Juvenile Delinquency essay topics

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  • Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention Act
    1,716 words
    The police is an institution in society that is granted certain powers and responsibilities. It faces several different tasks, among the most important is maintaining order and preserving constitutional rights. The conflict arises when public expectation of order collides with the right of young people to be on the street. The complexity of these roles can illustrate the problem police is faced with daily. The police have a high level of contact with people under the age of 18. "UCR data indicat...
  • Juvenile Delinquency Probation Cases Supervisions For 1997
    707 words
    40% of all residential burglary charges filed in 1997 were committed by juveniles -- up from 9% in 1996.28% of all non-residential burglary charges filed in 1997 were committed by juveniles -- up from 5% in 1996.29% of all Residential Entry charges filed in 1997 were committed by juveniles -- up from 18% in 1996.19% of all Theft charges and 18% of all Receiving Stolen Property charges filed in 1997 were committed by juveniles -- down from 22% (Theft) and up from 6% (Receiving) in 1996.18% of all...
  • Status Offenses In Girls Delinquency
    1,926 words
    Who is the typical female delinquent What causes her to get into trouble What happens to her if she is caught These are questions that few members of the general public could answer quickly. By contrast, almost every citizen can talk about delinquency, by which they generally mean male delinquency, and can even generate some fairly specific complaints about, for example, the failure of the juvenile justice system to deal with such problems as the alarming increase in the rate of serious juvenile...
  • Juvenile Delinquency 9 In A Report
    2,976 words
    Juvenile Delinquency 4 The current statistics of juvenile delinquency are astounding. I will look at the most recent statistics and a few of the programs implemented to reduce or prevent delinquency. Before delving to deep into juvenile delinquency it is important to consider the definitions of "juvenile" and "delinquent". The Merriam-Webster Dictionary gives two definitions of "juvenile": 1. Showing incomplete development, and 2. A young person; one below the legally established age of adulthoo...
  • Trends In Juvenile Delinquency
    1,705 words
    Juvenile Delinquency: A Brief History I. The harsh beginnings. Children were viewed as non-persons until the 1700's. They did not receive special treatment or recognition. Discipline then is what we now call abuse. There were some major assumptions about life before the 1700's. The first assumption is that life was hard, and you had to be hard to survive. The people of that time in history did not have the conveniences that we take for granted. For example, the medical practices of that day were...
  • Extent Of Juvenile Delinquency
    1,044 words
    Remember doing something mischievous or wrong when you were a kid and getting the label 'delinquent's lapped on you? Did you ever wonder what it meant? That is what my topic for today is... juvenile delinquency. In this report I will: define juvenile delinquency, give the extent of juvenile delinquency, give some suggestions on what causes juvenile delinquency, and what is being done in various communities to deal with this growing problem. The legal term juvenile delinquent was established so t...
  • Information On Juvenile Delinquency And Missing Children
    770 words
    JUVENILE DELINQUENCY We have all become used to reading about crime and violence in the new paper and seeing it reported on TV news. Such headings as "Pregnant 15 year old shot to death on St. Louis school bus", or "Toddler found murdered in rural Ohio" are common place to us. But what we may not realize is that growing numbers of of these violent crimes are being committed by teenagers, even by children. The trend is being felt all over the nation, from big cities to small towns. Violence is ru...
  • Juvenile Delinquency In The Greco Roman World
    837 words
    Juvenile Delinquency Existence in the Greco-Roman World Juvenile delinquency is a social problem that is widely recognized by sociologists as well as the general public. This problem of juvenile delinquency has not only existed in current history, but is one that probably predates even ancient history. As for this study I will concentrate on juvenile delinquency's existence in the Greco-Roman world and at times I will draw some comparisons to today's society. There were many social situations of...
  • Juvenile Delinquents And Adult Criminals
    1,085 words
    All legal systems were have distinguished between juvenile delinquents and adult criminals. Youth are usually not considered morally responsible for their behavior. Under the code of Napoleon in France, an example is limited responsibility was given to children under the age of 16. The punishment of juvenile offenders up to the 19th century was often as harsh as those given to adult offenders. In the U.S., young criminals were treated as adult criminals. Sentences for all offenders could be hars...
  • Juvenile Justice System Of Cook County
    2,053 words
    I. Introduction We can begin to draw comparisons and highlight distinctions about the meaning attached to youth violence, from the modern era to present day. Based on this meaning, we are able to understand the myriad of ways delinquent juveniles are affected by certain policies. Specifically, African Americans are over-represented in the juvenile justice system of Cook County, Chicago. Thus, they are a vulnerable population that is singled out by the system, and this further exacerbates and sti...
  • Office Of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention
    2,111 words
    The problem of how to deal with juvenile offenders constitutes one of our countries biggest challenges. There were 13.9 million reported offenses in 1995 according to the FBI's uniform crime report. That same year over three million juveniles were arrested, 800,000 of those arrests were index crimes, which are crimes of a serious nature. In 1995 there were 69 million juveniles. It is predicted that by the year 2010 the juvenile population will reach 74 million (Bureau of the Census 1995). The in...
  • Increase In Delinquent Behavior In Juveniles
    398 words
    "Getting tough on juveniles" may be one approach to attempting to correct the increase in delinquent behavior in juveniles, but I believe the best way to correct is through prevention. I feel if a child is properly reared and taught right from wrong from the beginning, then he or she will make the correct decision when a delinquent opportunity arises. There are numerous characteristics that parents must bestow on a child to ensure the child that they are loved and cared for growing up in life. E...
  • Biggest Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency
    1,239 words
    Imagine a thirteen-year-old boy living with his mother. His parents have been divorced since he was four-years-old. He has never really known his father and therefore uses his friends for his male role models. His mother has to work two jobs to support her family and is therefore not there to spend much time with her child. This is the type of child that is normally delinquent. Add to this scenario a group of teenage friends that are involved in delinquent activities and it is almost guaranteed ...

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