Ethical Decision essay topics

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  • Business Ground Rule
    568 words
    Decision-making skills in a business environment are critical for continued company growth and progress. Personal or business ethics can have a substantial impact on how decisions are made. In order for decisions to be ethically defensible it must contain specific elements. The basic elements in ethical decisions are ground rules. Ground rules can be composed of informal ethical believes of business ethics. The determining factor of an ethical decision will be based on which ground rule is used....
  • Importance Of Ethics In Law Enforcement
    429 words
    The guest speaker for the ethics in law enforcement lecture was Neal Trautman. Mr. Trautman was a founder of the Law Enforcement Training Network, the worlds largest provider of police training. Mr. Trautman has worked numerous years trying to achieve a standard of ethics within law enforcement. He believes that integrity is the core of America and also the greatest need for the United States and our law enforcement. Mr. Trautman supports the idea that the people who regulate American citizens a...
  • Ethics Being A Factor In Many Decisions
    1,048 words
    Running Head: Ethical Decisions The Impact of Ethics on Decision Making Sheila Reeve University of Phoenix Online The Impact of Ethics on Decision Making Ferrel and Gardiner (1991) say there are two criteria to ethical choices on top of being legal. The first being; "One does not infringe on the basic inalienable human rights - such as life, freedom of speech and privacy, due process - recognized by our society (ethical formalism)". Basically stating the respect of others should be considered in...
  • Different Styles Of Ethics
    503 words
    Jeff BelandEthics After taking the test I scored a 2 C and a 7 J. After reading about my test results it's clear that I prefer ethics of justice. I thought it was interesting that I chose two answers from ethics of care because it said most people do all for one and none for the other. According to results ethics of justice are based on abstract, impersonal principles, like justice, fairness, equality or authority. People who prefer this style see ethical dilemmas as involving primarily a confli...
  • Ethical Dilemma O An
    378 words
    PerseveranceRespectIntegrityDisciplineExcellencePrinciples o Respect the dignity of all persons o Serve Canada before self Obey and support lawful authority Obligations: o INTEGRITY: We give precedence to ethical principles and obligations in our decisions and actions. We respect all ethical obligations deriving from applicable laws and regulations. We do not condone unethical conduct. o LOYALTY: We fulfil our commitments in a manner that best serves Canada, DND and the CF. o COURAGE: We face ch...
  • Ethical Dilemmas In The Insider
    585 words
    Ethical Dilemmas in The Insider The movie The Insider is based on real-life events from the mid-nineties. Jeffrey Wigand was vice president of research at Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation, but was unsatisfied with the direction that the company was heading. He was fired when he started to vocalize concerns about just how dangerous cigarettes actually were and about the fact that the company was adding chemicals that made the cigarettes even more addictive. An investigative reporter at CB...
  • Ethical Decisions
    2,067 words
    Moral and Ethical Dilemmas One of the most difficult trials I face in my life are ethical and moral dilemmas. They can be soul-wrenching and searching experiences that tax my character and cause me to really 'put my money where my mouth is. ' SometimesI'm quick to see ethical faults in others, but slow to see them in myself. Other times I see all to clearly my mistakes and wonder why I don't measure up. I believe one purpose for this life is to learn to act for ourselves. Learn to see a situatio...
  • Material Approach And Decision
    410 words
    Impact of Technology &Ethical Decision Making Michael SreckovUniversity of Phoenix Management 331 Mr. Robert Stack June 01, 2005 The decision making process will always present ethical challenges to managers. Is this the right thing to do? This question is the center of the ethical dilemma for any one who is a decision maker in corporations through out the world. A collection of many factors will be taken in consideration in answering to this question. Is it right for the company? Is it right fo...
  • Part Of Your Ethical And Moral Beliefs
    707 words
    Walking your Walk The book mentions that ethics is about behavior. This means that for something to be a part of your ethical beliefs, you must be willing to act accordingly if put the situation. If you are not willing to act on something that you say is your ethical and moral belief, is it really a part of your ethics. I do not think that a person can believe something and contradict the beliefs with the decisions that they choose to make. The decisions that people make decide for them, what th...
  • Positive Work Ethic
    1,040 words
    Blight 1 Ethics play a major role in just about everyone's lives today from the young to the old. Starting with the young you learn about responsibilities, values and morals in school. Children have to know that they have to do homework and study, they might not know now that it will pay off in the future. Getting into habits to help them through life will help them learn more easily and be more organized. Also at a young age children do not really know the difference between right and wrong so ...
  • Ethical Decisions
    286 words
    As defined in the book Critical Thinking is the awareness of a set of interrelated critical questions, ability to ask the appropriate questions at the right time, and the desire to actively use the critical questions. Critical thinking is the intelligent weighing of all the possibilities of a given situation. It takes a lot of practice and self discipline to achieve a status where one can rationally look at a problem and come up with the logical solution. A person must also look at the emotional...
  • Rules For Ethical Decision
    1,089 words
    The impact of ethics on decision making can be as different as the people who make them. I have chosen to discuss a disci sion by the Supreme Court involving patients that are dying with the aids virus. This case stems from the foundation of "Women Alive". I will explain the rules for ethical decision making and the implications of the decisions made. What are the ground rules? The ground rules or determining factors of ethics and decision making are personal choices that we make everyday. Mauri...
  • Matter Of Moral And Ethical Decision
    1,007 words
    What makes a decision ethical? How do the influences affect our decision-making processes? Who are the influences? What should they be? Where do ethics and morals come into play? Webster's (1982) defines ethical as "involving or expressing moral approval or disapproval; conforming to accepted professional standards of conduct". This paper will discuss what ethics in decision-making there are, what the ground rules are, if any, and the elements of an ethically defensible decision. A person who is...
  • Ground Rules In The Decision
    1,682 words
    The impact of ethics on decision-making is paramount. Ethics is the very fiber that we use to compass our decision-making. It is the very context, the heart and the soul from which all decisions have their basis derived from. In order to form an ethically defensible decision, one must takes great pains to make sure all the angles have been covered. Among the questions that should be asked are: Are all of the stakeholders are being considered in the process? Are all of the moral issues are being ...
  • Ethical Implications Of The Decision
    516 words
    The purpose of this paper is to define and discuss the elements of an ethically defensible decision. I am to answer the questions: what are the ground rules? , what could they be? , what should they be? , what are the ethical implications of the decision? , and how might the decision change the ground rules? In the textbook "Management: Leading People and Organizations in the 21st Century" tells us that ethics refers to "the principle of conduct governing an individual or a group, and specifical...
  • Nine Dollars Per Day Per Employee
    549 words
    Stephen M. Nichol Business Ethics (PLO 4123) 4/27/03 Guest Speaker: Darryl Adrian Darryl Adrian of Cherokee Nations Human Resources provided several interesting insights into the ethical decision-making process. The fact that most of these decisions were made in the absence of the person (s) whom they were deliberating about seemed to make it that much easier to make an ethically bad choice. On the other hand, his cases involved many people who had taken some sort of action that they would not h...

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