Individuals With The Disorder essay topics

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  • Bulimia And Binge Eating Disorder
    786 words
    Eating Disorders are psychological disorders that result from a drive to be thin. They are broken down into three categories, anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder. Anorexia is diagnosed according to the DSM- -R in individuals with body weight that is significantly lower than the norm, extremely concerned with weight and shape, distorted self-image, and an absence of three consecutive menstrual periods, in women. Bulimia Nervosa is diagnosed according to the DSM- -R in individuals who hav...
  • Paranoid Personality Disorder
    939 words
    Paranoid Personality Disorders Paranoid Personality Disorder is a disorder commonly mistaken for schizophrenic personality disorders. Schizophrenia, a psychosis, is when a person is has an image of a world and its transpiring events, and he / she is " living' it. Paranoid Personality Disorder, however, is a neurosis where an individual is living in the real world. This disorder, though not as debilitating as other disorders, can still devastate a someone's life. Individuals with this Paranoid Pe...
  • Recent Treatment For Antisocial Personality Disorder
    892 words
    They are your neighbors. They are your friends. Maybe they are even your family. You talk with them often, and have even had them over for dinner on occasion. Perhaps your children play in the same playground or spend time in the same social group. Although you have noticed some quirks and idiosyncrasies, you would never know the difference, and you would never expect the worst. After something bad happens that draws your attention to them, you have been forced to accept the truth: someone you k...
  • Person's Behavior As A Mental Disorder
    766 words
    The definition of the concept of a "mental disorder", is fundamental to the mental health field and has been an important yet controversial issue in psychology. To properly assess, treat, and even prevent mental disorders, psychologists must initially develop a clear understanding of the term. Labeling a person's behavior as a mental disorder can affect the way they are viewed by others and the way in which they view themselves. Thus, it is important to achieve a good measure of what constitutes...
  • Individual With Nicotine Use Disorder Attempts
    854 words
    My presentation is on Nicotine Use Disorder. It falls under substance related disorders in the DSM IV and is defined as, "The disorders related to the taking of a drug of abuse (Including Alcohol), to the side effects of a medication and to toxin exposure". Let me first start with a brief introduction of smoking (the number one nicotine related killer) and some statistical data retrieved from the US Centers For Disease Control. Tobacco smoking is the number one cause of reversible mortalities in...
  • Are Eating Disorders Assisted By Depression
    1,027 words
    Cause / Effect Paper: Are Eating Disorders Assisted by Depression? As a fragile young girl entered the hospital, several people stop to stare at her fragile body. As the physicians examine her, they begin to realize she hasn't eaten in days. Several physicians begin to ask her questions concerning her eating behaviors. All she her behavior during the exam they noticed how depressed the girl seemed to be. When the exam was over the girl was immediately admitted to the psychiatric unit of the hosp...
  • Individuals With A Pathological Gambling Disorder
    548 words
    Pathological Gambling is a slow progressive disease that destroys the gambler's life, and everyone who he / she has a serious relationship with. Pathological Gambling is a serious problem in today's world of gambling. It is an easy disorder to diagnose due to the associated features of the disorder. Even though it is easy to diagnose, a Pathological Gambler is very hard to cure. Pathological Gambling is a very unhealthy mental disorder, which affects millions of people each year. Are you preoccu...
  • Pope And Johnson
    1,596 words
    A Proposal For The Further Study OfA Proposal For The Further Study Of Great Writers A Proposal for the Further Study of Great Writers Dave Vinson ENL 4230 11/20/00 It could be said that the study of Literature and the study of Psychology are a most incompatible mix. Properly schooled in one or the other of these two disciplines, it is the psychologist who will point out the "left brain' is attributed with the functions of Analyzing, Mathematics, and step-by-step Reasoning and the "right brain' ...
  • Mutation In Fgfr 3 Causes Acondroplasia
    719 words
    Acondroplasia A Genetic Bone Disorder There are hundreds of reasons why some children never reach expected heights as adults. Many are short in stature because of family or ethnic backgrounds. Others have a wide range of medical conditions, which are often at times genetic, that limit overall growth in all or just specific parts of the body, such as the limbs or the torso. One of the medical conditions is Acondroplasia, the most common bone or skeletal disorder. What is Acondroplasia? Acondropla...

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