Gun Crime essay topics

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  • Use Guns For Protection
    948 words
    A proposed federal law to outlaw all guns would be more effective at disarming law-abiding citizens than at disarming the criminals who abuse them. If guns were outlawed, the criminals would not stop carrying guns, but the good, law-abiding citizens would. It would do nothing about the illegally obtained handguns in the possession of criminals. In The NRA is Right, Josh Sugarmann states that "One tenet of the National Rifle Association's faith has always been that handgun controls do little to s...
  • National Gun Control Laws
    688 words
    Gun-control, term that refers to the management of firearms in an effort to reduce criminal use of weapons. Gun-control generally is concerned with the passage of legislation- on a local, state, or national level-that places restrictions on legal ownership of certain firearms. These restrictions often involve mandatory waiting periods for prospective gun buyers or banning the sale of some weapons altogether. In the early 1990's there were more than 200 million privately owned guns in the United ...
  • Effect On Gun Crime
    1,702 words
    A problem that has developed recently in our society is the debate over gun control. Many questions arise concerning who should be able to own guns, and how those particular guns are obtained. One major debate is over our Constitutional right to own guns. I want to know when the government should draw the line. Statistics are not the only way a point can be proven about the harmful effects that guns have on our society. Stories from parents who have lost children, or children left fatherless or ...
  • Gun Control Advocates
    817 words
    An Argument Against Gun Control As long ago as 1789, the creators of the Constitution realized the importance of guns in American society. The Second Amendment states", A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". No loopholes, or legal caches exist in this statement. The Founding Fathers allow for no restriction of the private ownership of firearms. Yet, in recent years anti-gun politicians hav...
  • Crime Wright
    277 words
    This distortion of reality results, of course, in a general perception that we are in the midst of a crime wave. Wright argues that these myths must be understood to recognize the source and purpose they serve, and also to know how and why American react to crime Wright offers a challenging new analysis of the misconceptions surrounding crime and an evaluation of the role of the criminal-justice system and the social context of crime. that even with enlightened policies and higher levels of supp...
  • Past Over 20000 Gun Control Bills
    1,765 words
    Gun Control is not the Answer The Gun Control issue has sparked major controversy in America today. People who support gun control feel that guns are the reason for the soaring crime rate in our country. I disagree with the supporters of gun control. I feel that because of the black market, violent criminals being released from prison early, and the need to ensure personal safety, stricter gun control will have very little impact on violent crime in America. I believe that gun control works in t...
  • Higher Gun Control Laws The Crime Rate
    456 words
    Crime rate in the United States is higher than 60 percent of all countries. It is not only gun-related crime it is crime in general. They have tried many different ways to lower crime rate but have not been successful. The government has stiffened drug, rape, gun, and other laws but have not yet been able to successfully lower crime rate. To lower crime rate, stiffened gun control laws are not the way to go. Gun control is not a major factor in lowering crime rate. Guns are not only owned by the...
  • Public Support For Federal Gun Control Measures
    2,380 words
    Public Opinion on Gun Control The twentieth century was a time of many political assassinations and violent shootings. A nation in shock mourned the deaths of President John Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. At the end of the twentieth century the nation endured rising rates of violent crime, with young people frequently involved as victims and perpetrators and often armed with guns. Between July 1992, and June 30, 1999, there were 358 school-associated violent deaths in th...
  • Gun Control Laws Need
    989 words
    Do We Need Tougher Gun Control Laws What does the sound of amendment mean In its entirety it reads, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed". Does this confer an unqualified right to bear arms Or is it a right conditioned by the clause preceding the statement of right Does the militia refer to the pe 9 opl e generally, or does it specifically relate to the organized ("well regulated") milita...
  • Gun Owners
    671 words
    Gun Free, Why have Guns? Abstract This report will show how effective gun free zone will cut down the number of crimes committed here in United State. It will also show how using gun free zone will enforce gun control. This reports main focus is on gun control and not to take away or get rid of guns. It is our constitutional right to bear arms. The justice system has been trying to come up with ways of controlling and monitoring the use of guns. One of the main goals that many citizens want this...
  • Paper On Gun Control
    604 words
    If I were to write a paper on gun control I would have to say that finding the information on the topic was very readily available. The Internet is A fairly reliable means of obtaining important and accurate information. There were also numerous books dedicated to the Issue of Gun Control. I could write a number of papers with the information I collected. Such as Different form of gun control, why gun control works, and Why should we Fight Gun Control. I could easily write a paper in support of ...
  • One Gun Crime Criminals
    1,295 words
    Gun control has been an issue for a long time. Gun control is the government limitation of the purchase and ownership of firearms. The availability of guns is controlled by nations and localities throughout the world. In the U.S. the right of the people to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution, but has been variously interpreted. Some states and localities have enacted strict licensing and other control measures. The issue is gun control, and the following arguments present the pr...
  • Firearm Under Gun Control Law
    1,463 words
    American is faced with the steady growing of the violence, which relates to the guns. Some people feel that the issue of the gun law will limit crime rate. Others argue that the issue of gun control should not exist due to the fact that guns are necessary for self- defense against crime. With the fast of the crime rate, and mostly after the school shooting in Colorado, gun control has been a hotly debate and a controversial in recent month. Gun is considered the source of the violence. A vast ma...
  • Gun Control In Class
    658 words
    Before we discussed gun control in class, I thought that gun control was the perfect solution to crime. But is it After spending many days in class debating gun control, I realized that there is much more to the subject than I thought. Many new questions arose in my head like: Does the government have the right to take away the freedom of owning a gun Does gun control really decrease crime like I thought it would Are we safer if we all have guns These are all questions that I still do not have t...
  • Gun Control Laws
    2,310 words
    Is Gun Control Necessary As a result of the many school shootings that have taken place in the last few years, there has been a huge push for stricter gun control laws. Many people don t feel safe in today's society. The government has been listening to the people and has already passed some laws. There are some people who are opposed to stircter gun control laws. Many gun enthusiasts don t believe that gun control laws realy work because only the law abiding citizens would follow them and they ...
  • Prosecution Of Gun Criminals Increased
    392 words
    As a Member of Congress and as Vice President, Al Gore has worked hard to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable, quality health care. He has fought for a strong, enforceable Patients' Bill of Rights, worked to ensure that women and children receive high quality care, promoted innovative solutions for long term care needs, and fought to protect and improve Medicare and Medicaid. Gore also has been a leading advocate for medical research. Gore Supported the Largest National Gun Enfor...
  • Gun Control Relationship Between Guns And Crime
    925 words
    When you mention gun control, many things come to mind. School shooting, the Brady Law, second amendment rights, and kids killing kids, these issues have prompted a controversy over guns and whether they are a menace to society. There are many types of guns and each contributes to crime differently. The smaller more easily concealed weapons, like handguns and sawed off shotguns are most likely to be used in crime. While the larger firearms, rifles, have a slightly lower reported incidence of cri...
  • Messages From The Pro Gun Control People
    1,178 words
    In 1988, Handguns killed 7 people in Great Britain, 19 in Sweden, 53 in Switzerland, 25 in Israel, 13 in Australia, 8 in Canada, and 8,915 in the United States. The figures are shocking but what is the solution Gun control is a problem that our country has faced for many years. In the past this issue has been placed on the back burner but the recent school, subway, and gang related shootings have pushed it to the forefront of political and social issues. Guns are an issue that is surrounded by m...
  • Gun Control Laws Help Americans
    1,838 words
    The Battle for Gun Control Jason Reif schneider March 8, 1999 The Battle for Gun Control The United States of America has the highest rate of gun-related deaths of any nations in the world, and yet has some of the most liberal policies of gun control. Very few laws exist that limit the sale, or trade of guns. Controversy surrounds this issue, with both sides touting statistics and surveys to support their case. However, the issue of gun-control regulations has not been resolved. Gun-control laws...
  • Gun Control Registry
    414 words
    Position paper Gun control in Canada? Good or bad? There have been many arguments for and against this registry when it was introduced in 1995. It supposedly would help the police solve crimes that involved firearms, and overall increase the safety of the public. The registry was projected to cost taxpayers just 85 million dollars over 5 years when it was first started in 1995. Now the price eight is estimated to be around 1 billion dollars. And the scary thing is about 80% of all the guns in Ca...

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