Evil Character essay topics

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  • Evil Just Like Kavorkian
    452 words
    Humans are both good and evil. I heard somebody say that society makes you evil, but I dont agree. Society labels you as evil. Con-artists are at first seen as good, but if you look deeper theyre evil. For some people who are retarded or mentally unstable, they could also be seen as evil. But their only intentions are to bee good. I mean if you just sit down and have a conversation with somebody from special ed. their just full of love and joy. Sometimes the simplest things like Star Trek could ...
  • Inherent Evil Of Man
    1,137 words
    Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, 'The Lottery', by Shirley Jackson, 'The White Circle', by John Bell Clayton and 'The Vigilante' by John Steinbeck all share the theme of mans inherent evil. Lord of the Flies takes place on an island in the Pacific ocean during an atomic war, and there is no adult supervision. 'The Lottery' takes place in a small farming community in the present day. 'The White Circle' is set in the turn of the century Virginia on a Large farm. 'The Vigilante' takes place d...
  • Chillingworth Evil
    463 words
    Chillingworth: a Man of Evil In the novel the Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne's character Roger Chillingworth is supposed to represent the evil in the story. Hawthorne shows Chillingworth to be evil by several means. The physical description of Chillingworth shows him as an evil character. Statements are also made by Hawthorne referring to the inner content of Chillingworth that would lead the reader to feelings of his evilness. Another good way Hawthorne expresses that Chillingworth is evil is his na...
  • Power Struggle In Evil Good
    786 words
    The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier was a book that we read in class, it was about good and evil. It is about how the to forces battle for superiority over one another. The book tells how one of the sides over powers the other to claim its spot on top. The people are like pawns to two of the characters, Archie and Brother Leon because they use the people to get what they want from them, and will stop at nothing to get it. Both of characters will stop at nothing to have what they want, which is t...
  • Two Kinds Of Evil Acts
    483 words
    Searching for the true A good man is hard to find! This was the title of the story that shows the cruelty of the world, which we are living today. Just look at the title of the story and you will see how true this is in this world full of prejudices. Well, the writer introduces us to an American family who lived provably somewhere between the years 1970 and 1980. The family was a typical white family of those times, and I said that because during the story I found a lot of discrimination against...
  • Evil Of The Book In Sophie's World
    705 words
    In every great literary work, there is a symbolic element, and irony, making the author's message more tangible and realistic. As we compare the novels, Sophie's World, Moby Dick, and East of Eden, we start to see two respective themes in common that the author expresses. One of which, is freewill, the power of choice and the other good vs. evil. As the drama increases, we start to see that both themes become interdependent of one another. In the three novels, these are in fact the two major the...
  • Remarkable Thing About Ben Following The Mouse
    330 words
    Response Journal # 1 - Chapter 1 -How does the author capture your interest at the beginning of the book? - There are a number of things mentioned in the beginning of "Incident at Hawk's Hill" that sparked my interest and that I could relate to. First off the main character, a small boy named Ben aged 6, was in a barn imitating a mouse as he slowly followed it in the hay stacks. There was no reason in him doing so; it was just out of pure pleasure. This introduction of Ben's character excited me...
  • Dicken's Contrasts Good And Evil
    808 words
    A Tale of Two Cities In every great novel there is a theme that is constant throughout the story. One of the better known themes portrays the fight of good verses evil. Different authors portray this in different ways. Some use colors while others use seasons to show the contrast. Still others go for the obvious and use characters. But what makes them all so different is the authors point of view. In Charles Dicken's A Tale of Two Cities, he portrays good and evil in somewhat of a unique way. Di...
  • Hawthorne In The Cases
    876 words
    An Analysis Of Hawthorne's Short Stories Essay, An Analysis Of Hawthorne's Short Stories An Analysis of Hawthorne's Short Stories In many of Nathaniel Hawthorne's short stories, he creates characters with either a malicious or evil feature to relay to the reader a more allegorical meaning. Many would say he targets woman without justification. Therefore a reader may interpret him to be a misogynist. In the story? Rapaccinni's Daughter? he uses Beatrice as a carrier of a deadly poison. In? Young ...

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