Killer Whale essay topics

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  • Keiko The Killer Whale
    741 words
    KEIKO THE KILLER WHALE UNHAPPY IN ICELAND WATERS Reykjavik, Sept 13 AFP - A project to repatriate Keiko the killer whale, the lovable star of the Hollywood Free Willy movies, to his native Iceland waters one year ago has been a failure, a project spokesman admitted today. Keiko, who was flown home to Iceland from Oregon almost exactly a year ago amid a huge media frenzy that garnered worldwide attention, has still not begun to swim in deep waters on his own and is incapable of hunting fish to fe...
  • Red Wood And Killer Whale
    604 words
    This following report will show you the classifications and information of the Jaguar, Tiger Shark, Earth Worm, Red Wood, and Killer Whale. CategoryJaguarTiger Shark Earth Worm Red Wood Killer Whale. Kingdom-AnimaliaAnimaliaAnimalia Plantae Animalia. Phylum-ChordataChordataAnnelidaEmbryophytaChordataClass-MammaliaChondrichthyesOligochaetaConiferopsidaMammalia. Order-CarnivoraCarcharhiniformesHaplotaxidaConiferalesCetaceaFamily-FelidaeCarcharhinidaeMegasclolecidaecupressaceaeDelphinidae. Genus-Pa...
  • Orcas Distinctive White Spot Above The Eye
    1,166 words
    Killer whales are one of the most fascinating displays of ocean life. The killer whale has characteristics that are important to its survival in the ocean. It is interesting to know that killer whales have a plentiful diet. It is astounding to see how killer whales behave in the ocean. I plan to tell you about the killer whale, its characteristics, its diet, and its behavior in the ocean as well as the predation of the orca. Orcinus orca is the scientific name for the massive marine mammal. Orca...
  • Distinctive Dialect Orcas
    518 words
    Orcas Orcas are actually the largest members of the dolphin family. The name "orca" means "demon from hell" in Greek. The scientific name is Orcinus Orca The Orca was nick named the "Killer Whale when one was seen eating another whale. It was originally called "Whale Killer" and then was later changed to "Killer Whale". There are no confirmed records of orcas killing a human. Orcas are estimated to live 50-60 years They are said to be capable of setting an impressive pace of 34 mph and covering ...
  • Its Large Populations Of Killer Whales
    236 words
    Killer whales or Orca inhabit all oceans from the tropics to the edge of the polar ice pack. Throughout this vast range, only one species is recognized (Orcinus orca). The largest known concentrations of killer whales are found in the cooler coastal waters of both hemispheres. Norway, Japan, the Antarctic and our Pacific coast have such concentrations. British Columbia is distinguished by its large populations of killer whales, which are predictably found in sheltered, accessible waters. More th...
  • Gray's Beaked Whale
    928 words
    There are a great many species of whales inhabiting the sea. Whales are mammals, which breathe air with lungs, have warm blood and bear live young. These animals descended from land mammals about fifty million years ago developing into the various types they are today (Barker, Mark). The scientific name for these creatures is cetacean, which then branches into seven families. Each of the families goes by a name, the gray whale, the rorqual, the right, the sperm and the white whale. The other fam...

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