Israel And The Palestinians essay topics

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  • First Palestinian Intifada
    878 words
    On the 28th of September, of the year 2000, the second Palestinian Intifada took place. The main reason that sparked this Intifada was the provocative visit of Ariel Sharon, the current Israeli Prime Minister, to the Haram Al Sharif. Even though the visit was what set the ground on fire, these feeling of hatred and desire to rebel had been stirring inside the Palestinians ever since the declaration of the Israeli State, on the Palestinian land, back in 1948. This Palestinian frustration is due t...
  • Control Of Israel For The Palestinians
    882 words
    Israel Past & Present After World War II, Jewish refugees moved to Palestine to escape the countries which had persecuted them for years. The Israelis met conflict while re-settling in Palestine. The Palestinians felt as though the Israelis were unjustly staking claims on Palestinian lands. The Israelis felt as though they had rights bestowed by God to Palestinian lands. Israelis also argued the fact that the Palestinians as a group never really had a homeland. These conflicting points of view q...
  • Palestinians In The West Bank And Gaza
    2,959 words
    In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful Palestine's Islamic Homepage Other Palestine Sites on the Web The Islamic Association for Palestine Palestine Homepage: University of Oregon The General Union of Palestine Students The Story of the Zionist Occupation of Palestine Muslim Students Association at the University of Texas at Austin Preface The following pages tell the story of the occupation of Palestine. It tells about the history of the occupation and about the suffering of a ...
  • Proposed Jewish And Palestinian Arab States
    2,373 words
    The conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews is a modern phenomenon, which began around the turn of the 20th century. Although these two groups have different religions (Palestinians include Muslims, Christians and Druze), religious differences are not the cause of the conflict. It is essentially a struggle over land. Until 1948, the area that both groups claimed was known internationally as Palestine. But following the war of 1948-49, this land was divided into three parts: the state of Isra...
  • Palestinian State With Inthe Land Of Israel
    3,305 words
    Judgement Day - The Middle East' It must be peace without victory. Only a peace between equals can last: only peace, the very principle of which is equality, and a common participation in a common benefit. ' (Tiger, 1990,418) The Holy land of Israel has witnessed the birth of Judaism and Islam. Israel has also suffered the wrath of a long and bloody history of conflict between the followers of these religions. The hostility has spanned from the early ages to modern day. The bloodshed was due mai...
  • Israel With Arafat
    797 words
    Now more than ever President Bush is pushing Israel for a withdrawal from the Palestinian-occupied territories in order get the cease-fire in effect. President Bush once said that one cannot negotiate with terrorists; the question now is whether Arafat is a terrorist or a peacemaker. The answer is simple: Arafat is a terrorist, and President Bush should not force Prime Minister Sharon to negotiate with a terrorist. If Arafat is not a terrorist then why are Fatah and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (terr...
  • Netanyahu Israel
    1,782 words
    1996: A Turbulent Year for Israel 1996 has been a very turbulent year for Israel. This lies in the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995. Rabin's great work in the peace process with it's Arab neighbors has been nearly reversed by Israel's newly elected Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who actively opposed the peace process in the election. Netanyahu's term of service has not only affected Israel politically but also socially, intellectually, religiously, and economically. In dea...
  • Palestinian Liberation Organization
    2,053 words
    PAST FAILURES OF THE PALESTINIAN LIBERATION ORGANIZATION In 1948 when the country of Israel was created, Palestinian Arabs lost control of all the lands which they possessed. Although many organizations were immediately formed to regain the lost lands, it was not until 1964 when the Palestinian Liberation Organization was created, that there was a single voice to be "the sole representative of the Palestinian people". (Nassar. pg. 40) Currently headed by Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian Liberation...
  • Israel In Retaliation To Palestinians
    2,018 words
    The subject that I will be focussing on is: Why has there been instability in Israel from its formation in 1948 to present day. This question can be broken down into several key areas: The Balfour Declaration of 1917; The creation of Israel; The subsequent four wars; Egyptian-Israeli peace talks; Turmoil in Lebanon and 90's to present day. I will focus on the Palestinian point of view as well as the Israeli. I will use biographies written by both sides and their own interpretations of what was g...
  • Palestinians Attack Israel
    754 words
    The Issue Of Israel and Palestine In 1993, in Oslo, Norway a historic peace agreement was secretly drawn up with the hopes of bringing all the violence between the Palestinians and the Israelis to an end. Yasser Arafat, the chairman of the PLO, and Yitzhak Rabin who was prime minister of Israel at the time shook hands at the White House in front of President Bill Clinton to finalize the accords. This was the first step towards peace in a long time between the warring nations, and one that many p...
  • Formal Cease Fire Between Israelis And Palestinians
    691 words
    JERUSALEM -- As Secretary of State Colin L. Powell prepared to head home today without a formal cease-fire between Israelis and Palestinians, he said five days of talks with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat brought some progress. Powell's ambitious effort to halt the bloody conflict between Israelis and Palestinians was scheduled to conclude today with a final meeting with Arafat. But few analysts expected a hard promise by Arafat to rein in armed milita...
  • Israel And Palestinians
    895 words
    Nov 2, 1917 British issued the Balfour Declaration, viewed by Jews and Arabs as promising a "National Home" for the Jews in Palestine. 1936-1939 Arab Revolt led by Haj Amin Al-Husseini. Over 5,000 Arabs were killed according to some sources, mostly by British. Several hundred Jews were killed by Arabs. Husseini fled to Iraq and then to Nazi Germany. May 15, 1948 Israel War of Independence (1948 War). Declaration of Israel as the Jewish State; British leave Palestine; Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon,...
  • Israeli And Palestinian Leaders
    409 words
    Rice Works to Keep Gaza Pullout on Track By BARRY SCHWEIZ, AP Diplomatic Writer 1 hour, 8 minutes ago WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice scrambled her schedule Friday to add a trip to the Middle East designed to nurture Israel's promised withdrawal from Gaza and part of the West Bank despite a spate of terror attacks. ADVERTISEMENT With the pullout a month away, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said, 'All the parties need to make the maximum effort to see that this disenga...
  • Leaders Of The Israelis And Palestinians
    2,843 words
    Kean University Israel and the Future of a Palestinian State Emergence of the Modern World Chaim H. Re spes Sunday, November 26, 2000 OUTLINE Israel and the Future of a Palestinian State Introduction: Video - A Search For Solid Ground I. The Palestinians claims to the region A. Brief oral description of Palestinian biblical claims B. Description on how Palestinians lost their land C. Outside influence that shaped today for Palestinians II. The Historical components A. A look at the land under Ar...
  • Peace Between The Palestinians And Israelis
    2,368 words
    The Israeli-Arab conflict, or as it is now known as the Israeli - Palestine conflict has existed for over 50 years, beginning with the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948. Although its origins are religious it is now essentially a struggle over land, which is occupied by the Israelis. The 1993 Oslo Accord was the first attempt to resolve the conflict, yet it has not produced peace and is seen as being highly flawed, with numerous issues remaining unsolved and their being "gaping loopholes...
  • Peace Process Between Israelis And Palestinians
    2,014 words
    In today's society the television plays a major role in our lives. We sit down on the couch and are transfixed by what is taking place in Iraq and before this we all watched, with the same horror, as Palestinians and Israelis blew up each other's children. We also watched the World Trade Center Towers crash down right before our own eyes. Terrorism persistently murdered thousands of civilian Americans and Saddam Hussein is killing his people. Israel is occupying the Palestinian lands, the United...
  • End To The Jewish Nation Of Israel
    2,418 words
    A divestment movement to boycott Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is taking place worldwide with an extreme push from over forty college campuses including Harvard, Princeton, University of California - Berkley, University of Michigan, Yale, Penn, and many other prestigious universities (Tutu). The term occupation describes Israel's control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, territories acquired through victory in Six-Day war in June 1967 (Karsh). This divestment campaign is ...
  • America's Support Of Israel
    480 words
    Since the creation of Israel in 1948, the United States has supported it financially with over 80 billion dollars in aid. American foreign policy towards Israel has been to maintain Israel's superiority in the Middle East through military and financial aid. America's uncritical and steadfast support of Israel is hypocritical when trying to establish peace; it has brought instability and radical anti-American hatred to the region and been a major cause of conflict. The United States has to reeval...
  • Palestinians In Israel
    614 words
    I suggest two possible answers to this horrendous mess between the Israelis and the Palestinians. One is the two separate states solution, the other the two intermingled states solution. TWO SEPARATE STATES. 1. Draw a boundary for the Jerusalem Metropolitan Area (JMA). 2. Adjust the 1967 line between the "West Bank" and Israel by a few km to widen the very narrow Israeli central belt. 3. The boundary for Israel will INCLUDE the JMA. 4. The boundary for Palestine will ALSO INCLUDE the JMA. 5. Isr...
  • Israel's Security Cabinet
    937 words
    ISRAELI FOREIGN MINISTER Silvan Shalom on Monday sought to soften Sunday's statement by Vice Premier Ehud Olmert that "killing (Arafat) is... one of the options" under consideration to effect Israel's decision to "remove" the Palestinian leader. "It (killing Arafat) is not the official policy of the Israeli government", Shalom told reporters Monday. "It was never before, and we don't speak about any killing, we didn't speak about it before, and we don't speak about it today". But Olmert's statem...

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