Just Abortion essay topics

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  • 1 5 Million Abortions
    828 words
    Page 4 of 7 In the H.L. vs. Matheson case, an unmarried 15 year old girl living with her parents in Utah and dependent on them, became pregnant. She was advised by her doctor that an abortion would be in her best interest (Flanders, 85). Because a state law required a physician to notify the parents of a minor before performing an abortion or face criminal penalties, the doctor refused to proceed without first contacting the mother or father. The girl sought to have the abortion without informin...
  • Web Army Of God Not Pro Life
    3,618 words
    Is it possible for one to believe in Christianity so much that he / she feels it is morally acceptable to commit sin to punish those who are the real sinners The members of the North American terrorist organization named "The Army of God" obviously believes it is so. Having declared war on the United States of America the army of god has bombed abortion clinics and homosexual nightclubs in the name of God him / herself. This group is definatly no joke, it has produced three editions of its own t...
  • Feelings For The Little Kid
    733 words
    Abortion Abortion. What is it? Why do people do it? Is it killing a human life? What are the benefits for having an abortion? Should it be made illegal? These questions I will try and answer on the key issue right now on abortion. I will tell you my side and how I fell, and hope that after this you would agree with my opinion. Abortion is the killing of a child before the birth. They usually take a needle and put it into the mothers womb, and kill it. Although that is not the only way to do it. ...
  • Abortion Slaughter Techniques
    649 words
    Abortion 101-36 Persuasive Essay 9/22/96 Abortion, the easiest way to fix one's mistakes. I mean, if one is going to screw around and accidentally get knocked up, why should they have to be responsible for the outcome of messing around. Why not just murder the unborn child. That is what goes on daily, slaughtering of young, innocent children, that if born, would easily find a home. What did they [the unborn child] do wrong? Oh nothing, it's just that the mother and / or father are just so lazy a...
  • 400 Abortion
    632 words
    Pro-Abortion over Pro-life An unborn child doesn't have a soul A sixteen year old walks down a nameless back alley on the mainland, one of only a million others, and she carries with her an unborn child of 4 months. She had tried to hide it but the signs were finally showing, "Who was the father" were the cries and pleas of those whom she loved. She was raped a year ago by her ex-boyfriend and now carries their unwanted child. Should she be forced to carry and care for the child she hadn't plann...
  • Abortion For An Option
    756 words
    Abortion Even though a lot of people use abortion for a way to solve problems, are lives really taken? Everyone has their own opinion about this topic, but to me abortion is your own personal choice if you want to have one or not. I believe that we should keep abortion around because many cases come up where people are in serious need for one. I am not saying that abortion is the greatest thing in the world to have, but I also do not consider it murder. From my point of view I see abortion in tw...
  • Baby At 5 Months Of Conception
    915 words
    This is a very big moral issue. I wonder is people realize that they are killing an innocent baby Yes it is a fetus, but it is in the process of becoming a whole innocent, beautiful baby. God is just in the process of creating. Every baby deserves a chance at life. You did. No matter how hard that life might be. It sickens me that there are people having abortions just because they made a mistake, and could just not say no. Some woman use abortion as a form of birth control. I dont know why help...
  • Abort Her Baby And Girl
    1,564 words
    Abortion: Do We Have the Right to Kill Each year millions of babies are conceived, unfortunately only about three fourths of them are actually born. Some of these babies die of natural causes; others are killed before they get the chance to experience their first breath. Abortion is fast becoming a quick fix to a rather large responsibility, especially among teenage women. Having sex is a huge responsibility, and if you aren't ready to handle the consequences then having sex is not for you and a...
  • Ban Abortion After 12 Weeks
    950 words
    Ladies and Gentlemen Over the past few years the public in Britain and Ireland have been campaigning against abortion. A variety of people have very different views on this matter and I am here today to tell you mine. Parliament, for many years, have been contemplating making abortion illegal, in the hope to try and highlight contraception and safe sex which would reduce the amount of sexually transmitted diseases spreading for example HIV and AIDS. Parliament thinks that if women know that they...
  • Illegal Abortions
    2,751 words
    Abortion A MATTER OF CHOICE The topic of abortion is one of the most controversial of our times. It has caused countless deaths and several violent confrontations between the two separate parties of opinion. The fight between pro-life and pro-choice supporters has been long and brutal. This is because, despite what several people may believe, abortion is neither right nor wrong. It is a matter of personal opinion. In this way, each side can say with certainty that the other is wrong. Therefore t...
  • Illegal Abortions
    2,744 words
    Abortion A MATTER OF CHOICE The topic of abortion is one of the most controversial of our times. It has caused countless deaths and several violent confrontations between the two separate parties of opinion. The fight between pro-life and pro-choice supporters has been long and brutal. This is because, despite what several people may believe, abortion is neither right nor wrong. Itis a matter of personal opinion. In this way, each side can say with certainty that the other is wrong. Therefore th...
  • Living Human Being
    720 words
    The founding of Abortion Abortion The founding of our nation was forged on the principle that all men are created equal. This is the essence of our Declaration of Independence and the philosophy behind the Constitution. We, through history, have made certain that all people in this country have equality before the law. We have set up the premise that all people are equal before the law. We have declared that there is no such thing as sub-humans – and that no human being's rights are superi...
  • One Abortion
    519 words
    Abortion: the spontaneous or induced expulsion of a nonviable human fetus. Abortion is used as a solution to an intimate situation made between two people. Some people choose this method to solve the solution because they feel it is necessary; some use it as a form of birth control. I have found that every year there are more and more females having abortions. Having this done is fine under the right circumstances; some women choose to abuse the method wrongly using it for birth control. It seem...

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