Electrons Through The Wire essay topics

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  • Atoms The Electrons
    1,450 words
    A basic guide to resistance. Electron Flow Model Everything is made of very small particles called atoms. Each atom has a heavy positively charged nucleus and is surrounded by a cloud of light, negatively charged, electrons. In metals, the outer most electron of each atom is weakly attracted to the positive nucleus and can escape from the atom and wander around between the atoms. [Note 1] So, in metals, we have all these millions and millions of electrons whizzing about at high speed, in random ...
  • Resistance Of A Wire
    1,109 words
    Introduction In this piece of coursework, I have been set the task of investigating factors that affect the resistance of a wire. There are many things that affect the resistance of a wire but I have only got the chance to do one of these. The one I will choose will depend on it being the most effective and on its ease to do. Firstly, I will give an explanation of how resistance works. Resistance is when travelling electrons in a wire collide with the atoms of the wire. The collisions between th...
  • Resistance And L Length Of The Wire
    1,231 words
    Background Knowledge Resistance, in electricity, is a property of any object or substance to resist the flow of an electrical current. The quantity of resistance in an electric circuit determines the amount of current flowing in the circuit for any given voltage applied to the circuit. The resistance of an object is determined by the nature of the substance of which it is composed, its resistivity, accounting for its dimensions and its temperature. Resistivity is expressed in terms of Ohms / cm ...
  • Low Magnetic Fields
    1,736 words
    Superconductivity INTRODUCTION We " ve all heard about superconductivity. But, do we all know what it is? How it works and what are its uses? To start talking about superconductivity, we must try to understand the how 'normal' conductivity works. This will make it much easier to understand how the 'super' part functions. In the following paragraphs, I will explain how superconductivity works, some of the current problems and some examples of its uses. CONDUCTIVITY Conductivity is the ability of ...
  • Increase In Resistance Since Atoms
    632 words
    Electricity has three features that include current, voltage and resistance. Current is the flow of electrons round a circuit that is measured by the ammeter in amps (A). Whilst the voltage, refer to as potential difference, is the driving force that circulates the current around the circuit that acts like an electrical pressure. The unit of measurement for this is Volts (V), which is measured by a voltmeter. Resistance is a force that slows down the current; consequently it slows down the flow ...
  • Resistant Wire
    962 words
    Aims and hypotheses This investigation is designed to look into the resistance of different material in the form of wires and their conducting capability in different shapes. In order to do so, the materials are to be tested for their resistance in the shape of wires, and the hypotheses are such that different thickness and length of the wire and the material that makes up the wire itself will affect the electric conduction capability. Hence, the factors are: The thickness of the wires: 1, 2, 3 ...
  • Electrons Pass Through The Wire
    613 words
    Aim: I am trying to find out what affect changing the length of a piece of nichrome wire has on the current flowing through it. What happens if you change the thickness as well? Diagram: I will need the following equipment: 1 x Ammeter 1 x Voltmeter 1 x Power supply 1 x Variable resistor 1 x Length of nichrome wire 1 x Meter-rule 6 x Connecting wires 1 x Crocodile clip My prediction is: If the length of the wire is increased, then the resistance will increase. This is due to the electrons having...
  • Wire Length
    678 words
    Detailed method: - I set up the circuit as shown in the diagram that I have drawn. I started the experiment by taping a meter ruler between the terminal blocks P, Q so that I could measure 100 cm of nichrome wire. I made sure that the wire was carefully tightened at both terminals to try to minimise the kinks or twists in the wire. I then switched on the power pack supply and adjusted the variable resistor until a constant current of 0.2 A was flowing through the circuit. I then recorded the cor...

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