Juveniles As Adults essay topics

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  • Juveniles To Adult Prisons For Many Reasons
    1,543 words
    Today's court system is left with many difficult decisions. One of the most controversial being whether to try juveniles as adults or not. With the number of children in adult prisons and jails rising rapidly, questions are being asked as to why children have been committing such heinous crimes and how will they be stopped. The fact of the matter is that it is not always the children's fault for their poor choices and actions; they are merely a victim of their environment or their parents. Anoth...
  • Juvenile Court
    1,010 words
    Juvenile Should Juveniles be waived to adult court Philosophy 14 Nov 98 Should juveniles be waived to adult court. There has been tension between teens (pre-teens) and adults for thousands of years, and the question how to deal with the youth of a culture, in a punishment sense, has been with us for just as long. Socrates, for example, stated that "children show little respect for there elders". Since Socrates time largely due to the spread of guns and drugs, younger and younger children are com...
  • Juvenile Crime Deter Other Juveniles
    1,470 words
    Should juveniles be tried as adults For many years, juvenile criminals have been accorded special treatment in the courts. In recent years, however, the public has become dissatisfied with that system. Many people are insisting that juveniles who have committed criminal acts, be treated as criminals in spite of their age. I do not think it is a good idea to lock juveniles up in prisons with adults. For a child to set down and plan a murder for instance, there would have to be some kind of deep e...
  • Separation Of Juvenile And Adult Courts
    918 words
    As late as the nineteenth century, crimes committed by juveniles were handled in the adult courts. By the late 1800's, reforms in this area began, resulting in a separation of juvenile and adult courts. The state of Illinois established the first juvenile court in 1899. Before 1899, children would go to trial as adults and could get adult punishments such as long prison terms, severe corporal punishment and sometimes even the death penalty (Hartford Institute of Criminal and Social Justice 1). W...
  • Juvenile Offenders Need
    675 words
    Why would our government try to hurt kids Well, kids are being hurt right now. You see, in America punishment, rather than rehabilitation is being emphasized for juveniles who commit crimes. This way of thinking must stop with the addition of rehabilitation and prevention programs for juvenile offenders. States vary in their legal definition of a juvenile. In Illinois, for example, a juvenile is defined as any person below the age of 17. Using each states legal definition, the FBI reported that ...
  • 18 Year Old An Adult
    644 words
    Adult Crimes Deserve Adult Treatment Thursday, May 21, 1998. In Springfield, Oregon, 15-year old Kip Kink el opened fire in the cafeteria of Thurston High School. Two were killed and 25 others were wounded. Tuesday, March 24, 1998. In Jonesboro, Arkansas, 11-year old Andrew Golden and 13-year old Mitchell Johnson pulled the fire alarm and shot at the students filing out of the school. Five were killed and ten were wounded. Monday, Dec. 1, 1997. In Paducah, Kentucky, 14-year old Michael Car neal ...
  • Juveniles As Adults For Violent Crimes
    1,225 words
    As I entered the juvenile detention facility on 150th, I began to wonder about the female detainee I was going to interview regarding placement. I am sitting in a locked room with a desk, two (2) chairs and a large plexi e glass window. As the staff arrived she was accompanied with Farouka (the name has been changed to protect confidentiality). Farouka is a 14-year-old Caucasian / Hispanic female small in stature, wearing county 'blues' (issued clothing). She appeared fearful and teary eyed. She...
  • Extent Of Wayward And Dependent Juveniles
    320 words
    Juvenile Court is similar to a second chance when troubled minors have made a mistake lawfully. It gives juveniles a chance to correct their ways and become a good and successful adult. Minors have more rights than an adult has. They cannot be arrested or be questioned without a parent. Minors are even given special care if something is happening in the household. The government would help them find a better home so that they would not be in this position again. The cause of juveniles actions ar...
  • Juveniles Adult Sentences
    865 words
    What Happened to Juvenile Justice? There is a great deal of controversy over the trying and sentencing of juvenile offenders today. Many will argue that because the severity of Juvenile crimes has risen, the severity of its consequences should rise; however, no matter how serious the crime is, juvenile offenders tried as adults receive far worse than they deserve. The majority of Juveniles tried as adults are hardly given any form of human rights. Adult jails are not the environment children sho...
  • Juveniles In Adult Courts
    935 words
    Juveniles Tried As Adults 1 Juveniles Tried As Adults 2 Trying juvenile criminals as adults is unfair. Juvenile offenders are not as cognitively developed or mature as adults and, therefore, should not be held accountable for their crimes in the same way adults are. Many tough-on-crime advocates call for certain juvenile crimes to be automatically heard in adult criminal courts with convicted criminals subject to sentencing under adult standards. Such proposals focus on the gravity of the act an...
  • 67 Of Juvenile Defendants In Adult Courts
    2,100 words
    A juvenile is defined as not yet adult; young, childish, immature. In the United States, definitions and age limits of juveniles vary. The 16-20 year old age group has one of the highest incidences of serious crime (ojjdp. org). In 1994, juveniles accounted for 19% of all violent crime arrests in The United States. Although juvenile arrests for violent crimes declined 3% from 1994-1995 (the first decrease in almost ten years), the number of juvenile violent crime arrests in 1995 was 67% above th...
  • Automatic Trial In Adult Court Of Juveniles
    3,251 words
    THESIS STATEMENT: The Great and General Court of Massachusetts has erred in reforming the juvenile justice system by implementing policies and procedures that will harm juveniles and place society at risk. On July 23, 1995, an intruder brutally attacked and stabbed Janet Downing approximately 100 times in her Somerville home. The revolting Downing murder and ensuing arrest of Edward O'Brien Jr., a 15-year-old juvenile whom prosecutors say committed the heinous crime, through the state. When Some...
  • Juveniles To Adult Prisons
    2,116 words
    Maggie Marr Marr 2 Honor's English 11 Ms. Stout 20 February 2001 Incarcerating Kids Destroys American Society Humans all make mistakes, it is a part of life that no one can avoid. However, young adults are more likely than the older generations to make bad decisions and take part in things that they may someday regret. Some people say that making mistakes is just a part of growing up. But what if just one wrong decision could mean the difference between a normal childhood and spending the rest o...
  • Juvenile Court For A Crime
    2,644 words
    Trying Juveniles as Adults and Placing them into Adult Institutions Juveniles being tried as adults, who is to blame In todays society it is not who or whom it is what. Juvenile offenders are now facing a double-edged sword. Not only can they be tried in a Juvenile court for a crime committed. They are now being charged as adults. Charging a juvenile as an adult has stirred up many different views. When should we say enough is enough Violent crimes committed by juveniles have become a growing ep...
  • Crimes Its Time For Juveniles
    296 words
    A Juvenile is a person who is not fully matured yet; the word juvenile means physiologically immature or undeveloped (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). In this paper I will explain to you as to why I believe that juveniles should be treated like adults in all cases in our judicial system. I believe young people are fully aware of their surroundings and what they are doing. In the eyes of the court a juvenile is in thirty-seven states and the District of Columbia, those under age 18 charged with a law...
  • Juvenile Case To Adult Court
    595 words
    The question should juveniles go to adult prison is discussed in society and in media. Margaret Talbot article published in The New York Times magazine on rising number of adolescents and teenagers who are being imprisoned alongside adults and impact change may have on American society shows how important is this topic. Over the last ten years, the number of crimes committed by juveniles has substantially increased. By the time teenagers reach the juvenile justice system a lot of time had been l...
  • Juveniles In Adult Jails
    888 words
    When considering the idea of trying and sentencing juveniles as adults, it is important to know exactly what these procedures may entail. Amnesty International, a human rights group, found that Juveniles are often subjected to physical and sexual abuses while in detention (World: Americas Amnesty Says US Jails Too Many Children). An environment like this is far too hostile and dangerous for children. Not only does this environment bring on more punishment than needed, it is a major violation of ...
  • Increase In Crime By Minors Courts
    1,543 words
    Are juveniles as under control today as they were in the past Crime plays a major role in todays society. The government follows the policy and has always followed the policy that no crime goes unpunished. The controversy that surrounds the United States courtrooms today is whether or not a minor needs to stand trial as an adult for committing a serious offense. These decisions made by the judge or jury in the preliminary hearing affect the rest of the suspects life. The opposing argument to the...
  • Tough Juvenile Justice Laws And Many States
    774 words
    When juvenile crime rates soared in the mid-1990's, nearly every state began prosecuting and incarcerating minors as adults. But the rise in crime quickly turned into a steady decline, and by 1997 the juvenile homicide rate had dropped to its lowest level in 25 years. But occasional schoolyard shootings and other high-profile incidents of youth violence have kept the nation's focus on juvenile crime. As a result, most states still have tough juvenile justice laws, and many states continue to tre...
  • Deep Look Into Juveniles In Adult Prisons
    2,150 words
    A deep Adult Prisons Abstract A deep look into juveniles in adult prisons. Touch bases on several smaller issues that contribute to juveniles being in and effects of adult prisons. The United States Bureau of Prisons handles two hundred and thirty-nine juveniles and their average age is seventeen. Execution of juveniles, The United States is one of only six countries to execute juveniles. There are sixty-eight juveniles sitting on death row for crimes committed as juveniles. Forty-three of those...

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