Just Back essay topics

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  • Back To Retrieve My Five Dollar Bill
    1,205 words
    Laughing and Crying The bridge between laughing and crying is not long. During submarine deployments, it is customary to tell sea stories on those long boring mid-watches. During one particular mid-watch I told an amazing story that happened to me ten years earlier while stationed on my last submarine. This story shouldn t be told when your boss is part of the group because there could be repercussions that you may feel later. My story begins when I was on a submarine that was home-ported in Val...
  • Tommy And Cheryl
    719 words
    The wilson's are what you would call a typical 1950's american family. They consist of the father and husband Frank, housewife linda, oldest child Tommy age 17, Cheryl age 16, Mikey age 10, and Suzie age 8. Thay are a white middle class family that lives in the suburb aut side little rock, Arkansas. The neighborhood was mod led after Levittown, a famous suburb community outside of New York. Right now it's monday morning and the wilson's are starting off their week. 'Breakfast is ready', yells li...
  • Said Linda
    1,810 words
    Ti Amo I was so excited. The day I've waited for, it was June 25th and I was finally leaving for my much anticipated trip to Italy. I've always wanted to go to Italy and go see everything it has to offer. It was a long flight so I decided to watch the excellent airline movie, then listen to some of the latest musical hits and read the great instructions on what to do in case of an emergency. Travelling to Italy was only one of the many things I wanted to do after I finished high school. Last yea...
  • Kitchen For The Past 2 Minutes
    731 words
    Krista Foos English 123/26/01 As I started down the long, narrow, hallway I felt my heart beating faster and my stomach rising into my throat. With much difficulty I kept my head up and my eyes forward, trying desperately to not view inside any of the rooms to the left or right. The hospital smell was stronger then ever and every little noise seemed as loud as thunder... almost like I had two water glasses up to my ears that just echoed every sound. Suddenly I'm stopped dead in my tracks by an o...
  • Kurt And Gramps
    3,667 words
    Kurt Cobain: Collection of Personal Accounts From Family Relatives I would like to share some of the memories and perceptions I have concerning this unique, rare and original human being called Kurt Cobain. I knew Kurt during his teen-age years in the period from about 1979 to 1984. I was in my mid-30's and living in and near Montesano. My sister married Kurt's dad, Don, and also lived in Montesano. My grandfather comprehended the intelligence and individuality in Kurt at a time when Kurt was be...
  • Offender In A Just Way
    508 words
    What is the most effective way of punishment? Human life is very important it doesn't mater what sex you are or what you have done. If something can be fixed then that's what you should always try to do first. Capital punishment should not be used in today's society. If a person is found guilty and then later on new evidence is uncovered you can't bring that person back to life. Imprisonment should be a last resort; there are other sentencing alternatives, which can work, in the best interest of...
  • Ugly Get The Fuck
    12,975 words
    Artist: Eminem Album: The Marshall Mathers LP Kill You [Eminem] When I just a little baby boy, my mommy used to tell me these crazy things She used to tell me my daddy was an evil man, she used to tell me he hated me But then I got a little bit older and I realized, she was the crazy one But there was nothing I could do or say to try to change it cause that's just the way she was They said I can't rap about be in broke no more They ain't say I can't rap about coke no more (A !) Slut, you think I...
  • Ticket To The Neil Young Concert
    1,317 words
    Neil Young in Halifax I was getting ready for school one morning when my father said that my cousin Jennifer was on the phone and she wanted to know if I wanted a ticket to the Neil Young concert coming up in Halifax. I said I did and I kind of forgot about it. It was Halloween night and I was listening to an old Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young album when I looked at the release date when I realized that in a mere five days I was going to witness a legend in his finest form. Some say the Neil You...
  • Mean Professor Weirdo
    610 words
    Izzy saves the Olympics Hi! I'm Izzy! I want to tell you about a real cool adventure I just went through. I had to keep that mean Professor Weirdo from taking the Olympics away from the world with his new invention the "Super Sucker". Oh, let me get on with the story. Here it goes! One day, while I was watching the Olympics swimming events on the television, something weird happened. On the screen, a big, floating, tree-shaped vehicle landed right in the middle of the pool. Then, there was a big...
  • Life By The Cantankerous Little Alarm Clock
    500 words
    ' My Alarming Dream ' My little old copper alarm clock rests on my desk tick - toc king away each inevitable second of the day, only to shake, rattle, and ring me to wake every morning. As I lay there in bed, half dead, sometimes wishing maybe that I was, achy and tired stretching and scratching like a jungle cat, I feel the morning crawl into my house. The smell of fresh coffee creeps under my door my sister's radio blares the newest teen sensation and drowns out the morning news light seeps in...
  • Back Onto The Boat
    929 words
    Beauty, Tranquility, and having fun are all things that pull me back underwater every summer. Being deep underwater can calm my soul, letting me enjoy the wonderful scenes that only can be found under the rippling waves of the sea. About two years ago; we were in the keys on the southern tip on Florida, and had just boarded a fairly homely dive boat for my first ocean dive ever. My Father and I had been planning this trip for months, and today was the day it would happen. As the sound of the mot...
  • Only Thing Pa
    1,444 words
    What is American History To many kids today it is boring information about subjects dealing with war, government, and the suffering of our country, but as I attend my daily life I never stop to think of the kind of role my family played in our countries history. As I interviewed my grandfather, a part of our families history that was once hidden is now revealed. This interview left me in amazement, helping me realize what an affect he had on our counties history and made me appreciate it much mo...
  • Trials
    396 words
    Act 4: Crucible Its sad to see how the town is falling apart because of these trials. Cows are wandering loose, crops are rotting in the fields, and orphans are wandering without supervision. People are either in jail or attending the trials or are just much too busy worrying about being accused of witchcraft to do much else. It seems that the only reason the Judge is even continuing on the trials is in fairness to those have already hung. But the problem with that is I dont think the people who...
  • Fucking Kid Wouldnt Alan
    1,718 words
    english-creative writing SUSPECT On the ground, Mother Fucker. Next to your dead friend. Add that order to $352, mix in Rubys Stop n Shop, stir in a dash of a. 357 Magnum, and there you have armed robbery. It was Erics first kill, and it felt good. His sneakers slapped against the wet pavement, echoing in his ears. When he jumped off the curb, his left foot slipped a little, throwing him off balance. Damned sweatshop shoes. The bubble-vest he had donned earlier in the evening flipped behind him ...
  • Just Couldnt
    1,371 words
    Hold on, I said lazily to my mother, Ill be there in just a minute. Today was the day we would go to the beach for our family reunion. It was the third family reunion this year! Right now Im fourteen, and so far in my lifetime, I have had twenty-six family reunions! Thats two every year! As I got into the van, and my started to take off. The trip to the beach takes about and hour, and three-fourths of the way there I realized I had forgotten my swimming trunks! Mom, I forgot my trunks! Well, I g...
  • Just Couldnt
    508 words
    miles long. They would walk all this way, if they couldnt keep up they would be shot. If they broke their ankle or leg or just couldnt go on for any reason, they would either be shot or left there to die. If the Nazis thought they were just trying to fool them, so they could run when everyone else got far enough away, then the Nazi would shoot him or her in the leg or somewhere so they couldnt move, and just leave them their to die. A total of about 250,000 people died during them. The Nazis als...
  • Their Families Back
    1,312 words
    Life today is very different when compared to life back when my grand-father was my age. What we do (or more appropriately, the lack of what we do) in everyday life is taken for granted. Our society as a whole has become lazy when compared to back then. There were different events that completely affected and altered everyday life; such as inventions, wars, and depression. Family life is also very different today in most cases compared to the values and morals they placed on their families back ...
  • Back With Jen
    1,367 words
    "Good-bye to the one I love" The way never to lose someone is never to forget that they love you, and will always be there. Have you ever left for school in the morning without saying good-bye to the people you love? I bet you have. Many people say that they don't take people for granted, but at some point in life, I'm positive we all do. Sometimes people don't realize what they are doing, until it's too late. We have to learn from our experiences, and use the knowledge we gain in order to make ...
  • Back In The Club
    1,304 words
    I'm sitting here wondering about life and why its so fucked up for me, What is wrong with me?? I feel in so much pain and just want it all to end. The only good thing in my life is my girlfriend and she's on WAP so I have never even met her but I do really love her which a lot of people don't understand! Before, it was enough for me but it all changed a few days ago! I went on holiday and met this girl outside the cinema toilets. I was with my parents at the time so just eyed her up! But as soon...
  • Top Of The Jump
    1,149 words
    The sun was faintly shinning through the clouds on an early February morning. A light snowfall was dribbling down on the trees like powdered sugar on a waffle. Birds were chirping, children were laughing, and the sound of skiers shredding down the slope was in the air. My good friend Este and I had been snowboarding for a couple of hours, going through every possible trail at the resort. We were the best of friends. He was my snowboarding companion. We would go riding every weekend practically. ...

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