It is used with weed or mint leaves like parsley, oregano, or marijuana. This drug is well known for its effects. Some of th...
  • Long Term Use Of Amphetamines And Pcp
    531 words
    There are many mind and mood altering effects of amphetamines and phencyclidine (PCP). Amphetamines, which are powerful stimulant drugs, are known primarily for acting on the brain and spinal cord. PCP, which is a general anesthetic, has potent psychological and behavioral effects. Both drugs have their own unique effects, as well as a set of shared ones. Amphetamines are generally taken to speed up the functions of the nervous system. When initially taken, amphetamines produce a feeling of well...
  • Teenagers Abuse Drugs
    671 words
    How often do you see young teenagers, especially Asian and American teenagers abusing drugs? I bet if you really pay attention and observe more carefully, you will notice that it is a common phenomenon nowadays. It's a common sense that taking drugs like MDMA, Methamphetamine, Hallucinogen mushrooms, and GHB improperly will harm our healthy bodies, however, why are there still so many teenagers abusing these kinds of drugs? Teenagers abuse drugs to feel good, relieve stress, or maybe because it'...

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