Japan's Economy essay topics

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  • Japan's Economy
    2,601 words
    Japan is one of the world's leading economic powers when concentrating on its Gross Domestic Product of four point two trillion United States dollars. Its economy is only second to the United States in terms of production. However, Japan has not always contained a relatively strong economy. The Japanese's economic strategies have boosted economy to new heights since its fall during the second world war because of their unorthodox manner of business etiquette, innovative strategy, and strong rela...
  • Overall Demise Of Japan's National Economy
    2,046 words
    During the 1980's, Japan had one of the most profitable and efficient economies in the world. But a recent recession has forced Japan to make changes and pushed them back, out of the realm of being an economic superpower. This leaves just one question; when analyzing Japan's strengths and weakness, is it likely for them to return to the economic status they enjoyed during the 1980's The answer is no. Because of Japanese false illusions, increasing national debt and deflation, combined with other...
  • Japan's Businesses
    718 words
    INSIDE JAPAN INC. In 1960 Japan was ruled by the conservative LDP. Nabu ski Kitchie ran the LDP, a man who had been jailed as a war criminal during the occupation. His comeback can be attributed to his pre-war contacts in big business. Kitchie believed to survive Japans economy had to grow. I order to do so Japan's businesses had to be disciplined. Kitchie gave directives to the ministry to pass on to the heads of big business. These directives were much like orders from a general. Some Japanese...
  • Rapid Rate Of Japan's Industrialization
    3,173 words
    Japan Postwar Expansion - This paper briefly describes Japan's rapid postwar economic expansion. Section I describes the overall changes in GNP and the various growth factors contributing to Japan's postwar expansion. Section II describes the basic periods of change in Japan's economic expansion after World War II. Introduction I. Economic Overview A. Postwar GNP Levels B. Postwar Growth Factors 1. General Growth Factors 2. Domestic Market Improvements 3. Government Interventions II. Period of E...
  • Japan's System Of Economic Development
    2,850 words
    JAPAN'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In the following paper I will be examining the process of economic development in Japan. I begin with their history in the Meiji period and how that effected their great success in the postwar development. Then I will go through the different economic stages of economic development in postwar Japan. I will examine the high periods and low period in Japan economics, and the factors behind these shifts in development. Last I will give a conclusion and where I believe J...
  • Real Estate Speculators Before Japanese Land Prices
    4,775 words
    The Bubble Economy of Japan The Economy of Japan had experience a tremendous growth since the end of the Korean war. The growth of GNP in 1967 and 1968 was above 10% (double digit growth period) which exceed countries such as Britain, France and Germany. The economy experienced a boost is due to many reasons, such as: enlargement of industrial facilities, massive adaptation of western technology and education, lower the military expense to 1% of GNP, relation with power nation, human resources a...
  • Mixed Market Economy
    670 words
    The Japanese Economy Jonathan Allen The prewar economy of Japan was a Socialist economy and the country was ruled by an emperor up to WWII and after WWII it started to lean towards a mixed market economy until what it is today although its government is Socialist it is leaning towards a mixed market economy. The Japanese economy is a mixed economy that leans towards market, it is like this because almost all business are run by private corporations or people and that is the market in the economy...
  • Canada's Top Three Agricultural Products
    1,382 words
    Economic Systems of Different Countries Canada: The Government of Canada is a Federal Parliamentary Democracy and a member of the Common Wealth. The Prime Minister of Canada is the Honorable Jean Chretien. The Deputy Prime Minister is Sheila Copps and the Governor General is Romeo LeBlanc. There are five major political parties in Canada they are; the Progressive Conservatives, the Liberal Party, New Democratic Party, the Reform Party, and the Bloc Quebecois. The GNP per capita (1991) was $19,93...
  • World War II Japan
    2,545 words
    World War II left many powerful nations in smoke and rubble. The deconstruction of many countries gave them the chance to rebuild their cities and economies. No country took more advantage of this opportunity than Japan. Japan was a huge militaristic power in World War II. Their aggressive behavior caused them to be stripped of their military and their power for self rule. The demilitarization of Japan changed the country's focus from world militaristic domination to world economic domination. T...
  • Development Of Japan's Internet Markets
    1,531 words
    Demographics and World Commerce Paper Josephine L. BarralesGEO 150 Mr. Bruce Lee June 6, 2005 The recent development of the Internet has created a technological and commercial revolution throughout the world. By essentially shortening the distance between companies and consumers, the Internet has created a competitive global market unlike any other. Many countries are fighting hard to become major players in this potentially lucrative venue. Over the past five years, Western nations have had a c...
  • Devastating Effect On Japan And Its Economy
    892 words
    To understand Japans economic boom and rise as a global superpower after the war one must also look at their history. Without the creation of the industrial economy during the Meiji Japan this economic growth after the World War Two could have not happened. To look even closer, we should examine the period before, called the Tokugawa period, from 1630's until the 1860's. Smith explains that "during this period Japanese economy experienced unparalleled growth and structural change" (Smith, p. 4)....
  • Domestic Cartels
    957 words
    Amid the world today, Japan is a weak link in the chain of the world economies. It is not the miracle it used to be. Japan, after the war, has made some decisions that caused some problems for the future. Those decisions ultimately caused the economic distress it is now striving to get out of. One such decision was the approval of the formation of cartels. This was enhanced with the government passing of the Industries Control Law. This law enable the cartels to control and establish fixed rates...
  • Factor Behind Japan's Economic Growth
    1,575 words
    Japan's Economy A. Japan's place in the world economic market: B. Brief Economic History: Postwar Development: The economy of Japan is a thriving complex of industry, commerce, finance, agriculture, and all the other elements of a modern economic structure. The nation's economy is in an advanced stage of industrialization, served by a massive flow of information and highly developed transportation networks. One feature of Japan's economy is the major contribution of manufacturing and services, s...
  • Largest Trading Partner Of Japan And China
    790 words
    Japanese economy has been in a slow phase for almost a decade now. Despite changing prime ministers every one or two years, over the last ten years, and despite numerous supplementary measures to revive, the economy has not been picked up. Though some pundits are saying that the Japanese economy would not pick up until the United States economy picks up, from the slowdown following September 11th incident, it may be wishful thinking. The U.S. economy was growing ten years, from 1990 till 2000, a...
  • Japan Land Of The Rising Sun
    1,011 words
    Japan is a country in Eastern Asia that first started out as people who were hunters and gatherers. Then came into rice cultivation during the Yayo i Period. Later, Prince Shoto ku founded the constitution of Japan in 1889 during the Meiji Era. During the Kamakura Period Japan was ruled by the Samurais, or the warrior class. Then became the center of an empire that included Taiwan, Korea, Manchuria, most of eastern China, southern Sakhalin, and the Marshall and Mariana Islands in the Pacific. Th...
  • Japanese Model Of Economic Development
    4,585 words
    Was the crisis in Japan during the 1990's due to its model for economic development? Content: 1. Introduction 2. Japan, a late developer 2.1. The origins of economic inequality 2.2. A model for economic growth 2.3. A model of state-led development 3. The Japanese model of development 3.1. A social model of development 3.2. Japan's model of capitalism 3.3. Managerial advantages 4. The crisis of the Japanese model of development 4.1. High non-performing loans 4.2. High-technology 4.3. The bubble b...
  • Japan The Legal Age
    1,219 words
    The United States' government and Japan's have many similar qualities. The United states has a federal republic, with strong democratic tradition. The U.S.'s legal system is based on English common law, with judicial review of legislative acts. Japan has a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government. Modeled after European civil law system with a bit of English-American influences, Japan also uses judicial review of legislative acts but in the supreme court. Both governments have the...

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