Father Odysseus essay topics

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  • Telemachi's Role In The Novel
    1,135 words
    Telemachi is the son of Odysseus and Penelope in the epic novel, "The Odyssey". Telemachi's role in the novel reiterates the strength and courage of Odysseus. The beginning of the novel concentrates on Telemachi's quest to find his father. He does not approve of how the suitors have taken advantage of his mother and himself; however, he is unsure and incapable of ridding his home of these men. He is on the peek of becoming a man but he remains very inexperienced in comparison to his father. Tele...
  • Odysseus On His Journey Home
    791 words
    Family: A tough Bond to Break Many wise philosophers say that only 7 stories exist in the world as we know it. The struggle of good versus evil, finding true love, and the rise and fall of important people have been written about since the discovery of pen and paper. One theme that stands out in Homer's epic, The Odyssey, is the desperation to keep a family together. Odysseus, Telemacus, and Penelope all suffer hardships trying to keep the tight bond their family has, as close as possible. Odyss...
  • Men For Odysseus And Telemakhos
    614 words
    Man or Boy Telemakhos Can't Decide Many boys who grow up without a father lack the direction and insight gained only through having a masculine role model. Such a boy is introduced in Homers' epic tale The Odyssey as Telemakhos, Odysseus's on. In the beginning of the story, Homer portrays Telemakhos as a timid and passive person who has not the strength to run out the suitors who have taken over his house. However, in Book XXI lines 358-378 the reader may note a dramatic change in Telemakhos' at...
  • Symbolic Rebirth Of Odysseus
    1,287 words
    The Odyssey, by Homer, is a classical piece of Greek literature. Throughout The Odyssey, Homer makes use of many literary techniques in order to give meaning to the poem beyond its significance as a work of historic fiction and help his readers in the comprehension of the story. One of these techniques is the use of motifs. In The Odyssey, perhaps the most important of Homer's motifs is the symbolic death and rebirth theme. This motif is used throughout The Odyssey to emphasize the growth and ma...
  • Relationship Between Odysseus And Telemakhos
    430 words
    Relationships in the Odyssey Essay Throughout the Odyssey, there are many relationships that represent love between two people. These relationships show loyalty, compassion, and the wanting to be near one another. Two of these kinds of relationships are between Odysseus and Telemakhos, and Odysseus and Penelope. The relationship between Odysseus and Telemakhos is a blind love. That is because they never really got to know each other because Odysseus has been gone for most of Telemakhos' life. On...
  • First Four Books Telemakhos Maturity
    791 words
    Telemakhos' Personal Odyssey A primary example of personal and emotional growth through a remarkable event is apparent in one of Homer's most famous novels, The Odyssey. The Odyssey is reveals a series of great adventures that crosses upon Odysseus' path as he returns home from the Trojan War. Although The Odyssey, was named for the great warrior, Odysseus it cannot be solely regarded as the experience of one person. It is mainly Odysseus's on, Telemakhos who displays the growth in intellect, re...
  • Telemakhos In Every Way
    737 words
    Early in the Odyssey we see Telemakhos as a rash, untrained boy. He clearly is not Odysseus' equal as a host, leader, or fighter. However, as the book goes on we see Telemakhos become more and more like his father, in every respect as he is taught and guided by some of the best examples he could have, Athena, Nestor, and Menelaos. By the end of the fight with the suitors we see him in a new light, he has matured from the youth we saw to the man he should be. Telemakhos tries to emulate his fathe...
  • Inferior Telling Telemakhos His Plans
    806 words
    TELEMAKHOS Every boy would like to be characterized as a man. Most look to age or the way they see their own maturity to determine manhood for themselves. Neither age nor self-image can determine whether or not you have become a man. In that time, arete would be used to determine ones manhood. Early in the Odyssey, we see Telemakhos daydreaming as an untrained boy. The book says, .".. -for he, too, was sitting there, unhappy among the suitors, a boy, daydreaming" (277). He is no comparison to Od...
  • Emakhos's House As A Result Of Odysseus
    818 words
    Maturation of Tel " emakhos through The Odyssey The Odyssey is a great work in which many characters are developed through the ongoing trials and tribulations each of the characters face. To me, the most noteworthy character development within the epic is that of Tel " emakhos, Odysseus's son. Tel " emakhos is developed from the very beginning of the poem, when he is a shy boy simply walking in the shadows of his heroic father right up until the end where he is considered to be just as courageou...

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