Iraq's Troops essay topics

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  • Fifty Four Billion For The Iraq War
    330 words
    The war in Iraq is a waste of our country's time and funds. September 11, 2001 two high jacked planes collided with New York's World Trade Center, and the Pentagon in Washington. Following the attacks, President Bush declared war on terrorism. For the past four years, American and other allied troops have entered the Middle East to cleanse terrorism. Such terrorist leaders as, Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein have been brought down. But, why is our country still spending so much time and funds acros...
  • Troops From Kuwait
    872 words
    When Iraqi forces invaded and occupied Kuwait. The conflict reached its highest point in January and February of 1991 between Iraq and an international combination of forces led by the United States. The Iraqi attack began shortly after midnight on August 2nd. Approximately 150,000 Iraqi troops defeated the Kuwait forces of 20,000. By sunrise, the Iraqi troops had taken complete control over the country. The United Nations Security Council and the Arab League immediately took action into the inv...
  • Bush Administration And The Un
    953 words
    The United States is in a tough situation. This country has gone to war without the UN's approval, and now has more casualties than when the war 'officially' ended. Now, the war could cost taxpayers $87 billion dollars, and more if the war drags on. The situation is at the critical point. If the Bush Administration does not leave Iraq, we will lose thousands of troops, spend billions sending more troops to Iraq, and we will lose the faith of the international community. This war will have larger...
  • Cost Of A War With Iraq
    1,152 words
    George W. Bush is asking Congress for $80 billion more for the failed Iraq war. Congress is gearing up to pour more money to 'stay the course' of the past two tragic years. Tell your Member of Congress that not one more dime should go to waging war in Iraq. Instead, the U.S. must end the occupation, bring our troops home, and support Iraqi sovereignty. Many good-intentioned people in the United States say we can't withdraw our troops now and abandon Iraqis to chaos and disorder. Yet the U.S. pre...
  • 3 8 Million Deaths In Congo
    525 words
    The Democratic Republic of Congo has a population of 58,317,930 citizens (CIA-The World Fact book). Out of the 58,317,930 citizens 3.8 million of them have died through starvation, disease, and fighting (UNICEF). The death toll of Congo has been labeled genocide. The war in Congo drew in the armies of five other African nations. Neighboring Rwanda, Uganda, and allied Congolese rebel groups held control of the east and northeast. The government held the west. The problems of Congo lay in the Unit...
  • Inhumane Dangerous Country
    269 words
    American Hypocrisy With the current treatment of prisoners in Iraq America has suffered a major black eye in their image campaign in the country. With one of the primary reasons we attacked in the first place being that the prisoner abuse was unbelievably cruel and inhumane. Since it appears now that we are no better than the previous regime in the country it seems we only attacked to gain rights to their oil. We look like hypocrites who only attacked the country to greedily satisfy our own oil ...
  • Number Of American Troops In Iraq
    574 words
    The magazine's editors chose the nameless soldier to represent the 1.4 million men and women who make up the U.S. military, which led the invasion of Iraq nine months ago and a week ago captured deposed leader Saddam Hussein. About 130,000 U.S. soldiers remain in Iraq, with others deployed in Afghanistan, South Korea and elsewhere. Soldiers were singled out as the top news makers of the year because 'the very messy aftermath of the war made it clear that the mission had changed, that the mission...
  • Our U.S. Troops In Iraq
    277 words
    George Bush is doing the right thing by keeping our U.S. troops in Iraq. President Bush declared the war over, but that is not going to keep the people of Iraq from fighting. Things are still unstable over there, and many Iraqi people dislike the Americans and would gladly try to hurt us. The troops should not leave until we are sure the ringleaders of the terrorist attacks are eliminated. George Bush is just trying to do what is best for our country. The troops must remain until we are sure it ...
  • Hunting Saddam Husein
    580 words
    Thursday, July 31, 2003 WAR IN IRAQ The war in Iraq was declared to be over several months ago. The troops are still hunting Saddam Husein and never seem to be in the same area as he is. He always seems to get away and to know how close the troops are to him. They have killed his two sons and the President of the United States is not even raising our terror alert. President Bush stated to day in a news conference "that the risk for a terror attack as retaliation in the killing of Saddam's sons i...
  • Turn Iraq Into A Democracy
    444 words
    One of the major issues being discussed is weather or not troops should remain in Iraq. The US has already started to rebuild Iraq, we can not just decide to quit. If we just gave up, that would be throwing away all the time and effort we had recently put into developing the country. The troops should remain in Iraq until the job is finished. We were the ones to make the mess, now we have to proceed in cleaning it up. Successfully turning Iraq into a democracy would assist us in gaining back res...
  • Iraq's Oil
    1,034 words
    This paper is about my beliefs and opinions about the United States involvement in Iraq. After the end of The Gulf War in 1991, the United States kept up a low-level but deadly conflict. They declared that their goal was to end the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein (their former ally). Iraq has the world's second largest proven oil reserves. The United States had the first largest proven oil reserves. Because the price to pay the middle eastern children or adult workers to produce the oil is so muc...

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