Hours Of Sleep essay topics

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  • Needs Five Hours Of Sleep A Night
    2,541 words
    Sleepless in America Much like zombies, people of the United States roam the streets; today's twenty-four hour society is starting to affect many. For most people sleep has become a disposable commodity. Less than two percent of people can function on a steady diet of five hours of sleep a night, but many people try (Caldwell 57). More than 60 million Americans suffer from a severe lack of sleep. Others that do not have a severe case of sleep deprivation still have small cases of insomnia. Sleep...
  • Issue Of Sleep Deprivation Among Truck Drivers
    1,434 words
    Matthew L. Wald, in the article "A Study of Truckers Need for Sleep Raises New Alarms" located in the issue of the New York Times dated October 13, 1997, attempts to convey the results of a study conducted by the United States Transportation Department on the sleep deprivation of truck drivers. The author makes valid points on the issue but fails to back up these points with enough supportive evidence. The study was done to show how a new set of regulations could be structured. In order to deter...
  • Six 1 2 Hours Of Sleep
    867 words
    Sleep Observations Related to Potential Errors at Work Report Ladies and Gentlemen better known as board members. This study was conducted to find if there is any correlation between sleep and errors made throughout the day. I took the privilege of making this report because we are in the business of saving lives. Everyone in this medical center wants to help all of our patients to the best of our ability. Over time we have overlooked the responsibility we have to the patients that enter our doo...
  • Importance Of Sleep Pattern Research
    2,490 words
    Tomas Izquierdo has not slept since 1945. Due to an attack of encephalitis, an inner brain inflammation, his ability to fall asleep was lost at the age of 13. Although he rests with his eyes closed, his brain patterns are those of someone who is fully awake and aware. He has memory problems and very sensitive eyes, but is otherwise completely normal. To relax, he usually uses transcendental meditation from about three or four AM until the morning (Coleman 94). Tomas Izquierdo is what one might c...
  • Nine Hours Of Sleep
    450 words
    Think about what you were doing at 6: 30 this morning - maybe eating breakfast or just waking up, but probably sleeping. Some kids were already standing out in the cold, half asleep, waiting for the school bus. Many school - aged children and teenagers are forced to wake up at an early hour after very little sleep, only to be reprimanded for being unenergetic, tired, and listless during school. These problems would be solved if school start times were later. Some people say that since kids will ...
  • Cause For Sleep Disorders
    969 words
    Insomnia Insomnia comes in many forms and worries people of all ages, most commonly for just a night or two, but sometimes for weeks, months, and even years. Insomnia has many causes. Insomnia is a symptom, much like fever or stomachache. There three symptoms commonly shown by people who have insomnia: difficulty falling asleep, no problem falling asleep but difficulty staying asleep with many awakenings, and waking up too early. Difficulty sleeping at night may be related with the following day...
  • Sleep Deprivation Among College Students
    2,345 words
    Sleep Deprivation Sleeping is something that is an essential part of human nature and is a must in order for one to be a functional human being. Sleep is an idea that is accompanied by many wives' tales, including the ideas that one needs seven to eight hours of sleep each night and alcohol helps one fall asleep and sleep more soundly. One myth about sleep is that during sleeping, one is in a state of nothingness. In truth, however, it has been discovered that during sleep the brain is active, v...
  • Five Hours Of Sleep A Night
    911 words
    Sleep deprivation has become a major problem with Americans. Over 100 million Americans today suffer from lack of sleep. This has been an ongoing problem throughout the centuries. People owe their bodies sleep and scientist are calling it a "Sleep debt". An average American owes their body at least thirty hours of sleep. This lack of sleep is as hazardous as drunk driving. One man caught sleep deprivation at it's best. He pushed himself to the limits as much as possible. One day he went thirty h...
  • 18 5 Percent For Internal Medicine Programs
    684 words
    Sleep loss and fatigue may also cause harmful medical errors. Although the widely publicized Institute of Medicine report entitled To Err Is Human focused attention on patient safety, it had little to say about physicians' work hours. Elsewhere in this issue of the Journal, Gaba and Howard summarize data about fatigue among clinicians and the safety of patients. Although it is difficult to prove that sleep deprivation impairs clinical performance, they conclude that most relevant studies do show...
  • Sleep Deprivation
    720 words
    Man was placed on the earth with the instincts to survive in the world in which they live. One of these instincts was to rest everyday for a period of time while the sun was down. In today's busy lifestyle, the days just do not seem long enough to get everything done. Receiving the correct amount of sleep is important to being healthy and to live safely, yet many people do not know this and therefore cause themselves to become sleep deprived without knowing the severity of it. The American socie...
  • Logan And Sam From School
    944 words
    September 9, 2003 2: 00 am - I can't sleep, so I thought I would start this now. I feel like I have slept for hours. Think I will do the dishes and clean the dining room. (I am reasonably stress free and basically happy. I am a little annoyed that I am not able to sleep, but am doing something useful.) 3: 10 am - Still not asleep. Dishes are done. Dining room is clean. I have to get up in a few hours. I want to sleep! (Now, I am more annoyed that I cannot sleep. This makes me feel stressed now. ...
  • Required Eight Hours Of Sleep
    977 words
    Since I started eighth grade, I have noticed that when listening to my teachers lecture, I have a tendency to zone out. However, this is not on purpose, it is due to my fatigue, which stems from a lack of sleep. Once I finish a class and am out in the hall socializing, a common conversation that seems to be initiated between my friends and I is complaining about how tired we are. This usually leads to us talking about past experiences about how one of us fell asleep in a class or how someone cou...
  • Cause Of Sleep Problems
    2,284 words
    The National Sleep Foundation's 2000 Omnibus Sleep in America Poll found that forty-three percent of the people surveyed complained of excessive daytime sleepiness (Mooe). Many had medically significant sleepiness based on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Over a third of people surveyed said that the sleepiness interfered with their daytime activities, and many of these were women. The average woman gets barely six and a half hours of sleep most nights. During any given month, more than half of the...

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