Fate essay topics

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  • Every Time Fate
    434 words
    FATE (Explain the line, 'Fate will unwind as it must. ' ; ) in Beowulf The line, 'Fate will unwind as it must,' ; (284) not only shows that the people believed they had no control of their destiny, but it is also relevant that Paganism was a significant part of their every day life. There are many illustrations throughout the poem Beowulf, that portray the importance of fate to the people. Often, the word fate was used as a way of showing the outcome of what has already come about. Fate was a wa...
  • Oedipus Fate
    1,205 words
    Predestined Fate of Oedipus In ancient Greek society they believed that ones life is predestined and that ones fate is sealed. What is meant to occur will happen no matter what that person does. In "Oedipus Rex" Oedipus' fate is doomed from his birth because of the actions of his ancestors. Unlike Oedipus most people today don't believe in predestined fate. People can be all they want to be regardless of their background or the circumstances of their lives. However some people don't realize that...
  • Caesar's Ego
    743 words
    'Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice,' proclaimed William Jennings Bryan. Many people believe in destiny and fate and a set-in-stone, unbreakable path for their lives. Caesar's ego warps and distorts his interpretation of various superstitions in Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar. Although he believes in superstition and the supernatural, he selectively chooses his interpretation. Be it a dream, fortune-telling, or a common superstition, it always benefits Caesar, or it j...
  • Pearl's Predetermined Life
    899 words
    In the Hands of Fate As the supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events, fate has an overwhelming control over people. Even though everything has been assigned, has been preordained; [and] everyone must play his role, nothing has been set in stone (185). In a way, fate is like a maui mixer smoothie. No matter which way the strawberries, pineapples, orange sherbet, ice, and guava juice are thrown in the blender, it still ends up being the same smoothie. Same goes with a person's...
  • Chance And Fate
    1,531 words
    It is said in The Bible that God has given Man "free will". Unfortunately for Man, The Bible does not entail exactly what "free will" is. Some speculate that there is a force called Chance. These people believe that through a serious of coincidence, luck, and their own choices, they can control their future. Others believe in a force known as Fate. With this line of thinking, everything has a goal, and those goals will be met eventually. This gives the believer a sense of inevitability and they ...
  • Play Oedipus Rex
    727 words
    At one time in our lives there is a moment that we may think of ourselves as better than someone or something else. There may also be a point when making a decision leads to a great error in judgment. In the play Oedipus Rex, written by Sophocles, both of these characteristics can be seen in the main character. These characteristics are known as tragic flaws. These flaws are known as hubris meaning excess pride, leading to overconfidence, and hamartia meaning errors and weakness in judgment. Bot...
  • Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet
    932 words
    Imagine living a tragic existence, not even two entire decades long. Imagine being controlled by an invisible, yet limitless puppet string conducted by "the stars". When fate is your enemy and time reveals each unraveling tragedy to your dismay, you understand how it feels to be the protagonist's of Shakespeare's most famous love story, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Tradition, heredity, and ancestry symbolize the celestial psychology that is the stars. Controlling every minuscule detail of th...
  • Later Fate
    962 words
    Fate It is a lovely Tuesday afternoon when our hero, Benny, meets his buddy Adrian on his way back home. Benny is very excited. He has just finished reading Oedipus Rex AND talked about the experience in First Year Seminar class, but he just can t get enough so he unloads his thoughts on poor Adrian. Benny: Hey Adrian! Dude, I just came from class. Man, it was like so friggin cool. Like there was this guy, you know, Oedipus and he's a king, but then a lot of shit happens. He kills his dad and fu...
  • Fate Of Rubin Carter
    535 words
    Naturalism in THE HURRICANE Naturalism is the theory that one's surroundings and background determines their fate. THE HURRICANE has many naturalistic elements. Rubin Carter's background and surroundings are what determined his fate. Trouble started very young for Rubin Carter. When he was just a boy he was sent to a juvenile home. Rubin didn nothing wrong, but because he was black it made it easier for him to get accused. As Carter got older, he grew stronger and wiser. He became a boxer. Soon,...
  • Oedipus Horrific Fate
    1,167 words
    To what extent is Oedipus responsible for his own fate Before we approach this complex question inductively, we are at first obliged to contemplate what definitions and assumptions are being made. This essay, perhaps more so than others, requires a more extensive look at this aspect of the question, because of the sheer variety of possible responses. However, I now have reduced them to three possibilities. Firstly, we could make the assumption that perhaps as destiny controls all fates, then Oed...
  • Mythology Fate Destiny
    658 words
    Fate and Destiny In the beginning a man and a woman were born. They married each other and lived a life that was filled with much happiness and joy. One day a terrible car accident occurred that killed them both. In this world we live in we face everyday choices. Maybe these people did not choose to die, but they maybe chose to drive in the car that day. Was what happened to them an accident or a bad twist of fate that was their destiny? Were these two wonderful people predestined to die at that...
  • Three Plays From The Prospective Of Fate
    626 words
    ANALYTICAL ACCOUNT OF A RUNNING THEME "All those who were meant to die have died: those who believed one thing, those who believed the contrary thing, and even those who believed nothing at all, yet were caught up in the web without knowing why". This particular quote by Jean Anouilh, author of Antigone, helped me choose fate, one of the more interesting underlining themes in all three plays: Oedipus the King, Antigone, and Medea, as the topic for my paper. No matter how hard the protagonists or...
  • Thread And The Fates
    595 words
    Destiny in The Aeneid Fate, in the Ancient Greek and Roman world, was one of the great unchangeable powers that stand above even the gods in the hierarchy of supernatural forces. The Greeks and Romans thought that the Fates were three ancient women who spun the web of destiny together. Each man's life is a thread, and the fates would draw it out and cut it as they saw fit. The gods themselves had to obey the Fates, for even they had golden threads. Fate plays a very large role in Virgil's epic T...
  • Holes Stanley's Fate And Bad Luck
    490 words
    Holes response to Literature Holes is a book about a boy named Stanley Yelnats who is convicted of stealing a famous basketball player's shoes. His punishment for stealing a basketball players shoes is going to detention camp. Stanley believes that this all happened because of an ancient family curse or fate. This is true because both bad luck and fate led to detention camp where he turned his bad luck around once and for all. In the book Holes Stanley Yelnats gets sent to a detention camp becau...
  • Myth Of Diana And Actaeon
    697 words
    February 5, 2001 Within all the text in the "Dionysus" section the universal theme I found is that the characters were punished by fate for no apparent reason. In one pivotal moment in each story, the innocent character loses free will and henceforth is steered by merciless fate. In the myth of Diana and Actaeon, Actaeon has committed no crime but is punished as if he had. His seeing Diana bathing was the work of fate. As a matter of fact, Hughes reinforces this belief in the first paragraph of ...
  • Fate Vs Free Will In Julius Caesar
    977 words
    In William Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar, two interesting forces, fate and free will, are shown competing for prominence over the other. Fate was exemplified in the many prophecies and omens the characters viewed throughout the play. Free will was the characters abilities to overcome and defeat their fate. Many characters have struggles with the power of their free will overcoming their fate, namely Caesar, Cassius, and Brutus. Although in the end all three of those characters succumb to the...
  • Rosencrantz And Guildenstern's Fate
    539 words
    Fate in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (Topic #2) Player: ... there's a design at work in all art, surely you know that. Events must play themselves out to an aesthetic, moral and logical conclusion. (24). Fate is an idea explored frequently by William Shakespeare in his literary works and by many other famous tragedy writers. Even though Tom Stoppard's play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is a Shakespeare spoof, the idea of fate operates throughout the play. This thematic idea is i...
  • Carrier For The Village And Eman
    853 words
    Hanging from a tree limb in the first rays of the sun, Eman's body sways to and fro, carrying with his soul the sins of the village. Eman had all the traits of a tragic hero, including his own tragic flaw. It wasn't that Eman had excessive pride, or that he was greedy, it was that Eman did not know enough, and was too kind. He did not know the responsibilities that came with being the Carrier for a village, as it varied from the village where he was raised. This lack of knowledge and his kindnes...
  • Only Reason Fate
    652 words
    In Oedipus Rex, the main argument is whether Oedipus was in charge of his own life. This argument could go either way. Fate exists, but ultimately man makes his own decisions. That is, Oedipus' final destination was set for him, but he mapped the way out himself. Oedipus was cursed at birth. King Laius and Queen Iokaste received a prophecy that their son would kill the King. In knowing this, they gave orders to a shepherd to leave the baby in a field to die. The shepherd though took pity on the ...
  • Part Of Oedipus Fate
    441 words
    How fate works in mysterious ways In the plays Antigone and Oedipus. Fate played a large part in the lives of these two characters. Fate play's an extremely important part in the life of Oedipus. Antigone doesn t have fate play as deep a part in her life as Oedipus does. People surrounded by these main characters also have fate affect thier lives. I m going to start with how fate effects the life Oedipus. In the beginning of his life when Oedipus was but a small infant he was fated to marry his ...

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