Feelings Of Depression essay topics

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  • Sadness Of Depressive Illness
    1,686 words
    I BIBLIOGRAPHY Silverstein, H. (1990). Teenage Depression. New York: Franklin Watts, 127 pg.'s Herma Silverstein wrote Teenage Depression and it was push lished in 1980 by Franklin Watts company. The book was copyrighted in 1990. The book contains 127 pages. II INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHOR Herma Silverstein has spent over ten years writing, teaching and lecturing around the world. She alone authored eight books and numerous articles in magazines in the interest of young readers such as Teen Guid...
  • People With Major Depression
    1,510 words
    As it is well known, most people experience some kind of depression in their lives. Depression sometimes makes our lives unbearable and, we need treatment. We need the help of psychologists. With the help of them, we try to learn the reasons of our depression and we acquire the explanations to find out possible and necessary treatments. In psychology, there are different schools to consult. In this paper, depression is explained by the help of Cognitive Theory. DEPRESSION Depression is a mental ...
  • Shows Symptoms Of Depression
    776 words
    Depression is a very big topic to discuss. The most commonly asked questions are: What is depression, and what disorders are related to depression? How common is depression? Is it serious? What treatment is used? And, What kind of symptoms should a person be looking for? Depression is more than the everyday ups and downs. You know when a person is depressed when their sad feelings interfere with their everyday life. Depression doesn't only affect feelings, but can change behavior, physical healt...
  • Depresses People
    1,027 words
    One of the scariest emotional experiences a person can ever suffer during their lifetime is to experience a form of depression. Over one in five Americans can expect to get some form of depression in their lifetime. Over one in twenty Americans have a depressive disorder every year. Depression is one of the most common and most serious mental health problems facing people today. However, depression is often not taken seriously because of the large use of antidepressant drugs and the large number...
  • Neurotic Depression With Dysthymia Disorder
    601 words
    DYSTHYMIC DISORDER & BRIEF THERAPY DEPRESSION Mild, chronic depression has probably existed as long as the human condition, although it has been referred to by various different names. The DSM- replaced the term "neurotic depression" with dysthymia disorder -- which literally means 'ill-humored'-and it was added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 1980 Dysthymic disorder, also called dysthymia, is a type of depression involving long-term chronic symptoms that do not dis...
  • Right Therapy Depression
    3,589 words
    Psychology and Depression " Men pray to the gods for health and they ignore that it is in their power to have it. ' -Democritus Depression: Depression is an illness, that strikes all ages, all races and all genders. It has no limit on how severe or how slight it will hit. Depression has been with us for as long as people have been around. In biblical times, depression was there, being noted several times in the Old Testament as 'manic-depression. ' Hippocrates, a Greek physician, was the first m...
  • Empty Mood Feelings Of Hopelessness
    545 words
    Mania Disorder To understand one's mind usually takes an entire lifetime. Through the labyrinths of thoughts and events sometimes the mind cannot handle everyday happenings as well as others. Emotions and moods become roller coasters that have no seatbelts. Episodes of serious mania and depression are outlined feelings through a disease called bipolar disorder. Take account this person's explanation of there minds flips and turns through everyday happenings: "I doubt completely my ability to do ...
  • Extreme Symptoms Of Mild Depression
    518 words
    1) Phyllis and Rodney due both suffer from mood disorders but they both suffer from different forms. Phyllis suffers from severe depression where Rodney has bi polar disorder. Phyllis' differs from Rodney in the way that she responds and acts. They both become withdrawn but Phyllis has stayed withdrawn were Rodney will cycle through his moods in any given amount of time. Phyllis' has not gone through psychotic episodes where Rodney has (driving his car at 120 mph through a neighborhood). Another...
  • Depression In Children And Adolescents
    642 words
    Depression in children and adolescents is a very important subject, it is more important than most people think. In earlier times, it was thought that children could not suffer from depression, so they were not tested for it. Now days it is evident that children and adolescents can suffer from this mental disorder. In an article derived from the Medline Plus website, The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) stated that depression has been starting at earlier ages in recent decades and earl...
  • Cognitive Theory Of Depression
    2,714 words
    David Burn's Feeling Good: Depression In the book Feeling Good, David Burns, MD, the author, outlines certain cognitive techniques an individual suffering from depression could use in combating the disorder. He begins the book by briefly describing the pertinence and the prevalence of depression. The author captures the audience's attention in the first paragraph: ' In fact depression is so widespread it is considered the common cold of psychiatric disturbances' (Burns, 1992) p. 9. Burns (1992),...
  • Depression As An Illness
    589 words
    Depression Everybody has 'the blues' or 'feels down' from time to time. It's normal to feel sad for short periods, especially if something bad had happened in our lives. But those of us who suffer from depression have much more than 'the blues', and our feelings can last for a long time. There are many sufferers of this illness; at any one time, 5% of Canadians are depressed, and 10-20% will suffer from it at one point in their lives. But family and friends who " ve never experienced true depres...
  • Depressed People
    607 words
    Depression is defined as a low sad state in which life seems bleak and its changes overwhelming. When people lapse into a state of depression, they experience different symptoms and not all depressed people have the same symptoms. Symptoms of depression fall into the following five categories: emotional, motivational, behavioral, cognitive and physical. Emotional symptoms can include feelings of intense sadness and feeling dejected. Some people feel miserable, empty, and / or humiliated. The dep...
  • Symptoms Of Major Depression
    874 words
    TYPES OF DEPRESSIVE CONDITIONS DEPRESSED MOOD DUE TO GRIEF Grieving the loss of someone significant in ones life is a necessary but usually painful and difficult process. The symptoms of grieving are actually a very normal and healthy reaction to the death of a family member, lover, or friend. The grieving process may involve guilt, despair, anger, insomnia, changes in appetite, and obsessive thoughts about the lost person, and in some cases people report transiently seeing the image or hearing ...
  • Depression In Women Sometimes Sadness
    1,118 words
    Depression in Women Sometimes sadness is feeling blue where someone just needs a caring friend or family member who can offer encouragement. Sometimes sadness is much more. Severe sadness can cause frequent crying spells, sleeping too much, or eating too much or too little. Women may resort to drugs or alcohol to make the pain lesson. What starts this kind or severe sadness It can begin with a painful experience such as divorce, the death of a loved one, a lost relationship, or a troubled marria...
  • Your Depression A Process Of Change
    599 words
    The Process Of Change From Depression To Optimism Depression is a medical condition leading to persistent feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness, thought of death and suicide and an inability to feel pleasure or take interest in life. Some depressed people are physically depressed as well as constantly tired and sometimes insomniac or lacking in appetite (Harvard Mental Health Letter, December 1997/January 1998). Weather you choose to take medication or other means to decrease your depressio...
  • Mental Illness Of Depression
    1,505 words
    In today's day and age many different types of disorders affect people. Many of them people are born with, such as Down Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis. While some people get from their environment or activities they participate in, such as a sexually active person can acquire a sexually transmitted infection. But others occur for unknown reasons and they can just appear and attack the person, one of the most prevalent of these is Depression. When one mentions the mental illness of depression, o...
  • More Severe Forms Of Depressive Illness
    1,505 words
    Psychology 352 December 3, 2002 Depression One of the most common psychiatric conditions is depression. Depression affects both men and women alike, however women are twice as likely to be affected by depressive disorders. By one estimate, 12.4 million women suffer from a depressive disorder; which clearly means that one out of every 10 women will experience a major depressive disorder this year, and one out of every five women will suffer a major depressive disorder in her lifetime. These are i...
  • Destructive Potential Of Serious Teenage Depression
    1,962 words
    Teenage depression is a growing problem in today's society and is often a major contributing factor for a multitude of adolescent problems. The statistics about teenage runaways, alcoholism, drug problems, pregnancy, eating disorders, and suicide are alarming. Even more startling are the individual stories behind these statistics because the young people involved come from all communities, all economic levels, and all home situations-anyone's family. The common link is often depression. For the ...
  • Depressed Holden
    276 words
    issue raised in the text Catcher in the Rye by D. J Salinger was Youth Depression. One main idea about depression is that people with depression feel sad. Holden's attitude towards his sadness was that he felt like crying. In his monologue of thoughts and feelings Holden often says he feels like crying. For example 'I don't know why but I was. I guess it was because I was feeling so dam depressed and lonesome. The technique of using a monologue to show Holden's attitude and to show the idea was ...
  • Widespread As Depression In Young Adults
    2,899 words
    Every person inDepresstion Depression Every person in the world today endures some kind of a hardship. Every misfortune is different; one person's could take the form of divorce while another's takes the form of a fatal illness. In either case, their trauma could lead to depression, which in the long run can be more problematic. Depression is one of the most prevalent problems in our modern society today. To understand fully how and why depression affects people, a little background is needed. D...

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