King Richard essay topics

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  • Rise And Fall Of King Richard II
    670 words
    Richard II Richard II was one of Shakespeare's political works depicting the rise and fall of King Richard II. Richard became king of England as a boy at 10 years of age, although his advisors made most of the political decisions of the kingdom until he matured. During this maturation period, Richard was more interested in learning about aesthetic things in life rather than things more responsible to the monarch. He had very little experience and talent in the areas of military tactics and his d...
  • Richard And His Brothers
    1,378 words
    Kings are generally thought to be beautiful, God-like humans from a certain genealogy. They are placed at the throne due to whom they were born to and / or who they marry. Richard ofGlouster is born of the royal family but, he does not possess the qualities of a King to be legitimate according to Shakespeare " richard. Richard and his brothers are all entitled to the throne if their father dies. By killing his two brothers, Richard is the only person in his immediate family entitled to the thron...
  • Richard's Personality And The Audience's Sympathy
    947 words
    The Turning Point alex thorn The crowning of Richard marks the turning point from his rise into power to his demise. Up until he becomes king, Richard is the underdog - albeit, a ruthless and evil one. Thus far, the entire play has been focused on Richard's attempts to assume power and seize the throne. However, once he becomes crowned King Richard, the focus of the play shifts to Richard's attempts to maintain power and hold the throne. Essentially, the challenge for Richard is no longer gainin...
  • Despot Rulers Rule
    745 words
    Richard Michael Williams In William Shakespeare's Richard, we see Shakespeare's interpretation of despot rule and the parallels that stem from this interpretation. The character type of Richard has been examined and marveled for thousands of years. From Plato's examination of despot rule in the Republic, we see the motives of what drives despot rulers. A look at the background of Richard and how his upbringing and personal life contributed this insecurities will help to understand why someone ma...
  • Bolingbroke To Overthrow Richard As King
    1,430 words
    Within Shakespeare's play Richard II there are many questionable and un trusting characters. Truth and duty are only illusions within the play. Lust for power and control override the order of England and its ordained king. It's believed that it is by the will of God that Richard is king. No mortal man can come between what God has set before them as rule. The final decision is God's and the only way that God's choice can be changed is by God himself, and no one else. God takes the Garden of Ede...
  • Murderous Sins Of Richard
    808 words
    The Cold, Fearful Soliloquy of a Condemned King The night before battle at Bosworth field, Richard's sleep is disturbed by the ghosts of those he murdered in his scheme to acquire and retain the kingship. The ghosts haunt Richard with prophesies of the justice due him. Startled from sleep, Richard's shaken soliloquy is delivered fearfully and honestly, testifying his gradation of sins and foreshadowing his inevitable demise. While dreaming, Richard is reminded of the evil deeds he has performed ...
  • Shakespeare Play Richard
    979 words
    In the late 1400's the House of York fought the House of Lancaster for the English crown. Because Lancaster's heraldic badge was a red rose and the Yorks was a white rose, the long conflict became known as Wars of the Roses. The real lives of the main participants of the Wars of the Roses will be displayed in this paper. In Shakespeare's Richard the participants in the Wars of the Roses were not suitably displayed. The participants in Shakespeare's Richard were Henry Tudor, Clarence, Edward V, R...
  • Next Step In Richard's Plan
    1,119 words
    To achieve goals, in one's life, one must be determined and focused. In the play Richard, Richard's goal is to ascend the throne. There are two ways that one can claim the throne, by birthright, or by might. Since Richard cannot claim the throne by right he must therefore take it by might. To accomplish this goal Richard, Duke of Gloucester, must be determined to achieve his goal at all costs and he must have the characteristics to meet his determination. In the first scene of the play, Richard ...
  • Richard's Older Brother Henry
    828 words
    Richard Plantagenet (Richard the Lionheart) was a king of England. He was born on September 8, 1157, at Oxford. Richard was the third son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He had an older brother named Henry and two younger brothers named John and Geoffrey. When Richard was born, King Henry gave Richard the Duchy of Aquitaine which belonged to his mother Eleanor. So Richard's full name became Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Aquitaine. Richard grew up in Normandy, which is in Northern France. It...
  • Clarence From The Tower Richard
    1,011 words
    The Evil of Richard Shakespeare Richard was a traitor, a murderer, a tyrant, and a hypocrite. The leading characteristics of his mind are scorn, sarcasm, and an overwhelming contempt. It appears that the contempt for his victims rather than active hatred or cruelty was the motive for murdering them. Upon meeting him he sounds the keynote to his whole character". I, that am curtailed of this proportion, cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deform'd, unfinish'd sent before my time Into this w...
  • King Richard II
    680 words
    In the play "The Tragedy of King Richard the Second" Shakespeare portrayed two different personalities. One was of a man a true politician, who was kind and just, never letting those around him misguide him. He would listen to every side there was of a story and even though those around him gave their opinions, he only considered those that were fair. He was a people person, so to speak, and a good king. The other was of a man star struck and lazy. A man, who blindly took the advice of those aro...
  • King Richard
    445 words
    King Richard 1st was called Coeur de Lion, which means Lion Hearted. He was born in Oxford, England 1157. He was the third son of Henry 2nd and Eleanor of Aquitaine. While Richard was still a baby he was betrothed to daughter of the French king Louis VII, and in 1172 he was given the duchy of Aquitaine in France, his mother's inheritance. As a child he spent his time protecting his interests from his father. Richard turned out to be a brilliant solider. When he became king in 1189, he set out on...
  • Rest Of The Kings Thought As Richard
    1,635 words
    The use of Toulmin model Applied to a scene from the movie SALADIN THE CHAMPION (The Crusaders) Saladin: Ahmad M azhar king Richard: Handy Gai the Virginia: Lila Faw zi King Feleebe: Omar Alharerri by: Al-Omani Q 8 Comm. 480 Assign#3 Summer 98's aladin the champion (the crusaders) This movie talks about the crusades to gain Jerusalem back from the Moslem army that was lead by the great sultan Saladin. At the beginning of the movie the Moslems hear about the mis fortunate Moslems that are treated...
  • Peoples Image Of Richard
    562 words
    Richard, a wicked tyrant, an unscrupulous murderer, a deformed hunchback. Just some of the reputations and images that have been associated with this notorious king ever since his death on the fields of Bosworth. The one thing that is clear is that Richard is the most controversial of all kings and this controversy may go some way to explaining his extreme reputations. There are a number of factors that one needs to explore before one can make such a clear and distinct historical judgement. Ther...
  • Richard's Death
    552 words
    Was Richard the Third Evil Richard the Third was thought to be an evil mastermind here are three main reasons as to why. The primary reason he was thought to be evil, is on his accession to the throne, a few of is relatives were died and he was later accused of murdering them. The Princes in the Tower were killed but no evidence was ever found to pin Richard to their deaths. Many contemporaries looked on him as the Devil Incarnate Throughout history legends began that Richard was deformed in bod...
  • King Richard
    856 words
    Richard reigned for two years, two months and one day. His reign was over run my rumour and even to this day people see Richard as a tyrant. One of the rumours that plagued Richard throughout his reign, was that he had murdered his two young nephews. (one of which was Edward V, who succeeded to the throne immediately after the death of Edward IV). Even in the days of Richards reign, murdering children was seen as an appalling thing to do and whether Richard did kill his nephews or not, it did no...
  • Guilty As King Richard II
    620 words
    In this play of challenge and debate, could it be possibly suggested that King Richard had a part to play in the murder of his uncle the Duke of Gloucester Could the reader possibly pick up this assumption having known nothing about the play These are all factors that one must find by reading in between the lines, noticing and understanding the silence that is exchanged. For the silence is just as important as the speech. Why is it assumed that King Richard II has anything to do with the murder ...
  • Henry Richmond Over King Richard
    1,877 words
    A Summary of Richard The movie Richard, released by MGM / United Artists Pictures in 1995, features such noted actors as Ian McKellen, Annette Bening, Robert Downey Jr., Kristin Scott Thomas, and Maggie Smith. The movie, based on William Shakespeare's frequently performed play, is about King Richard, one of the last medieval English kings. The film takes place during the 1930's in a fascist, almost "nazi like" England. The film opens with Richard and his troops storming a 1930's building in Tewk...
  • King Richard And Bolingbroke
    775 words
    King Richard and Bolingbroke are without doubt the two most central and influential figures in Richard II. It can also be said that to a certain extent that when a degree of hostility is felt towards one character a degree of sympathy is felt towards the other character. Richard is the focus of Act One. He has the opening lines, which immediately establish him as a central figure. He is faced with a problem as soon as the play opens and he commands the two gentlemen, Mowbray and Bolingbroke, to ...
  • God For His Richard Hath
    693 words
    Legitimacy Richard became king at the age of ten, taking over for his father, Edward the Black Prince, Edward's oldest son, who predeceased his father. This elevation gave the boy authority over all nobles, including his uncles. Once crowned, Richard's right to rule and to have his commands obeyed was supported by the order of God, since it was believed that the king's power was issued directly from God. The king served as the representative of God on Earth, and to resist the will of the king wa...

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