Forest Land essay topics

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  • Limits Agency Discretion Towards Public Lands
    1,024 words
    Agency discretion towards land management has been an issue since the Forest Service's conception. Gifford Pinchot had envisioned local foresters managing lands with ideas and guidelines that have been developed with modern science and conservation in mind. Since then, laws such as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Wilderness Bill and Endangered Species Act have limited the amount of authority and discretion a land management agency has over a particular area. These laws along wi...
  • Nova Scotia Forest Resources
    1,952 words
    Forestry Management in Nova Scotia The Canadian forest sector has been a strong and vital element of national and regional well being. Through the management, harvesting, processing and marketing of timber resources, Canada has developed a reputation of being one of the largest timber resources in the forest industry. However, to maintain this reputation and economic well being there are several issues to address in order to protect and sustain this renewable resource. This paper will focus on t...
  • Acre Of Forest Land
    1,831 words
    Introduction As destruction of the rainforest continues, man slowly paves the inevitable path to a clear end. It has been known that the rainforest is an essential provider for the balance of the mother earth and that it acts as a key for life as we know it. Yet, the world still decides to quietly watch the disappearance. In fact, most people realize what exactly is taking place. But however, instead of trying to aid in the termination of this disaster. They place this into the back of their ign...
  • Destruction Of The Rain Forests
    468 words
    Rain forests are a critical part of everyday life. Even if you don't live near a rain forest, you still can feel the effects of the rain forest. Take a deep breath. The air you are breathing comes from the rain forests, as they are known as the 'lungs of the world. ' Rain forest destruction is a hotly debated topic all over the world. The farmers want the land for more crops; the ecologists want to save the rain forests because of endangered species. It is said that more wood is burned just to m...
  • Diplerocarp Forests Of South East Asia
    1,739 words
    Deforestation The disappearance of trees, unquestioningly accepted as an indication of environmental degradation, evoked reactions ranging from disheartening feelings of powerlessness to various forms of cynicism (Kuch li, 1997 Page 8). Not only do forests support plants and animals; but they also have local and even global impact on ecosystem sustainability. It will be the object of this essay to analyze, based on a global scale, the patterns of deforestation. Also, a close examination will be ...
  • Forest People
    1,056 words
    Value of Environmental Agencies In current times man has become so consumed with weapons and money that the planet has been neglected. With something so typical and now common as chopping down the rainforest to produce trees for mass abundance of political paper and land to graze more cattle this thoughtless destruction, disturbs all aspects of the environment. This is business as usual. The lands being destroyed are the most unique and diverse lands in the world. Chris Park Senior lecturer in t...
  • Ulrich Von Gradwitz
    2,262 words
    In a forest of mixed growth somewhere on the eastern spurs of the Karpathians, a man stood one winter night watching and listening, as though he waited for some beast of the woods to come within the range of his vision, and, later, of his rifle. But the game for whose presence he kept so keen an outlook was none that figured in the sportsman's calendar as lawful and proper for the chase; Ulrich von Gradwitz patrolled the dark forest in quest of a human enemy. The forest lands of Gradwitz were of...
  • Multiple Use Management Of National Forests
    615 words
    Since World War 2, the Forest Service had gone through a major revolution that it included the need to be more efficient and cost-effective in production of timber as a crop from national forest lands. However, the increased effort of timber production clashed with environmental issues, the need for more recreation and wildlife viewing. In 1960, law with management of the national forests according to a philosophy of sustained yield and multiple use charged the Forest Service. This was the produ...
  • Foresters About Deforestation
    1,483 words
    Deforestation Table of Contents Introduction 1 Important Facts 1 Historical Background 1-2 Background Law 2 Causes of Deforestation 2 The Green House Effect 2-3 Reducing Deforestation 3 Case Studies 3-4 Pros and Cons 4-5 Conclusion 5 Bibliography 6 Ninety percent of our trees, 300-900 years old, have been cut down. The remaining 10% is all we will ever have. Deforestation is a significant issue of our time and must be taken seriously if we want to protect our remaining forests. The definition of...
  • Private Forest Land
    1,008 words
    Forest management is the maintaining and management of not only the trees in the forest, but the streams, habitat, watersheds, and even the decaying trees or logs on the forest floor. Managing our forests is not only important to the wildlife, but to our future economy and way of life. We need to continue to save the Oregon forests and help the ecosystems within them because human beings are also part of the ecosystem. By using forest management, it can help certain species of wildlife. Some spe...
  • Forest Service Regulations
    501 words
    This is a very interesting story narrated by the responsibilities and decisions of two people. The first, Amadou Diarra is an agent for the Service des Eaux et Forests (Forest Service). His job as an agent was to manage the nation's forests and enforcing the forest protection laws. While enforcing these laws he could either make a tribe / person pay the fine or take a bribe. The next key person is the chief of Sogolonbougou, Djokolo Coulibaly. He also was in a very tough situation. He had to som...
  • Water From National Forests
    703 words
    Blanton Forest is the largest contiguous unprotected old-growth hardwood forest in the Eastern United States. The 6,000+ acre design for the future Blanton Forest Nature Preserve includes 2,350 acres of pristine old-growth wilderness including 200+ year-old trees and Watts Creek, a sanctuary for the endangered Black side dace fish. It belongs to a type of diverse temperate forest class called "mixed mesophytic" that is considered called both "globally significant" and "critically endangered" by ...
  • Destruction Of Many Forests
    838 words
    It is believed that the Queensland Government is spending too little on protecting its forest and too much on destroying it. Community groups are sweating to planting trees while government bulldozers are clearing them away (3) The rate of forest destruction to planting in Queensland is 10: 1. The ACF (Australian Conservation Foundation) Executive Director Don Henry says $76 million has been spent on fencing off and planting about 130 000 hectares while more than ten times that amount has been c...
  • Deforestation Of The Indigenous Peoples Land
    1,677 words
    Rainforest Deforestation: Do We Care Enough The villagers walk the charred ruins of their village, looking for any personal possessions that can be salvaged after the fire. Looking out from the remains, they see the trucks already winding their way up the newly made dirt road. Soon, the landscape around their village will be irrevocably changed as well. The loggers will strip the forest of all trees, and then move on. They leave the landscape barren, and allow erosion to destroy it utterly. Sadl...
  • Ten Percent Of Brazil's Rain Forests
    1,103 words
    Thesis: Deforestation is one of the most significant issues of our time; considerable measures must be taken to prevent further pillaging of our unique forest resource. Ninety percent of the earths trees between three and four hundred years old have been cut down. The remaining ten percent is all we will ever have (Gallant, 97). The definition of deforestation by the Random House Dictionary of the English Language is "to divest or clear of forests or trees. Deforestation is one of the most signi...
  • Effects Of Deforestation Forests
    1,153 words
    Deforestation's Impact PSC 391 May 1, 2000 Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands. (WWF) Currently, forests cover approximately one fifth of the world's land. Forests provide us with many products we use in our everyday lives. They also provide for us in other ways such from helping stop soil erosion to providing us with medical drugs, dyes and fabrics... Humanity depends on the survival of a healthy ecosystem and deforestation is causing many social, econ...
  • 45 Percent Of Asia's Rain Forest
    472 words
    Michael McAfee Geography 6: 10 -9: 00 pm July 27, 2003 The Jungle is Neutral. The jungle is neutral, so why do we hurt it? Throughout the ages the jungle has been left untouched. It was harsh and inaccessible due to its remote locations and almost unbearable heat and insects. It was a thing of mystery, where humans were unwelcome. As the twentieth century arrived though, humans started to take interest in the rare and extremely diverse biome. The jungle which can be found in 50 different countri...
  • Rain Forests
    368 words
    When the world was first created, rain forests covered 14% of the world's total land area. A century ago, the percentage of rain forests that covered the land totaled 12%. Now, a century later, in the year 2003, only 6% of the world is covered in rain forests. Why is it that the rain forests are being destroyed at such a rapid pace? The loss of rain forests would be very devastating to the human race. The rain forests are home to more than half of the world's total species of plants, animals, an...
  • Trees In The Forest
    555 words
    A Ecological issue: Deforestation, logging Issues: + Effects wildlife habitats biodiversity + Increases soil degradation erosion. + Carbon storage – leads to more Carbon dioxide in atmosphere – leads to global warming Social- technological: + Can lead to global warming + Less use of timber to stop Essay. The ecological issue that I have been researching is the Deforestation. This is a major issue in Australia and the world. Forests provide the world with a range of resources the main...

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