God Of The Bible essay topics

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  • Bible's Interpretation Of Israel's History
    2,415 words
    The Bible as History The question of whether the Holy Bible is an actual historical account of what happened since the beginning of humanity, or merely stories that man has come up with over time has long been considered. Many choose to believe the Bible literally and take everything word for word. Others believe the stories in the Bible are a way of showing God's love for us, but think of them as stories and lessons on how to follow the "way of God". Others think the stories in the Bible are fa...
  • Science To The Bible And Its Words
    545 words
    1. Is Galileo's argument based on science or theology Galileo's argument is based on theology because that was what was mostly mentioned and that the science and the Bible were not contradicting each other. He always seems to compare science to the Bible and its Words because they were compatible. Galileo said", But I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who had endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge ...
  • Holy Bible
    628 words
    Andelin, Aubrey P. "Humility". Man of Steel and Velvet 12 (1982): 291-295. Andelin tells of how men should be upright. He touches base on the roles and characters men should have. The book express that men should look at God's life for an example and the Bible for guidance. Also he believes that real men are gentle, understanding, a provider, humble, and a protector. The tough breed of men is no longer needed in the world today. Men should be men of excellence and humility to accomplish the thin...
  • Bible And Ones Christian World View
    1,268 words
    Professor Stringer Humanities 101 October 26, 2000 My World View and the Bible We tend to think of mankind as the center of the world we live in. We are the smartest, the most intellectual, the most dominant, and the most common thing that we relate to. How did we get here Simple, God put us on this earth. There is more to it than that though. In the beginning God created man. We can not forget that he created everything around us also, and that he created heaven as well. He created light, dark,...
  • Same Sex Marriage
    502 words
    "And God proceeded to create the man in his image, male and female he created them. Further God blessed them, and God said to them, be fruitful and become many, and fill the earth and subdue it (Genesis 1: 27-28)". Now imagine that the passage read, God created man and man. The passage does not have the same effect today, had that been the way we were created. How come people of the same sex think they can be joined in the sacred bond of marriage Same sex marriages are against laws of nature, so...
  • God's Chosen King Hebrew Bible After
    313 words
    Hebrew bible After reading Joshua 15 I was really surprised. How could god give such horrific orders such as " destroy everything they have". Not only that but god was Hebrew bible After reading Joshua 15 I was really surprised. Not only that but god was upset that he did not kill all the livestock. Saul let a few things live but was pretty merciless and god was upset and regretful. Why could god not do his own dirty work instead of putting blood on other men's hands? It seems funny that many co...
  • Design Of The Ten Commandments
    1,242 words
    The bible is one of the most will known books in the world (manly because there are a lot of cris tons that fell it is necessary to tell as many people as possible). The bible has been translated and printed then and re-translated and re-printed for centuries {from [original langue]}. The bible was all so written about 40 years after the events that it describes. The first part of the bible was written by "James, half brother of Jesus" (web) wrote it in the "40's or 50's" (web) or Galatians writ...
  • Great Respect For The Bible
    764 words
    I love God. With my entire heart I burn for him. As a freshman in high school He called me, not with words or anything audible, but by his mere presence; a holy desire within my spirit that wants to love his people, and bring them into a romantic love-relationship with Him. The calling was as a whisper at first, just a small urge, almost a whim, but now it has grown into a war cry that rages in my soul. I'm not sure exactly how literature has affected that, well secular literature; the main infl...
  • One Contradiction In The Bible
    1,173 words
    Problems in Christianity Christianity is one of the largest practiced religions in the world, yet there is still hatred towards every walk of life. This is due to many different interpretations of the Bible throughout the years. The Bible has been revised so many times that no one knows what the original could or would have said. Even if there are ancient scriptures around today who owns them and why are these texts not published in their original format. We are still using different versions of...
  • Doctrine Of An Inerrant Bible
    386 words
    If the Bible is indeed the Word of God, perfect and without error, then the issue is settled. Homosexuality is a sin and we must condemn it's practice. However, if the Bible is the writings of men who were only capable of seeing dimly, as if in a mirror, the way Paul described it, then we have a long way to go before we settle the question. John's teaching concerning the third person of the trinity, God's Holy Spirit, has that person leading us into truth, and not a book... even if that book is ...
  • Bible's Account Of Creation
    1,319 words
    Time's Oldest Debate Raffikki Period 2 According to recent studies, planet earth formed approximately four and a half billion years ago. Since then, the earth has undergone many evolutionary changes. Earth began as a swirling gas which condensed to create an immense land mass. The ancient earth was basically the same as today's earth except for the environment. The atmosphere of the ancient earth was quite different, containing more carbon and nitrogen gases than oxygen. The former atmosphere is...
  • Critical View Essay As Mr Darrow
    707 words
    Critical View Essay As Mr. Darrow explains in this essay an agnostic is simply one who doubts, one who questions things and possesses a quality of skepticism. Darrow explains that the fear of God is not the beginning of wisdom. He says "The fear of god is the death of wisdom. Skepticism and doubt lead to study and investigation, and investigation is the beginning of wisdom". Mr. Darrow argues the one cannot believe in a force excepting a force that pervades matter and is not an individual entity...
  • Holy Bible And The Koran
    584 words
    of God the moral way through The Bible. The Koran is a book that tries to guide believers in the right direction, because they decided that the Jews and Christians disobeyed God's commandments by dividing themselves into sects. In result, they tried to differentiate themselves by learning their true religion of Islam, absolute submission. By reading more and more of the Holy Bible and the Koran I have seen mostly similarities which was not the goal of the Koran. One of the largest similarities b...
  • Death In Meditations X And Xvii
    591 words
    Death is a very complicated subject that people view very differently in different situations. In's Holy Sonnets, he writes about death in Meditations X and XVII. Both meditations use many similar rhetorical devices and appeals, but the tones of the meditations are very disparate. Donne's different messages in Meditations X and XVII convey tones of defiance and acquiescence towards death, respectively. His apparent change of attitude towards death could be accounted for by his differing life sit...
  • My Faith Toward God
    1,550 words
    INTRODUCTION Quote from Literature Many people try to discredit what the Bible teaches, but my faith comes from God, through his word, The Holy Bible. Billy Graham wrote, "Because the Bible is God's inspired Word, it does not contradict itself or teach falsehoods-because God cannot lie. We may not understand every detail of Scripture, but we must never lose sight of the fact that it is God's Word and not man's ideas or opinions". Quote from an Authoritative Source It is comforting to know that t...
  • Item The Bible
    1,162 words
    After Adam and Eve the Hebrew ancestry grew on the shoulders of Abraham. From there we learn of the many books that comprise and make up the collection of stories that is The Bible. Depending on who you ask, The Bible according to the first full English translation (, King James Version, ) construes the Old Testament and the New Testament, and in the process offers information for guidance and faith. What ultimately leads countless people to believe and religiously care for the works in this boo...
  • Hebrew Bible Views Women
    2,177 words
    The Hebrew Bible and Sexism The Hebrew Bible is a book of wisdom. Within its pages are many noble and just intentions that, in practice, would benefit all of mankind. The Ten Commandments, for instance, are generally altruistic in aim. If everyone obeyed them, the world would certainly be a better place. And although these passages serve to benefit mankind there are many within the scripture that simply don t. Many of these segments support and even advocate sexism, both in belief and in practic...
  • Committing Adultery
    548 words
    Adultery is stated 69 times in the bible. It is also the seventh commandment. "Thou shalt not commit adultery". In every case stated in the bible, the answer is clear: Do not commit adultery. It is a very powerful thing that disconnects people in a relationship, either married or not. The dictionary definition of adultery is "voluntary sexual intercourse of a married man with a women other than his wife or of a married women with a man other than her husband". In this particular dictionary it sp...
  • Nature And The Bible
    2,864 words
    Homosexuality is being hotly debated today in church and society. When the case is made for the legitimacy of same-sex love, critics rush in with three main defenses. (1) It is contrary to nature. (2) It is condemned in Scripture. (3) Its acceptance would ruin society. The most interesting thing about these three arguments is that they have been used in the past to defend what is now universally regarded as evil. In American history, slavery, segregation, and the denial of the vote to women all ...
  • Example Of An Image Of God
    1,081 words
    Then God said", "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the sky, and over the cattle and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Those verses were taken from Genesis 1: 26-27, well those are just some powerful words. I think those might be the greatest verses in the bible. That is one example...

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