Information Privacy essay topics

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  • Greater Access To Private Information
    1,123 words
    Security vs. Privacy in the Internet -Kalpesh Shah The question of privacy began when man uttered his first words. The question was raised again when the postal system began and then when telephones were introduced. Once again, we must apply the question to the new information superhighway, that is e-mail, telecommuting, online newsgroups, etc. The question is this: How important is privacy on the Internet According to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, privacy (1) is "freedom from unaut...
  • Secure As The Service's Privacy Policy
    733 words
    Why should I worry about privacy and security? I'm not a criminal or a terrorist. I've got nothing to hide. These are things that most people think. They also believe the internet is much more secure and that their personal information is only available to them, whereas this is actually quite wrong. There are more reasons to want to protect your privacy than can be named. The important principal is that you have a right to privacy as long as that right is used within the bounds of the law. Seeki...
  • Need For The Protection Of Personal Privacy
    1,073 words
    Recently some of my constitutes have expressed a concern with the way surveillance is being used in today's society. We were especially concerned with the way surveillance is violating a citizen's privacy. Since a very broad topic was brought to our attention we decided to focus the misuse of new technology. Some of my colleagues have brought to my attention some instances, which do not exclude anyone, form being violated. In the past, early invasion of privacy was treated as trespassing, ease d...
  • Settlements For Improper Use Of Cookie Information
    576 words
    Data Communications " Cookies and their Impact on Privacy" In today's fast paced world of internet commerce it would be hard to accomplish many of the tasks without the creation of "cookies". Since their advent, cookies have been given a bad name and associated immediately with a loss of privacy. In April of 2001 a newspaper article defined cookies as, .".. programs that Web sites put on your hard disk. They sit on your computer gathering information about you and everything you do on the Intern...
  • Privacy In The Information Age
    1,536 words
    "Big Brother is Watching" Privacy in the Information Age. Vladimir a Love May 13, 2001 Have you sat down to eat dinner, just as you put that first bite into your mouth the phone rings. You know better than to answer it, but you do any way. To your dismay you find out that you were right Tele-marketers As you hang up you wonder how did they get my number How do they know what are your interests, likes, dislikes You hand the cashier a plastic card with a magnetic strip which contains your name and...
  • Strategic Personal Information Privacy Plan
    1,027 words
    Database privacy and legal issues Data privacy law regulates data management, and information systems manage data. Therefore, data privacy assurance must consider system assurance. An IT department should streamline its functions with the industry standards and privacy regulations in order to avoid any disruption. In order to achieve those objectives, the IT department should assess the risks, design a strategic plan to achieve privacy compliance, implement required policies and procedures, and ...
  • Information Collection And Use Yahoo
    344 words
    Yahoo! takes your privacy seriously. Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy. Also, please read our Children's Privacy Policy to learn more about how we treat personally identifiable information collected from children and Privacy Information to learn how we treat such information collected in connection with Yahoo! financial products and services. NOTICE: Click here for important information about safe surfing from the Federal Trade Commission. What this Privacy Policy ...
  • Information In Government Records Concerning Individuals
    1,097 words
    Like most countries and especially the United States their inhabitants enjoy a certain level of privacy. People don't generally want intimate information to be accessible to the public eye. In fact many people go to great lengths to hide everything about themselves. What exactly is the definition of privacy? Well, privacy is the expectation that confidential personal information disclosed in a private place will not be disclosed to third parties, when that disclosure would cause either embarrass...
  • Article Invasion Of Privacy
    976 words
    Ever wonder how a person not known obtains critical information once unavailable to the public? Nowadays, the easy access of computers makes it almost impossible for citizens to completely be out of the risk of privacy invasion. Anything we do is being monitored discreetly or publicly by others. Yet, there are different ways in which this issue can be viewed. It is harmful in the way that we do not know exactly what is being monitored by others, nor the way it is being used. Privacy intrusion he...
  • Privacy Policy Applicable To The Site
    687 words
    PRIVACY POLICY January 2, 2002 Privacy Policy of ' web ' (this 'Site') This Privacy Policy is applicable to this Site and not necessarily to other Nokia sites on the World Wide Web pages. When leaving this Site, please read the privacy policy applicable to the site you are visiting. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use this Site. By accessing and using this Site, you hereby agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Non-Personal Information Collected Automatically Noki...
  • Internet Privacy And The Government
    731 words
    Introduction: - I have been using internet for the past five years. I have heard quite a lot about Credit Card Fraud's, Internet Privacy, etc but i never really thought it was true. I thought it was just some bunch of amateur's who didn't really knew how to use the internet. But just after i started thinking about the internet privacy for my easy. I found that this whole thing in reality was happening. Just two days before the spring break i got a phone call from NewYork Times and they said do y...
  • Method Of Computer Privacy
    2,273 words
    Ensuring Your Privacy "Privacy. There seems to be no legal issue today that cuts so wide a swath through conflicts confronting American society. From AIDS tests to wiretaps, polygraph tests to computerized data bases, the common denominator has been whether the right to privacy outweighs other concerns of society... ". Robert Ellis Smith, the Privacy Journal Computers have been a very instrumental technology that has greatly advanced the ways in which we now do things such as; business, daily ac...
  • Information Privacy
    694 words
    the e-commerce merchant (Tanaka, 1999). Table 1 illustrates some types of information collected by websites. Table 1 Personal Information Collected Type of Information Number of Sites 1 Percent 1 Personal Identifying 335 92.8% Demographic 205 56.8% Personal Identifying Only 132 36.6% Demographic Only 2.6% Both Personal Identifying & Demographic 203 56.2% None 24 6.6% 1 Number and Percentage from base of 361 surveyed websites. Source: Georgetown Internet Privacy Policy Survey: Report to Federal T...
  • Issue Of Privacy
    414 words
    A new report was written on the privacy issue of consumer reports to large companies. This is an issue which has been debated for some time and has been the subject for many parliamentary bills. Consumers, in exchange for their shopping statistical information, are rewarded. These rewards come at the expense of personal privacy. Companies collect this data, and in turn, market strategically towards a certain customer. These companies are only beginning to see the tip of the ice berg on how to us...
  • Historic Record Of Privacy Protection
    6,211 words
    PROBLEM AREA II: RIGHT OF PRIVACY The Right to Be Left Alone: An Examination of the Right of Privacy Prepared for Submission to the 1999 National Debate Topic Selection Committee by Cindi Timmons Colleyville Heritage HS Colleyville, Texas and Aaron Timmons Greenhill School Dallas, Texas The Right to Be Left Alone: An Examination of the Right of Privacy The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be viol...
  • Information Privacy Scheme
    1,945 words
    In the new electronic age, we are relying more and more on information technology to streamline government, educate our children, make health care more accessible and affordable, and make our businesses more productive and competitive. This rush to embrace a new age of technology must not, however, obscure the ongoing responsibility to protect important information and maintain the personal privacy of citizens. There is increasing awareness, both in Australia and overseas, of the privacy implica...
  • Information About Our Personal Lives
    471 words
    Privacy in the Information Age The world is changing rapidly. There used to be a time when we could be confident that no one could learn too much about our personal lives. There used to be a time when information was merely a way of keeping records. That time is gone and with it went a large amount of what we might call our personal privacy. Information about our personal lives has now become one of the most valued resources on the market today. The explosion of the computer and communications i...
  • New Information Technologies
    1,729 words
    We might assume that nothing new could be said about the issue of privacy beyond the basic notion that it is something secluded from the inclusion of others, a virtue and right that every citizen of a democratic society might possess. However, if that were actually the case then we would not see our culture involved in debates about the issues regarding privacy and anonymity as they relate to new information technologies. The primary reason for such concerns is that information has become a comm...
  • Privacy Policies Of Web Sites
    1,482 words
    As you peruse a newspaper or magazine at home or browse the aisles of a store in search of a book or CD, you can do so without anyone knowing your business. Today, however, as the Web plays a bigger role in our lives, it is increasingly difficult to pass through life completely unnoticed. The collection of personal information has been an issue since long before the Internet was created. But over the last few years, Web sites have developed the ability to collect, analyze and share data about vi...
  • Solution To The Spam Email Problem
    1,045 words
    Summary: Industries gather information about consumers, and advertise to consumers that go greatly beyond what is acceptable. We do not own our own information, and Spam, like calls from telemarketers invade our privacy. However, there are market solutions to these problems that will hopefully allow us to regain what is ours. Introduction: Commercialism has intruded into just about every part of our existence, and e-commerce has propelled this intrusion exponentially. Commercialism is not necess...

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