Effects Studies essay topics

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  • Pnf With A Form Of Static Stretching
    2,822 words
    The American College of Sports Medicine defined fitness in 1990 by stating that physical fitness is "a set of attributes that people have or achieve". (Cited in Dalgleish et al 2001) This set of attributes can be further defined as cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance, muscle strength, muscle endurance, motor skills and flexibility. Cardiovascular fitness involves the heart and lungs supplying the required volume of oxygen to the working muscles. Muscular endurance is the number of contrac...
  • Pre Treatment Levels Two Hours After Treatment
    3,123 words
    ! SSA review of research articles dealing with the potential effects of ergot alkaloids on the growth and reproductive performance of beef cattle grazing fescue. !" By Pia A. Herring September 20, 2001 Assignment #2 A GSC 514 Introduction Due to the enormous amounts of money that are lost yearly to tall fescue toxicosis, there have been numerous studies conducted to try and discover the specific mechanisms of action that the toxins present in the fungus Neotyphodium follow. Researchers have look...
  • Media Effects Research
    4,487 words
    It has become something of a clich'e to observe that despite many decades of research and hundreds of studies, the connections between people's consumption of the mass media and their subsequent behavior have remained persistently elusive. Indeed, researchers have enjoyed an unusual degree of patience from both their scholarly and more public audiences. But the time comes when we must take a step back from this murky lack of consensus and ask - why? Why are there no clear answers on media effect...
  • Reproductive Effects On Adult Animals
    1,565 words
    During recent years, numerous newspaper and magazine articles have suggested that humans may be at risk because small amounts of well known environmental contaminants, such as dioxin, PCBs and DDT, can affect hormone levels. Hormones are produced by the endocrine system as regulators of biological function in target organs. Because hormones play a critical role in early development, toxicological effects on the endocrine system often have an impact on the reproductive system. The term endocrine ...
  • Studies On Glucosamine And Chondroitin
    747 words
    Do you know what the dietary supplement glucosamine / chondroitin is, does or can do? Do you know what the side effects are or if there are any? Do you know how it's made or what it's derived from? I didn't think so, so that's what I am here to tell you. I was playing lacrosse one day when I made a sudden move and that's when it all went down hill. I tore the cartilage in my knee, the meniscus - a piece of cartilage that acts as a cushion - to be exact. A few days later I was talking to my Aunt ...
  • Beam Effect In Machine Performance
    891 words
    Beam-beam effect, or beam-beam interaction, is a recent research being conducted over many areas throughout the world, from European laboratories to American Institutes. Basically the issue involves the passing through of proton bunches which results in many different types of effect, sometimes including the unexpected. Aside from the shooting of particles across one another, usually the collision rate of the protons generates a certain amount of energy. Today, the issue is to focus on modifying...
  • Post Identification Feedback Effect
    576 words
    Experimental Psychology Article review of 'Distorted Retrospective Eyewitness Reports as Functions of Feedback and Delay' by Gary L. Wells, Elizabeth A. Olson, and Steve D. Charm an. Iowa State University Journal of Experimental Psychology This article was mainly about eye witnesses and the many errors they make in recalling a situation or describing a culprit whether they are asked immediately or after a period of time. In this study, witnesses viewed a crime video and attempted to identify the...
  • Corticosteroid And Bone Mineral Density In Patients
    2,635 words
    Research Synthesis Paper According to American Academy of Pediatrics, "It is estimated that approximately 15 million people in the United States suffer from Asthma. Asthma is the most common chronic illness in children" (Schlienger 2004). Although inhaled steroids have been established as the preventive treatment of choice, few studies have been conducted to assess the risks of inhaled steroid therapy. Inhaled corticosteroids are absorbed into the systemic circulation, but the extent to which th...
  • Chocolate Causes Migraines And Headaches
    1,539 words
    Thesis: The development and distribution of cocoa has had a positive effect on today's society because of it's active role in daily health. I. History of Cocoa. Kakahutal Mayan and Aztec Culture. Introduction to Europe. Cocoa Press II. Mental and Physical Health. Migraines. Cholesterol 1. Stearic Acid 2. Oleic Acid 3. Flavonoids C. Premenstrual Syndrome. Kidney Stones. Chemical Craving Theories 1. Theo bromine 2. Phenylithylamine 3. Endorphins Chocolate, one America's top industry's. We produce ...
  • Variables Between Television Violence And Aggressive Behavior
    1,146 words
    This literature review is based on the effects of television violence on children. More specifically, it deals with the relationship found between television violence and aggression found in young children. I chose this topic because I found it interesting to learn that studies have indeed found a connection between television viewing and the behavior of people, especially children. The first study reviewed is entitled 'Television Violence and Children's Aggression: Testing the Priming. Social s...
  • Result Of Gelfin Et Al S Conclusions
    3,447 words
    The Controversies Surrounding "Cosmetic Psychopharmacology" Throughout one's life generalizations and characterizations are made about one's personality. It starts almost the second one is born, "She has a cranky demeanor, she cries all the time". During the school years children are characterized as outgoing, energetic, antisocial, shy, aggressive, etc. These characterizations lead to the generalizations of the "loners", the "overachievers", etc., all of which continue with the person throughou...
  • Vascular Nature Of Migraine Headaches
    2,888 words
    migraine In America approximately 45 million people each year consult physicians for relief of chronic headache pain (1). Chronic headache pain is second only to the common cold in loss of work and wages due to ailment (8). In the past decade advancements in the understanding and treatment of vascular headache syndromes have increased drastically. The activity in this field is plagued and sometimes hindered with competing theories about migraine pathogenesis. The many symptoms that have broadene...
  • Effective In Cognitive And Behavioral Domains
    608 words
    The purpose of this assignment was to teach me to learn how to analyze my own behavior, cognition and affective states, especially in the area of academic acheive ment. By understanding how I think, feel and behave according to my life plans and goals I can determine what is effective or ineffective towards those goals. By analyzing my own thoughts and feelings about instructor or counselor support, family responsibility and support, study, motivation to complete college, and my selection of a c...
  • Cartilage Need Glucosamine
    743 words
    Glucosamine: A Safe and Successful Dietary Supplement? The effectiveness and safety of Glucosamine is a subject of both complexity and diverse opinion. Like many of the new herbs introduced into today's economy, this one has supposed health benefits. But still, as with any new drug, its usefulness in its field is both defended and criticized. While some agree that Glucosamine has the ability to aid in the treatment of osteoarthritis, (its main purpose in medicine) others feel that its research i...
  • Nerves At The E 4 Stage
    970 words
    This study was conducted in order to investigate the relationship between wound healing of skin and their surrounding nerves and how this relationship is reciprocal. Wounds were made on embryos at different stages of development and some embryos studied had no nerves in the area of the wound site. Other studies have suggested that the rate of wound healing is dependent on nerves and that the wound sites become hyperinnervated by sensory nerves during healing. On the other hand, the authors want ...
  • Fertile And Infertile Males For Mercury
    1,617 words
    Biology 108 - Assignment 1 "Human fertility is declining because of pollution" I believe that human fertility is declining due to pollution. To study this question we need to look at infertility in humans. Infertility can be defined as "the inability to conceive, carry, or deliver a healthy child" (Funk & Wagnall, 1986). This may be caused by gene mutation, lowered sperm counts, impairment of sperm motility or many other reasons. We also know that "due to a higher surface area to volume ratio, s...
  • Scientific Evidence For The Placebo Effect
    775 words
    The word "place re" means to please from the Latin language for the word placebo (Carroll, 2002). The use of placebos has always been an interesting and controversial concept. The placebo effect is a mental relief of the patient than the actual effect on the disorder. This essay will describe what the placebo effect is, how it will be used to treat patients and the limitations of placebos. Doctors or administrators believe that a placebo is a medication or treatment that is inert or innocuous, b...
  • Different Effects Of Water Fluoridation
    1,318 words
    The United States government considers water fluoridation one of public health's "great wonders" (Newman, WSJ). However, this view is not shared by all. For the past 27 years, Darlene Sherrell has lead a campaign to both stop the fluoridation of U.S. water supplies and inform the public of the harsh realities of fluoridation. There have been many studies conducted that analyze the different effects of water fluoridation. Based on these studies, it appears that any benefits of fluoridation will n...
  • Acid Deposition Standard
    1,342 words
    Scientific Acid Rains Acid Rains Scientific evidence has shown that atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen compounds can harm ecosystems. Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (C or the Act) addresses the problem of such effects by mandating reductions in emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, the major precursors of acidic deposition. Coupled with Titles I and II of the Act, which address new and existing stationary and mobile sources of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, implement...

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