Jesus Disciples essay topics

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  • Storms On The Journey Like The Disciples
    1,658 words
    Sermon Hold on, Help is on the way! Text: Mark 6: 45-52 Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray. When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass b...
  • Wedding Jesus
    606 words
    The Life of Jesus In this essay on Jesus, I am going to talk a lot about what made Jesus such an important figure. I am going to discuss Jesus birth, death and some of what in between. When Jesus was born there was a census of the whole world going on that was ordered by Caesar Augustus. Every one had to register in their won town. So when everybody heard of this census, Joseph went from Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to David's town of Bethlehem. While Mary who was pregnant at the time and Josep...
  • Same Day Two Of Jesus Disciples
    2,436 words
    The Gospel of Luke, Gentile Physician and companion of Paul wrote this Gospel in the mid 60's A.D. Luke wrote both the Gospel of Luke and Acts making him the largest contributor to the New Testament. These writings both begin with dedications to Theophilus, perhaps a potential or recent convert or patron who sponsored the circulation of Luke and Acts. The third Gospel presents Jesus as the Son of Man. The first three chapters and the beginning of the fourth give us the entrance of the Lord into ...
  • Washing Of The Disciples Feet
    2,615 words
    Christ washed his disciples' feet that he might give a proof of that great love wherewith he loved them. Christ washed his disciple's feet that he might signify to them spiritual washing, and the cleansing of the soul from the pollutions of sin. Christ washed his disciple's feet that he might give an instance of his own wonderful humility, and show how lowly and condescending he was, and let all the world know how low he could stoop in love to his own. Christ washed his disciple's feet to set be...
  • Being A Disciple Of Jesus
    3,241 words
    Discipleship Teachers around the time when Jesus lived thought that learning was such that the people who wanted to learn should come to them to be taught. But Jesus felt differently and rather than waiting for people to come to him, he went out to find them and then chose them to be his followers. He called them disciples and this word means one who learns. But Jesus chose his disciples carefully as we are told in Mark 1: 16-20 and also in Mark 3: 13-19. In the first passage, Jesus appoints his...
  • Jesus And His Disciples
    3,683 words
    Discipleship At the mention of the word 'disciple', the image most people conjure up is that of a faithful pupil, a person more than willing to follow the teachings of their leader without question. However, the early disciples didn't always conform to this stereotype. In fact, they sometimes showed a complete lack of faith, finding it extremely hard to accept Jesus' word in their hearts. Jesus appointed twelve disciples to symbolize each of the twelve tribes of Israel. In doing so, it were as i...
  • Pilate For The Body Of Jesus
    565 words
    The Life of Jesus The New Testament is mainly based on the life of Jesus and the early church. Heis known as the son of God though his parents were Mary and Joseph. Jesus was born in a stable in city of Bethlehem as there was no room in the inns. Once he was born, Mary had no crib to place him in, so they made one with a troth and some straw. Three Kings and some shepherds came to visit him. The kings gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Jesus and his family travelled to Jordan from G...
  • Known As The Sacred Meal Jesus
    733 words
    Peter San Angelo March 25, 2002 Quiz # 2 Essay # 1 How does Christ demonstrate he would remain sacramentally present to the community in the ritual of the Last Supper? At the Last Supper, which is also known as the sacred meal Jesus spoke to his disciples with the outmost amount of trust. He let them know through his words that he would be a part or one with them through anything. He actually said to them he would remain in their human lives no matter what. This meant that Jesus would be with th...
  • True Disciple Of Jesus
    1,037 words
    Discipleship means ^one who follows^ or ^one who learns^ and this meaning has not changed over the centuries. The first disciples must have felt very special just as do today. Also, the first disciples were not fully understood and were rejected. This is true for disciples today aswell. The Bible is the most important reference for a Christian today. It contains all sorts of stories from the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament concentrates on the life of Jesus which is probabl...
  • Jesus To The Romans
    2,477 words
    In this essay, I am to define the meaning of discipleship, for the first disciples and for Christians today. The word disciple means to learn, but there are many differences between disciples today, and disciples 2000 years ago, in the midst of a hostile Roman Empire. The very first disciples of the resurrection were the holy women, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome. If Christianity is defined as the belief that Jesus died, and was resurrected, and then to me, these women were...
  • Last Supper By Leonardo Da Vinci
    342 words
    The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper was a very powerful Biblical event, in which Jesus and his disciples gathered for one final dinner together. According to the Bible, important events took place during the Last Supper, including an announcement by Jesus that one of his disciples would betray him. Leonardo da Vinci took the challenge of recreating the Last Supper. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is the first great figure composition of the High Renaissance and the definiti...

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