Go To School essay topics

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  • Malay Government Schools
    719 words
    SCHOOLS There are hundreds, if not thousand of schools in this world. In Malaysia, we have seven types of schools. They are Malay schools, Tamil schools, Chinese schools, international schools, private schools, and religious schools. There is only one type of Malay schools and they are the Malay government schools. Malay schools are the most common types of schools in Malaysia. You can find at least one Malay school in a town. Malay schools are divided into two. They are the Malay primary school...
  • High School Freshmen
    798 words
    The American Dream: Is It Really There? After being stuck en route for an enormously long period of time, would you think that the destination had better be worth all the time spent getting there? Many people would say yes. Think about it. If you were on a journey which lasted months, possibly years of your life, you would want to arrive at your destination seeing the same thing you had dreamt of during the trip. What if, when you got there, you discovered that the dream was actually a myth? The...
  • Help People In Need
    928 words
    Real Life 101 Everyone in high school anticipates the last day of their senior year. The day when high school is over and "real life" begins. I felt this day was the day I could be on my own. Get a full time job to support myself. Have no one telling me what to do or how to live. I could finally control my won life. Then it hit me. I can't live a comfortable life without a college education. The first thing I did after graduation was to go out and find a real job. I was sick of school and I just...
  • High Tech School
    415 words
    "So that nobody has to go to school if they don't want to", by Roger Sipher states that compulsory attendance laws should be abolished. His argument is that students that don't wish to be in school are antagonistic to the school and prevent others form learning, and therefore not be forced to attend school. There are six advantages. Although these six advantages produce "enormous dividends", there are still some major flaws with his plan. First flaw with the plan is where are the children going ...
  • Imperial High School
    612 words
    Bad Choices Choices, everyone goes through them sometimes you make good ones and sometimes you make bad ones. In my case I've mad a lot of bad choices in my Junior year of High School. I've learned the hard way about making bad choices, lying, and being disrespectful to my family. In some ways I think learning the hard way was good for me, otherwise I might not have learned at all. After being in trouble and experiencing the worst of my past high school years, I have new motivation to get everyt...
  • Back To School
    515 words
    EIS Jon BohnerEISSummaryEIS Jon Bonner Teaching, I think is a really cool and fun job, but the income is nothing to brag about. It all depends on how you do in high school; it is a good plan to keep at least a 3.5 grade point average. The next step is to decide what kind of financial aid you want, or maybe you do not even need any. Most colleges start you out with a 2-year plan, to see if it is what you really want to do. Then if you really get in to the swing of things, and you like what you ar...
  • High School Proms
    777 words
    Teenagers today are spending more and more money on the extravagance of prom. The article by Jeffery Shaffer claims that high school proms have become an "exercise in the celebration of extravagance and indulgence". In this article negative ideas and, inappropriate messages are conveyed to teens. Many of the ideas proposed in this article are eccentric, turning school tradition into competition of unlimited spending. Although the price for prom according to Shaffer has reached "more than $1,200 ...
  • School With White People
    1,215 words
    I can remember the first time that I've ever met a white person before. My first time was in sixth grade when I went to Academy school in Glastonbury. Sure I'd seen them in movies, at the stores, and maybe I had a white teacher, but the first time I'd ever interacted with a white person was that year. I was an exceptional student then. Too smart for my grade they said. My English teacher in 5th grade, Mrs. Wimberley, told me I needed to get out of the Hartford Public School system. She suggested...
  • Seminary With Every Morning At 6
    652 words
    For about 90- 95% of the population in my school of around 1400 people, only. 00003% of them have to wake up at 7 o'clock every school day. This is exactly 4 people in the entire school, and is the amount of people I go to seminary with every morning at 6: 30. Because of this my first day of high school was a little bit different from everyone else's first day. While the rest of the kids in the town where still fast asleep in their beds I was showering and getting ready to go to a church class h...
  • Day With Professor Herbert At The School
    741 words
    The short story, Spilt Cherry Tree, was written by Jesse Stuart. In the beginning of the story, Dave and his classmates went with Professor Herbert on a field trip for biology class. They were all searching for lizards, bugs, snakes, frogs, flowers, and plants. Dave and five of his classmates had spotted a lizard in the old cherry tree up the hill, so all six of them ran up the tree after it, and the tree broke down. Eif Crabtree, the owner of the tree was plowing when it happened and he ran up ...
  • Worst Rule At Merced High School
    911 words
    Satire As Charles Dixon walked in his office he was thinking about what other fun things he should do to punish the students at good ole Merced High. As you could see Mr. Dixon is the commander, leader, or just as we call it today, a principal. After the war that happen between the students and the staff there as been a lot more strictness to the school rules. Ever since I left this school its basically been more like a public military school. Your probably wondering why I'm not at Merced High S...
  • Work And School
    1,849 words
    Many people have busy lives, especially someone who has to juggle more than one task per day. The people in particular that I am talking about are college students. How some of us have jobs and need jobs that help keep us in school. The tough part is that we have to spend most of our time on school which leaves very little time for work, even thought we do have to work to make a decent amount of money. So, since work and school are apart of everyones life, either if you just work or go to school...
  • School Year Students
    632 words
    Last fall our school board decided to make it mandatory for students to attend school year-round. There were many issues to look at before making this decision. I feel that year round school can both benefit and hurt children. There are many issues that people are for and against for year round schooling. What will happen to kids who have summer jobs or even part time jobs Employers look for kids who are willing to work during the summer months when there are more activities going on in our comm...
  • Little Rock High School
    826 words
    I am human. My name is Chris. I have a girlfriend. Her name is Nikki. I have censored my pants while running at a cross-country clinic in Santa Cruz. I told everyone the story without any shame at all. I have blue eyes. I once had a case of athletes foot so bad that almost my entire foot was covered in scabs. Nikki and I have been going out for almost 7 months. Its 4: 00 in the morning right now. I have to wake up at 7 for an 8: 00 class and I dont have any idea how Im going to do it. I am a pro...
  • Girls In High School
    1,041 words
    Billie He inl October 30, 2002 Writing 121 Daphne Gabriel i My Addiction "Hi, my name is Billie and I am addicted to high school". This is no joke. I'm a freshman in college yet my heart is still wondering the orange and brown halls of my high school. There are really two types of people in the world, those who loved high school and those who hated it. I loved it, every back stabbing, heartbreaking minute of it. Every one I know finds this obsession annoying, but their opinions haven't stopped m...
  • Goes On Jamal
    643 words
    William Forester (Sean Coney) is a great writer and has but just one book out at this time that is in the movie in witch he try's to inspire a teen to go with his feelings on how he writes. Jamal Wallace (Rob Brown) is about 17 and has a great gift, the ability to write and write good. Jamal has a problem, he is stuck in a position where the truth hurts him or his friendship. This problem is to weather to go to a privet school, witch he was ask to go to because of the test scores he had. In this...
  • Your Favourite Holiday
    313 words
    I was so happy when I opened your letter and that you would like to be my pen pal, I was really surprised to find out that our Birthdays are on the same day, I have always lived in the same house, My Dad's name is Chris and my mum is Melissa, I have a younger sister Katie who is 8 years old who always bosses me about and drives me mad. We both go to Butts bury Junior School I am in year six and Katie is in year three, my teacher is called Mr Hocking, we was really busy last week as we had scienc...
  • My Feelings
    325 words
    The day was coming, my feelings were getting nervous, scared, more like terrified. Mixed feelings were coming alive in me when I thought about going to school also how I felt about experiencing a new and different life. At the age of twelve my life was shifted. First day of school came walking onto the campus it was a whole different feeling than what I was used to. New and different faces turned as I walked down the loud, echoing halls. The mass amounts of students of my age talking, laughing a...
  • Differences Between College And High School
    546 words
    High School versus college There are many differences between college and high school. I experienced many of these differences my self. For example in high school, you need permission to go somewhere as far as college you decide where you want to go and when you want to go. Also, High School is mandatory and free, College is voluntary and expensive. I remember when my class was taking a trip to Disney world. I left school with my permission slip in hand and I was on my way home to get it signed....
  • Schools And Communities
    701 words
    In today's society I find that with every passing day things appear even more chaotic and outrageous than the day before. Not one day am I able to go home and look at the newspaper, read a magazine or watch the news without seeing some senseless act of violence that has devastated a community or nation. These deeds of horror have filtered down to our youth, and it is no longer safe to send your children to school or allow them to play on the playground. Not too long ago I was watching the news, ...

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