Huxley's World essay topics

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  • Their Peak In Huxley's Brave New World
    3,652 words
    Title: Brave New World Significance of Title: In Shakespeare's The Tempest, in act 5 scene 1, on line 204, Mira states: "How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't!" To say the least, this book has quite a few references to Shakespeare. This segment in particular is used, because the setting of the book is of a 'brave new world' where almost everything is different from our current situation, and outwardly, every member of the society seems content in their position. ...
  • Mond's Idea Of Happiness
    718 words
    Religious imagery permeates much of the novel (see Sample Questions), and indeed a contemporary review of the novel was of the opinion that "Brave New World is one of the most urgent appeals for a reconciliation of science with religion that our age has known". It is, in fact, much more than this. However, for John, God is the reason for all the things that the State is suppressing: self-denial, chastity, nobility, and heroism. But Mond has an answer for all of these: "Industrial civilization is...

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